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Posted (edited)





Update contents of 290
· "Loader Mode = g" has been added as an alternative to the environment where the screen of Giga Wing does not display properly after 288 Loader (Bounty Hunter, Homura (TTX), Shikigami III is also supported).
* Unlike "Loader Mode = y", this "Loader Mode = g" operates in d3 d8 mode to maintain compatibility.
* Since it restricts FPS with the frame limiter, it does not become full speed.
* Please adjust the frame rate and display / hide the frame counter from the "Loader setting 1" tab "Frame limiter".
* To switch the validity / invalidity of anisotropic filtering 16x, please refer to "Loader setting 1" tab "Anisotropic filtering 16x".
* When displaying the bezel image, please use "bg2.jpg" in the archive.
* If you can not display Giga Wing properly with this LoaderMode, please give it up.
* This update "TGM 3 frame limiter" has disappeared from Game Loader Config.exe (it exists as a function in TTX.ini).



Will any of this fix:


Shikigami No Shiro Episode III (TAITO X)

Cheers for any help.

Edited by Manson976
Posted (edited)

I have a questions and hopefully there is a quick answer, I have dealt with the issue before but have forgotten how to address it.  Most of my TTX2 games ect( Kof XII, Kof XII. Battle Fantasia, SFIV AE) the intro videos do not play, I have insert credit before vide is suppose to play and start game, but if game goes to video it may or may not crash. any suggestions? 


Win 7 

8 GB ram

GTX 6600ti



NVM I realized it is a Codec issue, but I am still unable to install the correct Codecs, installed K-lite Codecs, and issue remains. 

Edited by jaucent23

Avec la version 289 et 290 AUCUN jeu Ring ne se lance! J'ai tout paramétré pour la v1.06 de Tecknoparrot.

Du coup ce Loader a pas mal régressé.

Posted (edited)

Avec la version 289 et 290 AUCUN jeu Ring ne se lance! J'ai tout paramétré pour la v1.06 de Tecknoparrot.

Du coup ce Loader a pas mal régressé.

Hello Safur j'avais moi aussi voulu tester une des dernières versions pour les jeux ring mais vu que je suis resté sur la 1.04 j'avais un message ou il me demandais de passer à la 1.06.


Et vu que tout fonctionne à merveille avec la 1.04 et de mémoire la 280 je reste ainsi pour le moment en attendant la prochaine version public de Teknoparrot.



Hello Safur I had also wanted to test one of the latest versions for ring games but since I stayed on the 1.04 I had a message or he asked me to move to 1.06.
And since everything works perfectly with the 1.04 and memory 280 I remain so for the time waiting for the next public release of Teknoparrot.
Edited by soso92

C'est ce que j'ai fait du coup... Pour ma part j'utilise le Game Loader 286 qui marche très bien avec la 1.04.

J'espère juste que ça sera corrigé pour la future sortie du 1.20

  • Team

Faites vos message en francais/anglais car dje lis ce thread et nul doute qu'il corrigera son loader donc faite un effort pour lui et au final pour vous même ;)


Faites vos message en francais/anglais car dje lis ce thread et nul doute qu'il corrigera son loader donc faite un effort pour lui et au final pour vous même ;)

Ah ok je ne savais pas. Pas de soucis alors ;)


So dje thanks for your work. I tried your last Game Loader All RH 290 and with it the games from TecknoParrot can't be launched. The window with "Game is running" appears and nothing happen. With your version before (289) it is the same thing but with the 286 for Tecknoparrot 1.04 it works great.



Une question que je me pose avec Game Loader All RH lorsque l'on utilise une version et que l'on se rappel c'est quel numéro comment peut-on le savoir en exécutant Game Loader Config.exe ?


A question I ask myself with Game Loader All RH when using a version and what is remembered is what number how can we know it by running Game Loader Config.exe?


