Popular Post Karis Posted October 25, 2020 Popular Post Posted October 25, 2020 Hello everyone, i'm proud to announce the launch of Singe 2.0 designed by Scott Duensing. For history, Singe 2 is the successor of Singe, a dll for Daphne allowing to adapt/create laserdisc games. Singe 2 is no longer dependant of Daphne. It is a standalone program (for Windows 32/64, Mac, Linux) and many games are already available. In this thread i will mostly talk about my own releases for Singe, but you can find more on the official website. Singe 2.0 Features: - any resolution/format for games (Daphne/singe was limited to m2v and was experimental at 1080p) - adaptable overlay (Daphne Singe was limited) - No maximum lenght limitation (was 65536 frames) - Better controls (all buttons of the pad usable) - Many more... GAMES: You can find the links for the games on the Singe website. For my own games i provide you this link (i suggest you use it since it's updated as soon as i make modifications/corrections) : For easy maintenance (future updates) I separated the app from the games directory. So you have now to download each game separately. First here is the link to The app + Tutorial + bats: https://mega.nz/folder/gfgHEYCA#RC4_1yJT7IAhI9YC5fMEnQ For now here is the list (just put the downloaded directory in the singe directory): http://www.ystari.com/emu/chantze.png - Chantze AND Triad Stone: HD port from a new source based on the original Poiu's work (credit to him) Difficulty: 2/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/sKgS3A7K#T-stpGn42wvmVCj4pyAyYA http://www.ystari.com/emu/cliff.png - Cliffhanger: 1080p Adaptation of the Classic. Cliffhanger includes 2 "missing link" extra levels based on the Lupin/Cagliostro movie. Difficulty : 4/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/sPgWyToK#x5Uccbi2ygu55Qr0iZmcQw http://www.ystari.com/emu/dle.png - Dragon's Lair enhanced: That's it! Difficulty: 4/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/ROgSQYLT#nt1gL2Bh2jMGnBeaLJzRIQ http://www.ystari.com/emu/dl2e.png - Dragon's Lair II enhanced: No need to explain. Dl2 includes the new enhanced rom allowing a better gameplay with the special objects. This is the native 4/3 version (surprise included) Difficulty : 4/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/JSYGVJCB#IkzmuhY0lg_AdLIF-KAC2g http://www.ystari.com/emu/fi.png - Fire & Ice: fan game based on the Ralph Bashki movie (2 versions of the game available) Difficulty : 3/5 (v1) 4/5 (v2) Link: https://mega.nz/folder/cL5QERxJ#9ZqW9766p6Lk_1cv2VbYiQ http://www.ystari.com/emu/hayate.png - Ninja Hayate: HD version of the Taito clasic (Arcade and PSX versions) Difficulty: 3/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/cDJVDILB#MvsxkJ-XU6ItDmsxJJTswg http://www.ystari.com/emu/mono.png Princess Mononoke: fan game based on the Hayao Miyazaki movie. Difficulty : 4/5 link: https://mega.nz/folder/gPhEjbBZ#pJGfELCQElv2KBrBrKycUA http://www.ystari.com/emu/sae.png Space Ace enhanced: infamous ! 3.31b required Dificulty: 4/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/QP52AQZD#e2JVY0Qlwk-Rwlb54yAZsA http://www.ystari.com/emu/SP.png Sucker Punch: fan game based on the crazy Zack Snyder movie. Difficulty : 5/5 (maybe 6) link: https://mega.nz/folder/NaowELiS#l_2Wnde0FuyvXrOdJNkpIw http://www.ystari.com/emu/tg.png - Timegal HD: HD (upscaled) version of the Taito classic. This is the native 4/3 version. Difficulty : 2/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/JaxU1ZwB#PRbySncc2ekbGBZBnnQaBQ http://www.ystari.com/emu/titan.png - Titan A.E: fan game based on the Don Bluth movie. Difficulty : 3/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/5Oh01L6D#xA_Atni7e3SpQV7y43_ngQ http://ystari.com/emu/tron.png - Tron : fan game based on the original movie. Difficulty : 3/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/UP5gFKjK#e73XLKfSxPZa9AjPm9lg1A