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nohero last won the day on October 21 2020

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  1. If I like to get thanks and replies that's my ego? If you think I 'm doing it for my ego you are really wrong because I'm here just to help and NOT for attention and a lot of users know that. I have other examples I helped you and you never replied not only for thanks but just for saying something about. I had some doubts about you but now I got who you are, the way of typing is the same of another user here. Maybe I will ask to some mod here to ban me because I help to get attention and it's not a good thing CHEERs
  2. I can build the RAP file for you but I got no thanks from you last few times I helped you or better you never replied.
  3. LB pause menu works only with premium and my license is a free one.
  4. Really nice!!!
  5. For XInput or DInput it's a custom per-game configuration. You need to check which one is better for you. I.E. For enabling second player ( for moving the aim ) Ocean Hunter needs XInput Command Line because I have 2 xbox gamepad so native XInput. My advice is to try different configurations until you get the best for your needs. For the BAT file simply make a new text file and copy and past inside it the lines I posted and save the text file with the .bat extension. You need to change the path according yours. Then in LaunchBox you need to set an Additional App for SWT game. Put a name of your choice in the first box, put the path of the BAT file in the second box and check the "start automatically before" box. If you have questions, feel free to ask CHEERs
  6. LB Command Line XInput : -input-system=xinput LB Command Line DInput : -input-system=dinput The BAT file I'm using is for deleting NVRAM before game starts. So you need to edit the path according yours : echo Batch to delete file del "X:\Path\NVRAM\swtrilgy.nv" /s /f /q echo Done! Remember to hit the THANKS button if my posts are helpful for you CHEERs
  7. Didn't try the version you are using. Try to use a previous release.
  8. @chrisino, this is the line you need to add for starting JoyToKey with a BAT file : Start "JoyToKey" "X:\Path\JoyToKey.exe" You need to edit the path according to yours. This is the line you need to add for closing it with a BAT file : @ECHO OFF taskkill /F /im JoyToKey.exe @ECHO ON This one doesn't need to be edited. If you have other questions about it feel free to ask CHEERs
  9. Check your inbox CHEERs
  10. MK 11 by EMPRESS.... it's emulated
  11. Yes, no problem. I will do it later because I'm not at my home right now. EDIT : Check your inbox CHEERs
  12. Good to know. The shaking feature is not emulated in RPCS3. You can get it using a sixaxis controller like a PS4 one and there's no way to turn off that feature unfortunately.
  13. There's no fix unfortunately. I need to use v410 for it and for Star Trek Voyager.
  14. Install Loopback Driver by Microsoft.
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