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[Arcade PC] Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (2019) (TTX3 / NESICAxLive2)

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Posted (edited)
il y a 3 minutes, R.R.Z. a dit :

Thanks it needs a loader? And also if its no bother can you upload it in 2 parts? Megadownloader 1.8 doesn’t work 


I guess it needs a loader like Fighting Layer EX.


I have spent 30 min to upload it, I don't want to spend 30 min again, sorry. Try Jdownloader 2.0.

Edited by Layer
Guest R.R.Z.
4 minutes ago, Layer said:


I guess it needs a loader like Fighting Layer EX.

I tried with the same result thanks anyway maybe someone here will upload it again in 2 parts or different 


Guest williecoiote
Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, spiderzsoft said:

useless without 2Players :ennuyeux:we cant enjoy VS mode with friends. hope some one release others games and 1CC release Jconfig for it.

like TC5...:lol:
(I agree. These games where only single player mode works are not funny at all..)

Edited by williecoiote
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Posted (edited)

The game works fine with iDmacX64, put JConfig in Samurai_Spirits_2019\Game\Onion\Binaries\Win64\ subfolder.

It seems there are 2 DLC charas in this version.

Pics posted with the courtesy of caesarkof from ppxclub :

(added to post 1)


Edited by 7zxkv
added to 1

j ai bien pris le jeux installer jconfig mais quand je lance j ai un ecran noir avec une phrase en chinois au millieu de l ecran et une en bas avec sur la gauche les logo nexi y en  a 3


Absolutely blown away by the incredible releases recently like SFV and now this. Just to say a huge thankyou to everyone involved and Layer for this upload, its truly appreciated

34 minutes ago, ViRuS-MaN said:

I took the game well to install jconfig but when I launch I have a black screen with a sentence in Chinese in the middle of the screen and one below with the logo nexi on the left there are 3

I fixed it 

download the jconfig for Fighting EXlayer and replace IdMacX64 and it will work :) 

Guest R.R.Z.
3 minutes ago, ViRuS-MaN said:

after selected player i have fatal error

Maybe its like ex layer only sometimes you see fatal error try again

il y a 3 minutes, ViRuS-MaN a dit :

yes same probleme maybe have a new iDmacDrv64.dll for remove this bug


il y a 3 minutes, sidlalami a dit :

in between fights I can not see the story mode only a button to skip it..... is this normal?


Have you ticked the compatibility with Windows 8 ?


Guest Bootleg
26 minutes ago, sidlalami said:

I fixed it 

download the jconfig for Fighting EXlayer and replace IdMacX64 and it will work :) 

thanks so I can play story mode =)

3 minutes ago, Bootleg said:

thanks so I can play story mode =)



this makes the game load but does not show story - also the game crashes at random places



Juste une question la version PC du jeu n'est pas passé sur mon PC pas assez puissant

Vous pensez qu'avec cette version arcade j'ai plus de chance ??

il y a 6 minutes, soso92 a dit :

Juste une question la version PC du jeu n'est pas passé sur mon PC pas assez puissant

Vous pensez qu'avec cette version arcade j'ai plus de chance ??


Vu les specs du TX3 modèle 404 avec sa CG GTX 660 qui fait tourner la compile NesicaxLive2, tu devrais tester.


I tried to replace the PAK files from the pc version - does not seem to work.


The movies/ story are all located in the game folder but they do not load before the start of the fight. Is anyone able to confirm they have it working?

Posted (edited)
il y a 9 minutes, sidlalami a dit :

yes - same problem


Maybe we have to wait for a more stable JConfig, maybe it's due to your graphics card drivers not up-to-date, or maybe it's due to nesicaxlive exe replacing original nesicaxlive exe in nesys folder. 

Edited by Layer
3 minutes ago, Layer said:


Maybe we have to wait for a more stable JConfig, maybe it's due to your graphics card drivers not up-to-date, or maybe it's due to nesicaxlive exe replacing original nesicaxlive exe in nesys folder. 

I have a RTX 2060 card so should not be this issue, the story file are just movie files located in the folder. Where you able to see the story? I wonder if everyone is unble to see the story or only a select few

Guest R.R.Z.
Posted (edited)

Proper jconfig or on tp we all waiting for loaders that will help get rid of those fatal error and solve online play and vs mode for 2 players for samurai and fighting ex layer,stv

Edited by R.R.Z.
il y a 1 minute, sidlalami a dit :

I have a RTX 2060 card so should not be this issue, the story file are just movie files located in the folder. Where you able to see the story? I wonder if everyone is unble to see the story or only a select few


I can't answer, as I use to play it on TX3 real hardware only.


Thank You Layer!!

1 ora fa, R.R.Z. ha scritto:

Proper jconfig or on tp we all waiting for loaders that will help get rid of those fatal error and solve online play and vs mode for 2 players for samurai and fighting ex layer,stv


Yeah!!! will be perfect :)

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