http://www.ystari.com/emu/acr.png - Altered Carbon Resleeved : fan game by Mazinger4life (thanks to him). Difficulty : 4/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/9fpSzRiI#Ct-ihGxtIdzr7l9nUgcYaQ http://www.ystari.com/emu/asterix.png - Asterix: Port of a game released for Singe 1 by Nado74 (credit to him) Difficulty : 2/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/YPwAVZhQ#hyeCWW_n9HpTmnFdCH_ipA http://www.ystari.com/emu/cp.png - Crime Patrol: Port of a game released by Poiu Difficulty 3/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/8eJHzSbT#Hcg9Yw-C0Ijo9FL4BvsVwA http://www.ystari.com/emu/cp2.png - Crime Patrol 2 Drug Wars: Port of a game released by Poiu Difficulty 3/5 Link: https://mega.nz/folder/lGgyUAyD#Jr1tuatiXANNk6lCdN400w http://www.ystari.com/emu/lbh.png - Last Bounty Hunter HD: Port of a game released by Poiu Includes Real Showdown (see page 26) Difficulty : 4/5 Link 1080p: https://mega.nz/folder/cC5QSCYS#kiEVUjhr8RKtboXYrGD-Tw Link 480p: https://mega.nz/folder/Na42TYLL#XEYZXdooGJjyBFo0XR9doA http://www.ystari.com/emu/maddog.png - Mad Dog McCree HD: Port of a game released by Poiu (credit to him) Difficulty : 3/5 Link 1080p: https://mega.nz/folder/IPoQEKgT#Z3FIdFWI7JkzEqJ2XVSL8Q Link 480p: https://mega.nz/folder/pCwGGCZA#K4RFxhAmguFPbfWIiUHaMg http://www.ystari.com/emu/mad2.png - Mad Dog McCree 2 HD: Port of a game released by Poiu (credit to him) Difficulty : 4/5 Link 1080p: https://mega.nz/folder/Na5C0CzI#qJ23fmGS2EN4olZd8osKww Link 480p: https://mega.nz/folder/xHhmzSbB#80PF6LzFoCXMsHB11vogjw http://www.ystari.com/emu/spp.png - Space Pirate HD: Port of a game released by Poiu (credit to him) Difficulty : 3/5 Link 1080p: https://mega.nz/folder/VD4wmKIQ#9d1ztP2RB2OGI_z_0Gkxug Link 480p: https://mega.nz/folder/ZKgWgShI#283iJjnf34l7j6lYj3COaA http://www.ystari.com/emu/wsjr.png - Whoshot Johnny Rock ?: Port of a game released by Poiu (credit to him). Fixed. Color and B&W versions. Difficulty : 3/5 Link 1080p: https://mega.nz/folder/ZGhQkSJS#Im0_0uM7kuRrmqi32xAB7Q Link 480p: https://mega.nz/folder/de5m1QqT#gM42Q14EY0V0N4DWo8JBIw a few notes : - For all those games, you will find an Assets directory, including pictures (logo, cover,...) for you favorite launcher - In order to launch the games, you just need to click the corresponding bat file. GAMING MODES: In the option menu, you can define the gaming mode among: - Normal: that's the classic type. For each failure you lose a life and go back to start of Level/Scene/Move - Life Bar: You've got hit points and lose some for each failure, a serie of good moves will give you some life (this is an easier mode than normal) - Percent: you just play one level and cannot die. At the end you % rate will be determined (this is a good trainer) - Survivor: One Life, No continue, No save, dedicated High score. For the hard boiled players! - Kid: you play with only one button that you need to press at the right time. - Movie: No play at all but you can watch the story peacefully. CONTROLS: 1 or Start : Start the game 5: Add Credits 9 or Right Thumb : Options menu Left Control or Button A : Action Left Alt or Button B : Action 2 (used as feet in Cliffhanger) Arrows or pad : Move Esc or Start+Select : Exit When you're in the attract mode you can push the action button for more detailed controls. In the Options Menu, you can define many things like Starting Level (and Scene) - So yes you can finally play the unreachable levels of DL2 - Number of lives and Death Rewind (read the tutorial for more details). Death rewind defines where the game resets when you die: - Level (most boring option - not recommended) - Scene - Last move (note that this option can be tricky in some games where moves are close to each other) - Next move (like Space Ace, note that this option can be tricky in some games