Pas sur d'avoir compris. En gros tu veux dire "comment sait-on que tel ou tel Game Loader All RH peut lancer par exemple la version 1.04 de Tecknoparrot?

Il suffit de lire le readme normalement. Mais si c'est une mise à jour il ne le marque pas. Par exemple la version 290 est une mise à jour des précédents mais il n'indique plus dans le readme que c'est juste compatible avec la v1.06 de Tecknoparrot. Je crois...

A vérifier.

Posted (edited)

Pas sur d'avoir compris. En gros tu veux dire "comment sait-on que tel ou tel Game Loader All RH peut lancer par exemple la version 1.04 de Tecknoparrot?

Il suffit de lire le readme normalement. Mais si c'est une mise à jour il ne le marque pas. Par exemple la version 290 est une mise à jour des précédents mais il n'indique plus dans le readme que c'est juste compatible avec la v1.06 de Tecknoparrot. Je crois...

A vérifier.

Non en fait je voulais dire par exemple j'ai un jeu avec lequel quand j'y joue je le lance avec game loader all rh.
J'avais mis pour cela dans le dossier du jeu une certaine versions de game loader all rh (Game Loader Config.exe + Game Loader All RH.exe juste ces 2 fichiers) mais je ne me rappel plus qu'elle version j'avais mise.
Comme puis je savoir avec ces 2 exe qu'elle est cette version ?
No actually I meant for example I have a game with which when I play I run it with game loader all rh.
I put for this in the folder of the game some versions of game loader all rh (Game Loader Config.exe + Game Loader All RH.exe just these 2 files) but I do not remember that version I had setting.
How can I know with these 2 exe that she is this version?
Edited by soso92

Tu laisses ta souris sur l'exe (sans cliquer) pour avoir les infos. Exemple :

attachicon.gifSans titre.jpg

Bien vu  :very-good:

  • Team



Update contents of 291
· We made window mode correspond to Gumdam.
* It did not work properly with Intel HD laptop of Windows 10 RS 3 (AMD is unknown because there is no PC to check).
* Since the mouse cursor is hidden after loader start process is completed, the mouse cursor will not be displayed even when going outside the game window.
* When * Loader Mode = 6 is set, there is a problem that the screen blurs if "Bicubic" is selected for the enlargement filter.
* It seems that it becomes Windows 10 RS 3 and the frequency of random freeze has further increased, but it may improve a little by setting Loader Mode = 2 (Software TnL 1) (image quality is the lowest).
* In this PC environment, Ending was reached including Secret stage at Loader Mode = 2 setting.

- Dragon Dance has been supported for startup in window mode with desktop resolution maintained.
* In the past, it was necessary to set the resolution to 640 x 480 in order to avoid the positional misalignment between the game screen and the mouse cursor even in the window mode.
* Since the interpolation by the bilinear filter is also done on the game screen, the image quality is also improved.
* Fixed a problem that hides when mouse cursor is before game play.

- It corresponds to movie playback in Windwos 10 environment to KofMira.
* You will not even see a black screen anymore.
* In this environment, the problem of lowering the frame rate of the movie occurs.
* In order to operate KofMira on Windows 10, ducon 2016's Windows 10 patched game.exe is required.

- The default font used in Game Loader Config.exe and Ctrl + F11 tool has been changed from the default "MS UI Gothic" to "Yu Gothic UI" in Japanese environment only.
* Please download if font does not exist. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49116
* By using Language.ini as the default, it will be displayed using "Yu Gothic UI".

- Game Loader Config.exe The "Back up TTX.ini" function has been added to the "Window size" tab.
* The storage location is "sv \ TTX.ini \ year, month, day, hour, minute, second \ TTX.ini".
* It is meaningless function.

