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Guest lancelotedaninho

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Guest lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)

I create this topic for people who want to play Racing Games on Teknoparrot on LAN without Internet. This are the games that I got working. I have both PCs connected in direct LAN, and Network Connection Details are below. Most of games I got working was with Service / Test in each game. Configuration of Teknoparrot in some games fails I dont know why, but my guess is because TP fails to find a online server or maybe my configuration is wrong.


Batman LAN Yes
Battle Gear 4 Tuned LAN Yes
Cars LAN ?
Chase H.Q. 2 LAN Yes
Daytona Championship USA LAN Unknown
Dirty Drivin' LAN Yes
Gaelco Championship Tuning  LAN Unknown
GTI Club: Supermini Festa! LAN Yes
H2Overdrive LAN Unknown
Initial D: Arcade Stage 8  LAN Unknown
Initial D: Arcade Stage Zero  LAN Unknown
K.O. Drive (Prototype) LAN Yes
Mario Kart Arcade GP DX LAN Yes
Nicktoons Nitro Racing LAN ?
OutRun 2 SP SDX LAN Yes
R-Tuned: Ultimate Street  LAN (Broken)
SEGA Race TV LAN (Broken)
SEGA Racing Classic LAN ?
SEGA Rally 3 LAN Yes
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars   LAN (Broken)
Storm Racer G LAN Unknown
Super Bikes 2 LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: Drift LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: SuperBikes LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN Unknown
Wacky Races LAN Yes
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 LAN Yes
Winter X Games SnoCross LAN Yes

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-21 at 15.11.10 (3).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-21 at 15.11.10 (2).jpeg


IPv4 Adress
IPv4 Subnet Mask
IPv4 Defaukt Gateway
IPv4 DNS Servers


Windows 7 Ultimate Pack 1 64bit,  500GB HDD
Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60Ghz, 
AMD Radeon HD 5670 1GB

Logitech G27 + original SR2 pedals, mini Keyboard


IPv4 Adress
IPv4 Subnet Mask
IPv4 Defaukt Gateway
IPv4 DNS Servers


Windows 7 Ultimate Pack 1 64bit. 500GB HDD
Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700 3Ghz
AMD Radeon HD 5670 1GB

Logitech G27 + original SR2 pedals, mini Keyboard





Edited by lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)

Teknoparrot Lan works 2021:


GRID set your IP address in each game and also enter the test mode of each game and set the cabinets as link with correct ID


Chase HQ 2 change the link ID on your second PC to '2' in the game's network test save it and the game will automatically link.  pc1 Explicit ip ranges must be 192.168.0.x
and pc2 as Don't worry much about test menu network connecting to each other but once you load game on both pcs at same time they will connect! ** network won't work unless you make it run as windows 7 or lower on compatibility! ** Make sure direct play is on in win 10 features! Click the plus next to 'Legacy Components' and put a tick in 'DirectPlay' There is also a hex edit you can do to change the ips, also a patch available on emuline.


Dirty Drivin Go in service menu, set machine 1 to machine 1 in networking.  Machine 2 to machine 2.  Make sure all VPN's are off.   Make sure that when game is loading, it shows IP address as one starting like this.  192.168.1.x.  Run Game and enter the TEST Menu, Set a unique Cabinet ID for each machine. TEST menu will pop up a message claiming a restart is required. After the countdown finishes the game will freeze. Just Escape out of the game normally and your settings will be saved. Known Working IP/Subnets192.168.1.x/


Daytona Championship Usa use Splitcam with normal ip ranges , https://splitcam.com/


Ford Racing full blown need to change Cabinet # in one of the config files, inside the "data" folder


GTI club set your IP address in each game and also enter the test mode of each game and set the cabinets as link with correct ID .


ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 - Teknoparrot v1.42 Change seat numbers in test menus, Load games in time with each other.


Mario Kart GP - confirm that it works with Teknoparrot 1.42 (WIN10) just setting one PC1 ID to 1 and PC2 ID to 2 (Use many cam virtual cam software)


Outrun 2 spdx -

  1. Edit the Game Settings within TeknoParrotUI.
  2. Set the "Ip" network IP address to the "IPv4 Address" of the current cabinet (Run "cmd.exe /k ipconfig").
  3. Set both "Gateway" and "Dns1" network IP address to your "Default Gateway" address.
  4. Run Game and enter the Test Menu.
  5. Enter Game Assignments.
  6. Set a unique Link ID.
  7. Set Total Machine to number of linked cabinets and save.

