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mazinger4life last won the day on June 29 2023

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  1. Can you tell me when you start the game the first time if that give you erreor or after changing setting in the option it give you that error
  2. replace the venus war singe file with this Venus_Wars.singe
  3. try to replace the overlay folder with this Overlay.rar also put this karis framework folder on the the singe emulator folder where singe.exe is located KarisFramework.rar
  4. here the bat file with dos windows Venus_Wars - Copy.bat
  5. When you open the game there a dos black screen that show error ,press window button on keyboard to see rhe dos screen on the bottom page and show me what its written for venus war
  6. Do you have the same problème with other singe game on Windows 7, also when you open the game you should see a black Windows (at the Botton by pressing Windows Keys)telling what error you have,let me know.thanks
  7. On wich system you running the game , Windows 10 they may be some essentiels files missing,try redownload the game if that fix the issue,let me know.
  8. ok there you go Venus_Wars.bat ok there you go
  9. Ok Guy here m'y New game Venus War https://mega.nz/file/UlsUzTyZ#plsYIJCJrAxbE-Rwm1uKOKkmiGdKdd7YCrWe3Oeq6K4 If There anything let me know Enjoy
  10. Awesome The hypseus project since day one have improved on so many level and now the integrated bezel, thing got better good job xxoToToxx by the way the dragon lair bezel with original high score display is so dope,keep it up the good work 👍.
  11. great technical achivement😉👍
  12. I play with the keyboard and also on my arcade cabinet joystick and play fine,try testing the bat file first and see the result.
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