- Fixed a bug that Strania crashed with most LoaderMode.
· Fixed a bug that Chinese Contra and Chase HQ 2 crashed when Loader Mode = 1.
· Fixed a bug that DLL was not injected in some games when Loader Mode = 3 + 6.
· We corresponded Akai Katana SIN, Battle Gear 4 Tuned, Farcry Paradise Lost to Loader Mode = 0.
· We have chosen China Contra for Loader Mode = 3.
· Akai Katana SIN, Chinese Contra, Dream Raiders corresponded to Loader Mode = 3 + 6.
· Raiden III, IV corresponded to Loader Mode = 5.
· Game Loader Config.exe "Window Size" Tab "Full Screen Mode" control became invalid state in KofMira, and it was impossible to switch.
· Cancel some restrictions of Psychic Force 2012 and Tottemo E Mahjong in Game Loader Config.exe.
· Some deleted meaningless functions in Game Loader Config.exe.
· Fixed crash determination timer.
· Updated ttx_config 2.0.exe.
· Since Game Loader Installer.exe has been updated, please execute it.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
· If it does not work properly, throw this Loader in the trash box and finish.




I'm starting to use Game Loader All RH for running all PC Arcade Games

I've made some test with some games and the result are great, with very good image quality and compability

I have windows 7 with ATI card

For a start, I'm trying to run the games with the native resolutions, and no filters applied

So, I'm a little confused about the settings in the first screen and the different loader modes


Then, my question is: which are the settings for running the games with native resolution and what's the best loader mode for that?

Thanks in advance


- It corresponds to movie playback in Windwos 10 environment to KofMira.
* You will not even see a black screen anymore.
* In this environment, the problem of lowering the frame rate of the movie occurs.
* In order to operate KofMira on Windows 10, ducon 2016's Windows 10 patched game.exe is required.


Problem, If I leave the intro video finish without pressing the start button it crashes in order for me to play the game I still have to skip it.


Shikigami No Shiro Episode III (TAITO X)

Had any chance to figure out why theses two games crash after level 1?

Cheers 7zxkv


  • The topic was featured
Il y a 10 heures, Manson976 a dit :

- It corresponds to movie playback in Windwos 10 environment to KofMira.
* You will not even see a black screen anymore.
* In this environment, the problem of lowering the frame rate of the movie occurs.
* In order to operate KofMira on Windows 10, ducon 2016's Windows 10 patched game.exe is required.


Problem, If I leave the intro video finish without pressing the start button it crashes in order for me to play the game I still have to skip it.


Shikigami No Shiro Episode III (TAITO X)

Had any chance to figure out why theses two games crash after level 1?

Cheers 7zxkv



Shikigami No Shiro Episode III (TAITO X)
Please upload TTX.ini for these two games.
I will check later.


Hi everyone, I see that many people got solve issues related with this loader in this topic, and I think that is a great loader for taito x-x2, nesica and other arcade games, I have play all them except one.....yatagarasu for nesica.......since long time I have some issues with the stages and backgrounds in black with this game, so I couldn't run it well, do you know how to solve it?? is it necessary and specific config to run it? ( I tried with the Hd patches and I tried in all loader mode, but I have the same result). Thanks for the attention.



Il y a 1 heure, RIKARIO a dit :

Hi everyone, I see that many people got solve issues related with this loader in this topic, and I think that is a great loader for taito x-x2, nesica and other arcade games, I have play all them except one.....yatagarasu for nesica.......since long time I have some issues with the stages and backgrounds in black with this game, so I couldn't run it well, do you know how to solve it?? is it necessary and specific config to run it? ( I tried with the Hd patches and I tried in all loader mode, but I have the same result). Thanks for the attention.




There is no problem with Japanese Windows 10 RS3 x64 Intel HD and Nvidia.

hace 15 horas, djexpert dijo:


There is no problem with Japanese Windows 10 RS3 x64 Intel HD and Nvidia.


Right...... I use W10 RS3 x64 too but in spanish......but my graphic card of my desktop is Nvidia GTX970......do you use Intel HD graphics too??.....so, I believe that is related with the graphic chipset. Thanks for the support.