Known Working IP/Subnets

  • 192.168.0.x/


Sega Rally 3 -

Go to the game folder, go to /Shelldata.

Game.ini contains the parameters you can use in the Gamesettings.ini file.

Shelldata.ini is the interesting one.

Change the fourth line to Twin. 

CabinetType=Twin (On both PC's)


Down below in te Gamesettings.ini file use these settings.



CabinetID=1 is for the left cabin.

CabinetID=2  is for the right cabin. 


WMMT5 - Only one side has terminal emu checked in tp. 4 player battle mode (Google for info) https://ceoyap.github.io/2020/01/wangan-midnight-maximum-tune-5-on-pc-with-teknoparrot/


Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4 - Still linux only title, 2-4 players LAN works!


SUPERBIKES - Fast and Furious Super Bikes managed to make it work just using -net   (should reboot the 1st time)
PC1: sdaemon.exe -net -mid 0 
PC2: sdaemon.exe -net -mid 1


Fast and Furious Super Bikes 2: LAN works with standard procedure.


WACKY RACES - Need to use JConfig (I used v1.5) and set the exe's compatibility mode to XP SP2. Then, the network setup in the test menu worked


Sega Racing Classic currently only works with Teknoparrot v1.42 in 4 player LAN, but IMO is the best version of it since the network is less buggy.  Requires Boom's NVIDIA fix and ffb


Need For Speed GT (Global VR): LAN works with standard procedure.


Outrun 2006 up to 8 player lan use the FXT plugin


Road fighters 3d - Requires Boomslangz FFB plugin


Battlegear 4 - Special Patched lan exe available on BG4 TUT on this site.


Initial D Zero -  *****Super Credits to the SegaTools team IDDISCORD and the MANY testers***** *Credit to bestekar for the tut on Emuline*

You cant launch the game using Teknoparrot if you want LAN VS support. Though If you use segatools v4 and minime v13 to launch the game you can get LAN VS working. Use this page to patch the 3 exe files: https://idas-zero-patcher.netlify.app/


Set IP on PC 1 to

Launch test mode go into game assignments and set to set number to A1. Set Seat Color to White (seat color setting might be optional)

Set IP on PC 2 to

Launch test mode go into game assignments and set to set number to A2. Set Seat Color to Yellow (seat color setting might be optional)


On A1
amfs= set to your amfs directory
appdata= set to your segatools appdata directory







On A2
amfs= set to your amfs directory
appdata= set to your appdata directory







Now edit the segatools v4 start.bat files:

On A1 edit:  "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" to point to your minime directory

@echo off
start cmd /c "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat"
pushd %~dp0

.\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\ServerBoxD8_Nu_x64.exe
.\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe
.\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json

echo Game processes have terminated


On A2 edit:  "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" to point to your minime directory

@echo off
start cmd /c "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat"
pushd %~dp0
.\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe
.\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json

echo Game processes have terminated


Launch the game on A1 and A2 with the edited start.bat from segatools v4. Now just wait for the blue system link icon to turn blue on both PCs.

Make sure the serial numbers are different!


Batman - Network/LAN is partially functional, but requires setup each run

ValveLimitR - Lan Works

BattleGear 4 Tuned - Lan works

Cars - Lan Works

Storm Racer G - Lan works (No dump as of yet!)

WinterGamesSnowcross - Unknown, Untested


Couterstrike NEO - https://csneo.net/download


Other Games

FastBeatLoopRacer - Use SSE Special Steam Emulator goldberg.


Teknoparrot LAN DONT WORK 2021:


Sega RaceTV

Nicktoons Nitro


*Note: Use a wired connection through a router or straight crossover cat 6 wire Nic to Nic. Most these older games did not use wireless connections, it might work on certain games but get it to work on wired connection then test your wireless connection!


Arcade controls is a goto resource for MANY things Awesome forum!



Link play on San Francisco Rush & all vegas/seattle games



List of Network multiplayer capable games for twin converted cabs etc:



PC games LAN



Linking two Crusin USA cabs (Talk about dedication) Very interesting video!