where moves are close to each other) 4/3 VERSIONS: For Asterix, Mononoke, Sucker Punch, Cliffhanger, Fire and Ice & Titan A.E i also made 4/3 cropped versions (if your screen is not 16/9). You just need to put the file in the Movie directory (replacing the 16/9 movie). If you need a specific resolution for your system (lower resolution for example), just ask and i'll consider it. Here is the link : https://mega.nz/folder/MeQmCBRK#FXggSXJUaW3ho60PzaQ7DA 16/9 VERSIONS: For 4/3 games (DL2, TG), i prepared something special, with a bezel. Normally, converting those games to 16/9 means cropping and i'm not a big fan since cropping means removing important parts of the image. The link includes the new video and a new main.singe (in order to keep things like score at the right place). In this directory you can also find a 16/9 cropped version of Titan A.E and Sucker Punch. (without black bars). Here is the link: https://mega.nz/folder/ke403KLD#tV6lZP6BaNJHWlL4JYUH1g 480P PACK: For those with older monitors, here is a pack of the movies+overlay suited for a 480p resolution. This link does not include Singe or the script. Just download them and replace movies and overlay. Please don't change overlay resolution! link: https://mega.nz/folder/If5WCKAa#nhcxUYk4y-FizKCL6udFOg TUTORIAL: With Singe 2.0 you can create your own FMV game. It's not difficult and does not require any programming skills. For this you will find a complete tutorial pdf in the link, along with a "Blank" directory which contains all you need. Link: https://mega.nz/file/tW51lS5J#cG0SBu2_9cb-65hMcXc4nTErEKue_FXZ8eK8ZshjXJk BAT ARCHIVE: This archive contains bat files for 32 games released for Singe 2, both in fullscreen and window version. Notice that i named the singe exe singe.exe instead of the complicated name. Link: https://mega.nz/folder/0XQwAbxa#756YSCWfNAcWfnAMDHEl9w So, i hope you enjoy all of this and don't hesitate to ask questions. I will do my best to answer quickly. AHK SCRIPT: Real arcade cabinet sticks use dinput instead of xinput. For now Singe does not recongnize dinput, but as a workaround, you can use JoyToKey and link some keys to your buttons. Here is a script that will launch JoyToKey, then the game and kill the JoyToKey process when you exit the game (you need to edit it accordingly to the game you want to launch, like a bat file): https://mega.nz/file/0bxkTADC#1Omrx3os2uUN_wDkdKGlA-kidllxZWeWxodO2TC6-yE MENU: http://www.ystari.com/emu/frontendnew.jpg Demo of the menu: https://mega.nz/file/NGgW1YjZ#sLg-n2BHiiyqyCRVl9JTWV7h7dSy1g30V_Kf8mbXUhs If you wish, you can use the singe Menu (windowed or fullscreen) as a laucher for you singe games. If you downloaded the program here, then all the needed files are included for all games (including games released by other authors. If you're not up to date, you can download all the needed files here (just paste them at the root your singe directory, meaning where the singe.exe is): https://mega.nz/folder/gXByQbTJ#qRL1LbiiPsAklX4B2r1a8Q Of course you need the game to lauch it for real. TP STYLE LOGOS: http://www.ystari.com/emu/clear.png https://mega.nz/folder/8exm3S6T#xjW8Fu-h59YWeY5Vn6n8sw UPDATES: I will note updates here, so you can just download the files you need to stay up to date (you don't need to upgrade if you download now, all the games folder are 3.23) - 28/03/22: 3.32a minor correction for extra lives (goes in Singe/Singe/Script - you need it only if you already updated to 3.32 before this date) : https://mega.nz/file/ALBhWZ4Q#UK74W5_HsTyMmVPzEwZqrOVrWmLw3NIXbEnzmWYPIFQ - 23/03/22: 3.32 tiny update (3 new moves) https://mega.nz/folder/kCwRWSSK#nmXbdg4aGmWPExDpKkVO6g + new DLIIe - 29/12/21: DLIIe updated. - 28/12/21: Drug Wars HD - 27/12/21 : Crime Patrol HD - 26/12/21 : Space Ace enhanced - 26/12/21: Udate 3.31c for the script: https://mega.nz/folder/IehFVIhD#pwxbPSDWllPs-nbZnQogsA - 25/12/21: Complete Update 3.31c (minor bugs): https://mega.nz/folder/MO5RxQJC#pqlHbl27kfUSjEzm7IRv0A - 25/12/21 : Dragon's Lair enhanced - 24/12/21: Ninja Hayate HD (Arcade & PSX) - 23/12/21: Chantze's Stone / Triad Stone - 23/12/21: 3.31 Christmas update: https://mega.nz/folder/MO5RxQJC#pqlHbl27kfUSjEzm7IRv0A - 24/11/21: 3.23 update for QTE games. New "Survivor" mode, advanced menu: - 14/11/21: Space Pirate HD - 08/11/21: improved movie for MD2 (paste over previous file) - 06/11/21: MD, MD2 and LBH updated to 4:3 and new aiming system. - 05/11/21: WSJR HD, color and B&W. - 30/10/21: LBH HD with Real Showdown (see p26). Updated MD1 and MD2 with this too (+bugs corrections) - 20/10/21 : Minor Death correction for Dl2e.singe (paste over previous file) - 20/10/21: Mad Dog 2 HD released. - 25/06/21: ACR now in 24FPS (also 4/3 and 480p). - 25/06/21: Small Update 3.22 (from 3.21). Small corrections on timed actions (put it in Singe/Singe/Script) - 20/06/21: Update 3.22 (from 2.x). Small corrections on timed actions - 20/06/21: Update 3.21. Unites most of the games and Life Bar depending on difficulty - 20/06/21: Lighter ACR Movie - 20/06/21: Lighter Tron Movie - 14/06/21: Update 3.2 (new moves and bug corrections) - 11/06/21: Update 3.1 (rankings upgrade) - 09/06/21: Few minor corrections for main.singe (goes to 3.04). - 03/06/21: Update 3.0 for most programs (not Dl2e and Mad Dog) - 19/05/21: Update to 2.3 for most programs (not Dl2e and Mad Dog). This update add a new gaming mode (Life Bar). For more informations, check the last page. - 05/04/21: Mad Dog added - 18/03/21: bat archive - 13/03/21: experimental new frontend (see my post on page 13). - 03/03/21: small cosmetic update (2.21) for most games scripts - 03/12/20: version 2.2 for all games (2.0 for DL2e). All the directories are updated. - 02/12/20: Cliff and DL2 now have percent mode. - 30/11/20: Sucker Punch! - 28/11/20: Tutorial and Blank file v2.12 - 25/11/20: Update for Dl2e and Cliff (Dynamic Res) and for FaI, TG, Titan (like Mononoke). Titan AE 16/9 cropped. Added Asterix (full game). - 24/11/20: Mononoke (new gaming mode/Dynamic Resolution/Graphics) - 16/11/20: Mononoke (full game) - 12/11/20: improved movie for Timegal (again) and Dl2e. - 03/11/20: improved movie for Timegal (in Timegal\Movie) If, after update, you have problems for some games (freeze or anything), don't bother and just redownload the whole game. AUDIO STUTTERING PROBLEM: Some may experience audio stuttering. Msincognito (thanks) pointed the fact that Singe does not like 5.1 settings. So be sure that your audio card is set to Stereo and not to 5.1. That should solve the problem. If that does not work, then try to change Realtek drivers to regular windows HD audio drivers. Also the game might also stutter because your computer has difficulties with the HD overlay. In that case try to set it to LO def (last option of the menu - key 9) Last but not least, some people reported that setting singe.exe to launch as admin does improve things. To do this right click on Singe.exe and choose "Properties". Then go to the "Compatibility" tab and tick "Run as Administrator". Apply, you're done. 36
Rex2573 Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 1 ora fa, Karis ha scritto: Hello everyone, i'm proud to announce the launch of Singe 2.0 designed by Scott Duensing. For history, Singe 2 is the successor of Singe, a dll for Daphne allowing to adapt/create laserdisc games. Singe 2 is no longer dependant of Daphne. It is a standalone program (for Windows 32/64, Mac, Linux) and many games are already available. In this thread i will mostly talk about my own releases for Singe, but you can find many more on the official website : https://kangaroopunch.com/?page=Software%2F3000-2006-singe.xjs&fbclid=IwAR2eZxtVnzNR7bZWKozmVLAb6NDcVN3bpKAIDicZbavUl72N35nGW9i_00I