Le 25/11/2017 à 17:52, Manson976 a dit :


Shikigami No Shiro Episode III (TAITO X)

Had any chance to figure out why theses two games crash after level 1?

Cheers 7zxkv


Just tried now with 2.9.1, no problem here (W10 64, Nvidia770GTX)

Maybe if it can help you, below are my files, just rename to TTX.ini

#HOMURA TTX 2.9.1_Tate.ini

#HOMURA TTX 2.9.1_Yoko.ini

#Shikigami No Shiro III TTX 2.9.1_Tate.ini

#Shikigami No Shiro III TTX 2.9.1_Yoko.ini

Il y a 5 heures, RIKARIO a dit :


Right...... I use W10 RS3 x64 too but in spanish......but my graphic card of my desktop is Nvidia GTX970......do you use Intel HD graphics too??.....so, I believe that is related with the graphic chipset. Thanks for the support.


I am using GTX 1080 2-way at home, Intel HD 4600 laptop at my workplace.
I can not help you, I am sorry.

Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, RIKARIO said:

Hi everyone, I see that many people got solve issues related with this loader in this topic, and I think that is a great loader for taito x-x2, nesica and other arcade games, I have play all them except one.....yatagarasu for nesica.......since long time I have some issues with the stages and backgrounds in black with this game, so I couldn't run it well, do you know how to solve it?? is it necessary and specific config to run it? ( I tried with the Hd patches and I tried in all loader mode, but I have the same result). Thanks for the attention.




Hi I used to have that same problem but i have it working... take a screen shot of your root Yatagarasu folder showing the files for me and your settings in ALLRH on the following 6 tabs:

windows size, loader mode, "loader settings 1, 2, and 3".

I will take a look and see if i notice something off.


(i also have a gtx 970)

Edited by BeardPapa
hace 1 hora, BeardPapa dijo:


Hi I used to have that same problem but i have it working... take a screen shot of your root Yatagarasu folder showing the files for me and your settings in ALLRH on the following 6 tabs:

windows size, loader mode, "loader settings 1, 2, and 3".

I will take a look and see if i notice something off.


(i also have a gtx 970)


O.k I show my settings that you said and the root of the game. In any case, I like know what is your config for this game. Thank you.












I'd like to make a suggestion to the maker of Game Loader All RH:

Right now, it's needed to put the Game Loader files in each game folder, and there is a problem with there is a major update, and it's needed to update the files installed by Game Loader Installer.

There is a problem, as the older files don't work anymore, and it's needed to update every game because they don't work with the new update


So, my suggestion is: is it possible to make Game Loader All RH works like a frontend or an "emulator"... I mean, a frontend able to launch the games, with the specific configuration for each game. 

I think it should be easier and when there is an update, it's only needed to update once and not for every game


Now that Reaver is going to make his own version of the loader, i think it should be a good upgrade to use Game Loader All...


I hope I'm explained well... 


Thanks in advance


Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, RIKARIO said:


O.k I show my settings that you said and the root of the game. In any case, I like know what is your config for this game. Thank you.





hmm.  the only differences i see in your setup vs. mine are as follows:

I have mine in "full screen mode" under window size (mine works in full or windowed though)

I do not have the following files in my game directory: rfidgodinject.dll, nxlcountdownrenderer_HD, nxlcountdownrenderer_SD.

i believe im using ALLRH version 286.


One thing you might want to try is deleting the folder and rextracting the zip again and try the settings above... make sure to default all settings in ALLRH when you start.


Let me know if you want me to zip up my game directory for you (everything not in a folder) 


Edited by BeardPapa
Posted (edited)
Le 15/11/2017 à 07:27, 7zxkv a dit :



Update contents of 290



Edited by 7zxkv
useless quote repeat
En 27/11/2017 a las 23:49, BeardPapa dijo:



hmm.  the only differences i see in your setup vs. mine are as follows:

I have mine in "full screen mode" under window size (mine works in full or windowed though)

I do not have the following files in my game directory: rfidgodinject.dll, nxlcountdownrenderer_HD, nxlcountdownrenderer_SD.

i believe im using ALLRH version 286.