Edited by djd
Guest lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)
On 22/02/2021 at 9:03 PM, xbrunox said:

Hi how u have configured lan in batman? Where u have set? How u can enter in test menù? 


Press Test menu key and select cab 1 in on PC and cab 2 in other PC.


WhatsApp Image 2021-02-24 at 16.49.01.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-24 at 16.49.01 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-24 at 16.49.01 (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-24 at 16.55.47.jpeg

Edited by lancelotedaninho
Guest lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, xbrunox said:

Mmm strange... Which version of TP do u use? 


Last one, and Windows 7 . Disable Windows defender when extract games, so you have all files. And run games at same time.

Edited by lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)

Damn... Like me... I don't understand why I have version mismatch... Probably for my ip address.. I use  and

Edited by xbrunox

Waky race on tp 2players is OK for me. 

il y a 29 minutes, xbrunox a dit :

Yes for me too


I need to wait 1min to start and the 2plauers are OK. If I select directly without wait the multi-player is not activate 

Guest lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)
On 23/02/2021 at 12:03 AM, djd said:

Teknoparrot Lan works 2021:


GRID set your IP address in each game and also enter the test mode of each game and set the cabinets as link with correct ID


 ID8 - Teknoparrot v1.42 Change seat numbers in test menus, Load games in time with each other.


Mario Kart GP - confirm that it works with Teknoparrot 1.42 (WIN10) just setting one PC1 ID to 1 and PC2 ID to 2 (Use many cam virtual cam software)


Sega Racing Classic currently only works with Teknoparrot v1.42 in 4 player LAN, but IMO is the best version of it since the network is less buggy.  Requires Boom's NVIDIA fix and ffb



Mario Kart GP works, but runs slow for me, around 30fps, you know how to improve that?

ID8 works the same way with last version of TP ( ?

Fast and Furious Drift - You know if LAN works ?

Edited by lancelotedaninho
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Cars 2 Works. Tested on Win7 LAN and VPN (192.168.1.x range) might work on other ranges.


On PC1

Allow "sdaemon.exe" though firewall

Enter Test Mode

Go to System Adjustments

Network Enabled = YES

Cur Machine ID = 1

Go to Exit, then choose Exit again to go out of the test menu. When "Rebooting" appears, exit out of the game (you might have to ctrl+alt+del)


On PC2

Allow "sdaemon.exe" though firewall

Enter Test Mode

Go to System Adjustments

Network Enabled = YES

Cur Machine ID = 2

Go to Exit, then choose Exit again to go out of the test menu. When "Rebooting" appears, exit out of the game (you might have to ctrl+alt+del)


Restart the game on bouth PCs. LAN VS should now be working.


Storm Racer G works. Tested on Win7 LAN (10.1.1.x range) might work on other ranges.

Allow "racing.exe" though firewall on bouth PCs.

Start the game on bouth PCs. No extra settings or test menu adjustment was needed, it just worked "straight out of the box"

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lancelotedaninho
Posted (edited)

Fast and Furious - Anyone have this games working not in C:/ folder ?


Super Bikes 2 LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: Drift LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: SuperBikes LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN Unknown


All this games work for me in C:/ folder, but I dont have more space, and not working on D:/ or other folder

Any solution ?

Edited by lancelotedaninho
  • 2 weeks later...
On 23/02/2021 at 6:42 PM, spiderzsoft said:

fantastic job :very-good:

well if anyone wants a hit im in , outrun2 or something else,  last time i did mariokart but it was lagging a bit,  i have 1gig fibre max speed so it wasnt that i was slow

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest POPO69

Hello what's the solution for snocross please

  • 6 months later...

Has anyone been able to run Outrun 2 in both Single Player and Link?? If i setup it to play Link and you only launch on one unit, it will never play. I tried to setup two instances of Outrun2  (one for Link and one for Single Player) but was unable to get it to work without reverting the settings. I even tried a second game folder and second TP folder. If i change the settings in one it changes the setting in the other like it is writing to a local system file.



  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Le 14/12/2021 à 05:31, burny a dit :

Has anyone been able to run Outrun 2 in both Single Player and Link?? If i setup it to play Link and you only launch on one unit, it will never play. I tried to setup two instances of Outrun2  (one for Link and one for Single Player) but was unable to get it to work without reverting the settings. I even tried a second game folder and second TP folder. If i change the settings in one it changes the setting in the other like it is writing to a local system file.