Singe 2.0 Features : - any resolution/format for games (Daphne/singe was limited to m2v and was experimental at 1080p) - adaptable overlay (Daphne Singe was limited) - No maximum lenght limitation (was 65536 frames) - Better controls (all buttons of the pad usable) - Many more... GAMES : You can find the links for the games on the Singe website. For my own games i provide you this link (i suggest you use it since it's updated as soon as i make modifications/corrections) : https://mega.nz/folder/lf4UnaAQ#7IEiWRemKP7SRt2yZuOoUA For now here is the list : - Cliffhanger : 1080p Adaptation of the Classic. Cliffhanger includes 2 "missing link" extra levels based on the Lupin/Cagliostro movie. - Dragon's Lair II enhanced : No need to explain. Dl2 includes the new enhanced rom allowing a better gameplay with the special objects. - Fire & Ice : fan game based on the Ralph Bashki movie - Timegal HD : HD (upscaled) version of the Taito classic. - Titan A.E : fan game based on the Don Bluth movie. For all those games, you will find an Assets directory, including pictures (loco, cover,...) for you favorite launcher Also, two new games will be released before december. Those are challenging games with new kind of moves. More about this later... In order to launch the games, you just need to click the corresponding bat file. When you're inside the main controls are : 1 or Start : Start the game 9 or Right Thumb : Options menu Left Control or Button A : Action Left Alt or Button B : Action 2 (used as feet in Cliffhanger) Arrows or pad : Move When you're in the attract mode you can push the action button for more detailed controls. 4/3 VERSIONS : For Cliffhanger, Fire and Ice & Titan A.E i also made 4/3 versions (if your monitor). Here is the link : https://mega.nz/folder/MeQmCBRK#FXggSXJUaW3ho60PzaQ7DA You just need to put the file in the Movie directory (replacing the 16/9 movie). If you need a specific resolution for your system (lower resolution for example), just ask and i'll consider it. TUTORIAL : With Singe 2.0 you can create your own FMV game. It's not difficult and does not require any programming skills. For this you will find a complete tutorial pdf in the link, along with a "Blank" directory wich contains all you need. So, i hope you enjoy all of this and don't hesitate to ask questions. I will do my best to answer quickly. you are amazing for your work..excuse me if possible include in the pad a button to exit from game directly from pad and not using the key board,please..thanks from now 2
Karis Posted October 25, 2020 Author Posted October 25, 2020 (edited) il y a 4 minutes, Rex2573 a dit : you are amazing for your work..excuse me if possible include in the pad a button to exit from game directly from pad and not using the key board,please..thanks from now From the pad, you can hit Start + Select to exit. I will update my thread Edited October 25, 2020 by Karis 3
juice Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 thanks alot my friend loves tis stuff, dream come true
Moksi Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 I played around with Daphne long time ago , when i used the flight stick with Astron Belt the controls up / down were Inverted and you theres no option to Disable it possible with Singe 2.0 it could be done ? The American LaserGames is it possible to disable the crosshair in the test menu , because it always crashed when i tried it with Singe 1.0
Karis Posted October 26, 2020 Author Posted October 26, 2020 Il y a 3 heures, maabus a dit : @Karis Do you know how to slow everything down? its like everything is on fast forward Strange but i think it might be an indexing problem. For each game, Try to go in the Index directory and to remove the Nameofthegame.mp4 (it's the index). It will force Singe to reindex the game and it probably will solve the thing.
