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fire10 last won the day on August 22 2018

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  1. I believe 3.0 is the working version and it is about 600mb
  2. Any chance we could get a working setup with a few games uploaded
  3. Yes now that Initial D Zero is supported and working with Tekno Parrot and has saving etc it would be great to get an updated guide. I still am not sure if its standard zero or zero 2.0 that's supported. Can anyone help. The latest build has just been released of tp
  4. Yes spot on work Argonlefou as always. One question for you if you dont mind. Whilst playing tombraider with demulshooter, if I hold down left click on my mouse it auto fires but then if I click the right mouse button to reload I get a test/cheat menu screen appear whilst ingame, is this a known about issue. Many thanks
  5. These are great thankyou. One question, when using 1920x1080 for terminator the only issue I see is that when you get hit the red hit texture that normally shows around the whole edge of the screen is smaller than the screen. I wonder if someone could locate this texture so we could make a 1080 version, maybe it's just a few .pngs?
  6. There devs are on absolute fire at the moment
  7. Hi mate did you follow setup information I posted for LAN that was explained to me by a very knowledgeable person 🙂
  8. Mohkerz is working on them, give him time
  9. I can get it to load but no sound and very slow, real shame
  10. This was explained to me by a cracking guy (you know who you are 🙂) I havent personally tested but these were the details. For linking get a cheap router Dlink or similar, routers have a settings option, normally accessed from the web browser and typing in the DHCP address (normally its or similar), once inside the configuration you need to setup the LAN address range correctly, the DHCP router IP should be and the IPs the router can assign should be to (aka the cabinet range), so for example once set the first allocated IP to a PC should be and the next .12 and so on. You also in test mode, need to keep them on the same group, but one needs to be Red, the other needs to be Blue - once that is done you can play in link mode.
  11. Could you reupload please, thankyou very much
  12. Its weird as I get the same issue and I get the bonus number boxes x1 x1.2 x2 showing all the way through the first level. They go if I die but it's super annoying https://ibb.co/YpwgJDm
  13. You are an absolute legend Denny, thanks for everything you do mate
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