You have to duplicate both the games and TP:

- one TP for single, pointing to an instance of the game with settings for single

- another TP for network (in another directory), pointing to another instance of the game (another directory) with settings for network.


EDIT: Argh,  I thought it worked, but no! you are right!


in C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\TeknoParrot, there are config files for each game. The one for Outrun is: SBMB_e2prom.bin

You have to store 2 versions of this file after you changed the settings either for single or network and then use the correct version prior to run the games... 

Edited by holmes
Posted (edited)
On 12/14/2021 at 5:31 AM, burny said:

Has anyone been able to run Outrun 2 in both Single Player and Link?? If i setup it to play Link and you only launch on one unit, it will never play. I tried to setup two instances of Outrun2  (one for Link and one for Single Player) but was unable to get it to work without reverting the settings. I even tried a second game folder and second TP folder. If i change the settings in one it changes the setting in the other like it is writing to a local system file.



Yeah, I have. You dont need 2 game folders or TPs. All you need to do is to change out the file SBMB_e2prom.bin or was it SBMB_sram.bin (bouth outrun 2 files generated in C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. Easiest way to do it is to first set up single player in test mode, start the game, quit the game and then copy out the 2 files that gets generated ( SBMB_e2prom.bin + SBMB_sram) from C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. Enter the game again, configure for multiplayer, start the game, quit the game then copy out the 2 files that gets generated ( SBMB_e2prom.bin + SBMB_sram) from C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot a second time. When you wanna play single player copy the first version of the 2 files back into C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. When you wanna play multiplayer copy back the second version of the 2 files back into C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. Or you can just make it easy on yourself and use my generated files  =) (do not copy the file structure just copy the SBMB_e2prom.bin + SBMB_sram from the folder that has your desired config to C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot)


Edited by bestekar
Le 17/01/2022 à 00:49, lancelotedaninho a dit :

LAN Racing GAMES in different emulators based on twin cabs:

List of Network multiplayer capable games for twin converted cabs etc (arcadecontrols.com)

In this thread is described how to network Sega Grid. It is complex (several files to edit) but it works (at least for me)


In this one


there is the procedure for H2 Overdrive (works for me as well)

Le 22/01/2022 à 06:42, lancelotedaninho a dit :


I tried LAN H2 Overdrive with Teknoparrot 1.0.0719 didn´t work, should be easy, no changes on .ini files?

Nothing to change in the ini. Did you enter only the last part of the ip adress in the TP game settings?

  • 3 weeks later...
En 26/2/2021 a las 13:09, lancelotedaninho dijo:


Mario Kart GP works, but runs slow for me, around 30fps, you know how to improve that?

ID8 works the same way with last version of TP ( ?

Fast and Furious Drift - You know if LAN works ?

Hi i don't know if is todo late but maybe your graphic card is the problem.. i AM using a gtx GeForce 750 ddr5 and work fantastic on single and lan mode.


FNF Drift is like FNFSC just connext both PC and put ID1 on machine 1 and ID2 on machine 2 and its done.

En 21/2/2021 a las 12:13, lancelotedaninho dijo:

I create this topic for people who want to play Racing Games on Teknoparrot on LAN without Internet. This are the games that I got working. I have both PCs connected in direct LAN, and Network Connection Details are below. Most of games I got working was with Service / Test in each game. Configuration of Teknoparrot in some games fails I dont know why, but my guess is because TP fails to find a online server or maybe my configuration is wrong.