Karis Posted October 26, 2020 Author Posted October 26, 2020 il y a 48 minutes, Moksi a dit : I played around with Daphne long time ago , when i used the flight stick with Astron Belt the controls up / down were Inverted and you theres no option to Disable it possible with Singe 2.0 it could be done ? The American LaserGames is it possible to disable the crosshair in the test menu , because it always crashed when i tried it with Singe 1.0 For Astron it would be possible yes if someone port it. For ALG, i did not made the port (my firend Fabrizio did) but i think it's an option in the Menu yes. That said it should not crash with it in Singe 2
grandvent Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 What a great news ! I even saw you added support for generating a border for the sinden lightgun. I'm just wondering if singe2 supports 2 players (with 2 mouses for example). Thanks for your work. I used to dream in front of these machines. 1
Moksi Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 4 hours ago, Karis said: For Astron it would be possible yes if someone port it. For ALG, i did not made the port (my firend Fabrizio did) but i think it's an option in the Menu yes. That said it should not crash with it in Singe 2 Great to see theres improvement on these games with ALG the accuracy of the shots bugs me thats why i dont play it much, could there be an improvement with the acuracy of shots (without the crosshair) with crosshair visible its playable, since test menu crashed after disabling crosshair i tried to hide the crosshair but wasnt accurate at all . Hope to see some improvement
HVG Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 ALG game downloads don't have any script files (scriptName.singe) How can I make them work? Thanks for your work
Rex2573 Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 13 ore fa, Rex2573 ha scritto: you are amazing for your work..excuse me if possible include in the pad a button to exit from game directly from pad and not using the key board,please..thanks from now exuse my friend but TIME GAL, D LAIR 2 and TITAN A..E. don't run full screen mode
snupello Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 Error: Specified resolution is larger than the display after i press menu.exe, which file i can configure and how ?? tks 1
poiu Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 2 ore fa, HVG ha scritto: ALG game downloads don't have any script files (scriptName.singe) How can I make them work? Thanks for your work you have to make a bat file. this is what you need to launch crime patrol Singe-v2.00-Windows-x86_64 -k -w -z -v Crime_Patrol_Singe_2\video\Crime_Patrol.txt Crime_Patrol_Singe_2\Script\crimepatrol.singe
poiu Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 5 ore fa, Moksi ha scritto: Great to see theres improvement on these games with ALG the accuracy of the shots bugs me thats why i dont play it much, could there be an improvement with the acuracy of shots (without the crosshair) with crosshair visible its playable, since test menu crashed after disabling crosshair i tried to hide the crosshair but wasnt accurate at all . Hope to see some improvement which gun are you using ?
Moksi Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 21 minutes ago, poiu said: which gun are you using ? Aimtrak , without visible crosshair its unplayable i have to play with crosshair . with Mame , Sega Model 2 Model 3 it plays fine though without visible crosshair
poiu Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 (edited) 5 ore fa, Moksi ha scritto: Aimtrak , without visible crosshair its unplayable i have to play with crosshair . with Mame , Sega Model 2 Model 3 it plays fine though without visible crosshair ok https://www.sindenlightgun.com/ Edited October 26, 2020 by poiu 1
Karis Posted October 26, 2020 Author Posted October 26, 2020 Il y a 7 heures, Rex2573 a dit : exuse my friend but TIME GAL, D LAIR 2 and TITAN A..E. don't run full screen mode They should. What is your resolution ?
Rex2573 Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 (edited) 39 minuti fa, Karis ha scritto: They should. What is your resolution ? 1920x 1080..but TITAN A E RUNS IN PANORAMIC wide screen mode.. TIME GAL and DRAGON S LAIR 2 IN 4/3.. only FIRE AND ICE and CLIFF HANGER run perfectly in full 16/9 screen mode Edited October 26, 2020 by Rex2573
Rex2573 Posted October 27, 2020 Posted October 27, 2020 nothingh to do.. i tried to download again the file..but always both DRAGON'S LAIR 2 and TIME GAL run at 4/3..instead TITAN A.E. runs in panoramic mode and not full screen
Karis Posted October 27, 2020 Author Posted October 27, 2020 (edited) Il y a 7 heures, Rex2573 a dit : nothingh to do.. i tried to download again the file..but always both DRAGON'S LAIR 2 and TIME GAL run at 4/3..instead TITAN A.E. runs in panoramic mode and not full screen DL2 and TG are 4/3. This is their native resolution. For DL2 there are 16/9 versions existing but they are fake (they overscan the 4/3 to fit and so a lot of the up and down image disappear). For TG a 16/9 would be the same. My purpose is to preserve the image so i don't plan to overscan. Titan A.E is Panoramic natively. So having black bands up and down is strictly normal. Once again an overscan would remove left and right of the image. So i misunderstood your claim (the game are fullscreen, not appearing in a window) but this behavior is normal. Edited October 27, 2020 by Karis 1
Karis Posted October 27, 2020 Author Posted October 27, 2020 Il y a 14 heures, Moksi a dit : Aimtrak , without visible crosshair its unplayable i have to play with crosshair . with Mame , Sega Model 2 Model 3 it plays fine though without visible crosshair I'm not programming those one, but i've got an Aimtrak and i play them. Aimtrak is not the most perfect/ accurate gun (Sinden is way better as Poiu pointed). It's way more accurate with additional program like Demulshooter (but it Requires Argon, the developper, to make a profile for the game). For the remaining games (like PS2) you've got to adapt a lot of things. Do you calibrate properly (i mean long press, then aiming different zones of the screen) ? I guess so but i've got to ask.