One thing you might want to try is deleting the folder and rextracting the zip again and try the settings above... make sure to default all settings in ALLRH when you start.


Let me know if you want me to zip up my game directory for you (everything not in a folder) 



I set your recommended config, but unfortunately the graphic issue persist yet, curiously this is the only game that doesn't work properly, the other games work without any problem......Thanks for your help dude :very-good:

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il y a 18 minutes, fire10 a dit :

Hopefully Djexpert will work his magic on Haunted Museum now its been released :-)


 he must already work on it: D



  • Team
Posted (edited)

No sooner said than done!  lol



Update contents of 292
- It corresponds to Haunted Museum.
* It corresponds to right click temporary stop, but if the mouse hot key is in the way, please disable the "Other 3" tab "Enable Hot Key".
* Display cursor during game.
* Since the default resolution of this game is "1024 x 768", when the window size "setting 0" is selected, it changes to the window size of "4: 3".
* If you set the resolution of MUSEUM.ini to anything other than "1024 x 768", please be aware that the stage selection screen etc will not be displayed properly.
* If you do not set "FULLSCREEN 0" of "MUSEUM.ini" to "1", full screen display can not be done on the Game Loader side, so be sure to set "FULLSCREEN 1".
* Since we added automatic fireproofing function, you do not need to hit a left mouse button repeatedly.
* Automatic fire protection is enabled by default, but you can disable automatic fire by using "Mouse wheel button" or "Space" key.
* Since there is a possibility of runaway, please use automatic fireproof function at your own risk.

The operation keys are the same as Fright Fear Land below.
F1 = Testmode
1 = P1 Start
2 = P2 Start
5 = Coin
Automatic fire-proof invalid / effective switching of Space = P1

Mouse left button = P1 Gun
Mouse right button = P2 Gun
Automatic flash firing disabled / valid switching of mouse wheel button = P1

· I adapted Windows 10 Intel HD environment to Gundam's window mode (give up if it does not work properly).
· Changed window processing of Gundam and KofMira when Loader was started.
· Unlimited the window size of KofMira.
· The window size setting exclusive for KofMira is abolished.
- Fixed a problem that the frame rate of KofMira's movie is lowered.
· DDR 2013, DDR 2014, DDR X 3 vs 2nd Mix corresponded to Loader Mode = 0.
· Farcry Paradise Lost was mapped to Loader Mode = 1.
- Fixed a bug that the window size becomes 4: 3 when Crimzon Clover is started in low resolution mode.
· Changed to output exe list.txt from "Other 3" tab "exe list.txt" button.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
· If it does not work properly, dump this Loader to the trash box and finish.


Edited by 7zxkv

hola ayuda por favor ya no puedo usar ningun loader all rh me dice que es un virus cuando lo ejecuto me sale una ventana con cuadro en rojo diciendo que eso es un virus y que mi equipo puede ser contagiado con el virus no puedo ejecutarlo

  • Team
il y a 3 minutes, janpol a dit :

hola ayuda por favor ya no puedo usar ningun loader all rh me dice que es un virus cuando lo ejecuto me sale una ventana con cuadro en rojo diciendo que eso es un virus y que mi equipo puede ser contagiado con el virus no puedo ejecutarlo

read old post. NO VIRUS.

Posted (edited)

He is amazing, Thankyou very much djexpert. I use rh loader with all my nesica, ttx and tekno parrot games with no problems at all.

OMG you are a complete idiot, it is not a virus, read the old posts. It's unfortunate that posts like your could give other users false information.

I apologise if your just posting what is in the read me as I thought that was your opinion. Read the old posts carefully, that is not true it was put in as a joke, trust me

Edited by 7zxkv
triple post in one

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