Batman LAN Yes
Battle Gear 4 Tuned LAN Yes
Cars LAN ?
Chase H.Q. 2 LAN Yes
Daytona Championship USA LAN Unknown
Dirty Drivin' LAN Yes
Gaelco Championship Tuning  LAN Unknown
GTI Club: Supermini Festa! LAN Yes
H2Overdrive LAN Unknown
Initial 😧 Arcade Stage 8  LAN Unknown
Initial 😧 Arcade Stage Zero  LAN Unknown
K.O. Drive (Prototype) LAN Yes
Mario Kart Arcade GP DX LAN Yes
Nicktoons Nitro Racing LAN ?
OutRun 2 SP SDX LAN Yes
R-Tuned: Ultimate Street  LAN (Broken)
SEGA Race TV LAN (Broken)
SEGA Racing Classic LAN ?
SEGA Rally 3 LAN Yes
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars   LAN (Broken)
Storm Racer G LAN Unknown
Super Bikes 2 LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: Drift LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: SuperBikes LAN Unknown
The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN Unknown
Wacky Races LAN Yes
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 LAN Yes
Winter X Games SnoCross LAN Yes

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-21 at 15.11.10 (3).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-21 at 15.11.10 (2).jpeg


IPv4 Adress
IPv4 Subnet Mask
IPv4 Defaukt Gateway
IPv4 DNS Servers


Windows 7 Ultimate Pack 1 64bit,  500GB HDD
Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60Ghz, 
AMD Radeon HD 5670 1GB

Logitech G27 + original SR2 pedals, mini Keyboard


IPv4 Adress
IPv4 Subnet Mask
IPv4 Defaukt Gateway
IPv4 DNS Servers


Windows 7 Ultimate Pack 1 64bit. 500GB HDD
Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700 3Ghz
AMD Radeon HD 5670 1GB

Logitech G27 + original SR2 pedals, mini Keyboard







Ok i tested some game and i must say work fine the next one


Storm Racer G LAN Good
The Fast AT Furious LAN Good
The Fast AT Furious: Drift LAN Good
The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars

LAN Good



The procedure it's simply in all game


just config a manual ip on both pc like (Player 1) (Player 2) 


allow the sdaemon.exe firewall and set id for each machine player 1 id1 and player 2 id2 


Note: if you are using TP and don't see ip setup  just set the static ip manually and a cross cable and launch the game.  In the case of FNFSC you can launch the game in any time. 

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

For Sega RAlly 3, what does setting CabinetType=Twin do? And is there any way to make that game think there's only two cabs, and skip it waiting for more entries in multiplayer? CabinetType=Twin doesn't seem to do that...


On 2/23/2021 at 11:03 AM, djd said:

Sega Rally 3 -

Go to the game folder, go to /Shelldata.

Game.ini contains the parameters you can use in the Gamesettings.ini file.

Shelldata.ini is the interesting one.

Change the fourth line to Twin. 

CabinetType=Twin (On both PC's)


Down below in te Gamesettings.ini file use these settings.



CabinetID=1 is for the left cabin.

CabinetID=2  is for the right cabin.



Edited by buttersoft
Le 14/02/2022 à 03:05, JoNB3x a dit :



Ok i tested some game and i must say work fine the next one


Storm Racer G LAN Good
The Fast AT Furious LAN Good
The Fast AT Furious: Drift LAN Good
The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars

LAN Good



The procedure it's simply in all game


just config a manual ip on both pc like (Player 1) (Player 2) 


allow the sdaemon.exe firewall and set id for each machine player 1 id1 and player 2 id2 


Note: if you are using TP and don't see ip setup  just set the static ip manually and a cross cable and launch the game.  In the case of FNFSC you can launch the game in any time. 


Hello i dont try have lan with storm racer G 


For all others games lan works (pc1) and (pc2)


I try with (pc1) and (pc2) same issue 


Still M1 for both 


Do you know how a Can change id1 and id2 ?












hace 12 horas, Kaneda06 dijo:

Do you know how a Can change id1 and id2 ?













Just enter in test menu (if you are using FNFSC and go to System adjustment and set ID


For Storm Racer you don't need to do that cuz the game do it it self just plug both pc with different ip


Note: All raw thrill game have the same operator menu so its easy to change all ID

Il y a 7 heures, JoNB3x a dit :


Just enter in test menu (if you are using FNFSC and go to System adjustment and set ID


For Storm Racer you don't need to do that cuz the game do it it self just plug both pc with different ip


Note: All raw thrill game have the same operator menu so its easy to change all ID

Hello !!


I have lan with Batman and dirty driving but no with storm racer G 😕



hace 17 horas, Kaneda06 dijo:

Hello !!


I have lan with Batman and dirty driving but no with storm racer G 😕




I in storm racer only set the two ip (Static) as follows



Just that and game run in LAN Mode

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