Rex2573 Posted October 27, 2020 Posted October 27, 2020 5 ore fa, Karis ha scritto: DL2 and TG are 4/3. This is their native resolution. For DL2 there are 16/9 versions existing but they are fake (they overscan the 4/3 to fit and so a lot of the up and down image disappear). For TG a 16/9 would be the same. My purpose is to preserve the image so i don't plan to overscan. Titan A.E is Panoramic natively. So having black bands up and down is strictly normal. Once again an overscan would remove left and right of the image. So i misunderstood your claim (the game are fullscreen, not appearing in a window) but this behavior is normal. for not full screen i mean that they are not in full screen as the perfect CLIFF HANGER and FIRE AND ICE, in other words they are not in 16/9
Karis Posted October 27, 2020 Author Posted October 27, 2020 (edited) il y a 51 minutes, Rex2573 a dit : for not full screen i mean that they are not in full screen as the perfect CLIFF HANGER and FIRE AND ICE, in other words they are not in 16/9 Yeah i know. But 16/9 is not always perfection. Cliff and F&I are natively 16/9 (but the original Cliff game was released in 4/3 with cropping, so i restored it). The other games are not. When i do a game from a source i always keep the same ratio. DL games were meant to be 4/3, each 16/9 version is an alteration which removes important parts of the drawings (sometime it's even Dirk's head). TG never existed in 16/9. Edited October 27, 2020 by Karis 2
nado74 Posted October 27, 2020 Posted October 27, 2020 Thanks karis to you and Scott Duensing for the great work and patience. 3
MrLupin Posted October 27, 2020 Posted October 27, 2020 (edited) Hey guys, I installed Cliffhanger and am running under SINGE but its like the audio is stuttering and the video goes too fast sometimes. Any help? Edit: Never Mind, it was my audio drivers Edited October 27, 2020 by MrLupin Solved it
Moksi Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 17 hours ago, Karis said: I'm not programming those one, but i've got an Aimtrak and i play them. Aimtrak is not the most perfect/ accurate gun (Sinden is way better as Poiu pointed). It's way more accurate with additional program like Demulshooter (but it Requires Argon, the developper, to make a profile for the game). For the remaining games (like PS2) you've got to adapt a lot of things. Do you calibrate properly (i mean long press, then aiming different zones of the screen) ? I guess so but i've got to ask. yes i calibrated it . sinden is accurate dont like the white border unfortunately . i like the aimtrak since i modified it with force feedback with a sliding mechanism but i think Mame has a better accuracy without crosshair than Singe. ( Mame, Sega Model 2 , Model 3 , PCSX2 , Naomi uses the mouse pointer (not visible) Singe has the big pixel blocky like crosshair when i make the crosshair transparent (not visible) the accuracy isnt right. But i will try to Test mode with SInge 2.0 to see if disabling crosshair in test menu should make difference When MAME supports ALG i think that problem is solved but when is the question
MrLupin Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 3 hours ago, maabus said: What type of audio card do you have? I have the same issue. My audio drivers seem like they are correct. I don't have a audio card, I have USB Headphones. I restarted my pc and unplugged/repluged my headphones to fix it.
