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UFO Stomper - Triotech Amusement (Arcade Game) - USA | The Arcade Flyer  Archive

Floor projector game by Triotech where you step on aliens. Pretty fun with touchscreen.

Run  StartStomperDevelopment.bat to play the game (runs it in debug mode to get past not having an actual projector/floor screen thing)



There are these weird rectangles that are around your cursor (likely for testing/debug reasons) Hopefully someone can patch that out





thanks guys

Posted (edited)

insert coin='c' , player1='1'   


I played with mouse  for a while and I feel to need touch screen 



Edited by mitomi
Posted (edited)

Thanks very much for this. It would be great if Argonlefou could add this to Demulshooter, when he gets some free time. Thanks a lot.

Edited by erdoboy43

I agree this would be awesome with a lightgun...) not to bad of a game...

On 2/2/2025 at 3:17 AM, lords said:

I agree this would be awesome with a lightgun...) not to bad of a game...

I tried this on my Wii Mote/Dolphin Bar mode 2. Unfortunatly the curser goes way too fast so it's unplayable

9 hours ago, mitomi said:

check this post , answer is here

Still not working. I need more help please? I may need a tutorial video for this please?


Not much to it... 


try redownloading the game

download the pointer fix, and copy the files from it to the appropriate folders.

run startstomperdevelopment.bat

press c for coin

press 1 for player 1

hold right click to activate cursor


The cursor moves very quickly

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Mrmorales2002 said:

Still not working. I need more help please? I may need a tutorial video for this please?

extract ufostomper (using extract here)in your zip or rar program.then, extract pointerfix. the same way (extract here) let it overwrite the files. then run StartStomperDevelopment.bat

Edited by lords
3 hours ago, lords said:

extract ufostomper (using extract here)in your zip or rar program.then, extract pointerfix. the same way (extract here) let it overwrite the files. then run StartStomperDevelopment.bat

I tried

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