Karis Posted October 28, 2020 Author Posted October 28, 2020 Il y a 12 heures, MrLupin a dit : I don't have a audio card, I have USB Headphones. I restarted my pc and unplugged/repluged my headphones to fix it. If it does not solve a good first step is to reindex the file by clearing the index (located for each game in the index directory) and the restart.
poiu Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 15 ore fa, Moksi ha scritto: yes i calibrated it . sinden is accurate dont like the white border unfortunately . i like the aimtrak since i modified it with force feedback with a sliding mechanism but i think Mame has a better accuracy without crosshair than Singe. ( Mame, Sega Model 2 , Model 3 , PCSX2 , Naomi uses the mouse pointer (not visible) Singe has the big pixel blocky like crosshair when i make the crosshair transparent (not visible) the accuracy isnt right. But i will try to Test mode with SInge 2.0 to see if disabling crosshair in test menu should make difference When MAME supports ALG i think that problem is solved but when is the question I provided a sony ldp 1450 player to a member of mamedev to make the dump of the bios, now it's a long time but from what I understand they never succeeded. it's a bad luck I have all the lasedisc ready
Karis Posted October 28, 2020 Author Posted October 28, 2020 Il y a 2 heures, maabus a dit : @Karis I did a full reinstall, and unfortunately I still have the same issue. It's happening on all games and the splash screen. Right now the only other thing I can think of, is I have a remote computer connected to my system. Maybe it is somehow detecting the audio on the remote computer. I'll disconnect the remote system and see if it fixes the issue. I'm talking about reindexing, not reinstalling. When Singe does reindex you see a giant magnifyer appearing. What is your configuration ? Laptop maybe ?
phasermaniac Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 Hi! Im using a 15khz crt, and I have the old daphne runing at my maximum progressive resolution, 640x240 (that looks better than 320x240), using: -fullscreen_window -ignore_aspect_ratio? So the question is, how to use ignore aspect ratio in 2.0? Also, the new overlay images seems closer to the original, isnt it? But at these resolutions they look blurry, when in the old veraion showed pixel perfect. Also, any plan for suppirting dual lightguns (Raw input)? Thanks!
snupello Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 (edited) Ciao, is possibile run the game without the black tripes ? i use a cab with crt. ...or the video are 16:9 ?? i lunch the game : -k -w -z -v Edited October 29, 2020 by snupello
poiu Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 (edited) 33 minuti fa, snupello ha scritto: video resolution ? Edited October 29, 2020 by poiu
snupello Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 1 ora fa, poiu ha scritto: video resolution ? 640x480 is a crt video
Karis Posted October 29, 2020 Author Posted October 29, 2020 il y a 54 minutes, maabus a dit : @Karis Maybe you can relay this to Scott? I tried to sign up to the Singe forum, but I guess it's not setup yet. On top of my fast video, and garbled sound issue, I have come across the following errors. Selecting Karis' games in the menu then quitting, and reloading Singe, the menu locks up. Playing Karis' games from his bat file works fine. (Dragon's Lair Extend looks beautiful!) Also Selecting Karis' games in menu I get following error Error executing function 'onInputPressed': Singe\Menu.Singe:63 attempt to concatenate a nil value (field 'GENRE') and Error: specified resolution is larger than the display. Playing ALG games, and ActionMax games i have the following errors in the singe console window libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile libpng warning; iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB createtexture(d3dpool_default): invalidcall If a game is added to the menu, but does not have an attract .mp4 video in the games video folder, Singe locks up. Quitting Mad Dog Mcree, Mad Dog Mcree 2, Platoon, Time Traveler and Dragon's Lair TV then quitting menu does not close Singe console window. MDM stays open with script calls. MDM2 stays open with dip_coinspercredit: 1 Platoon stays open with Playing CDROM version 1.0b Time Traveler stays open with playing DVD version 2.0b DLTV stays open with script calls and the following warnings libpng warning: iccp: profile 'asus mx34v': 0h: pcs illuminant is not d50 libpng warning: chrm: invalid chromaticities I cannot answer for others games, but for mine, try to download them from the link i provided and launch them with the game bat, not the menu.
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