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bojo5150 last won the day on November 21 2023

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  1. Any trick to get into the test menu for Lucky Marine? None of the buttons seem to work. Thank you!
  2. You selected your mouse device as player 1 in the DS GUI correct? Also, you need to make sure demulshooterx64.exe is ran in administrator mode.
  3. When you start the game, count the time it takes until the main title screen flashes and use that as your delay. For me it works to start the game, delay, then run DS immediately after the flicker
  4. Could be a comport conflict. Do you get slowdown when not using TP and use demulshooter?
  5. thank you, worked great! I tried ahk many times and with most games Spice seems to block its keys. (Doesn’t for road fighters though)
  6. The latest Spice works great. Touchpad on laptop is good and I tested on my cabinet and the trackball also works well! The only outstanding question I have is how can I set the Escape key to kill the game? In Spice I’m able to set a key to force quit however I can’t set Esc because that’s the default key to back out of a key bind/config decision. Is there an xml or some config file for spice that I can override? The Spice.xml in AppData seems to only include game key bindings
  7. All works well, thank you! I need to move it over to my cab for testing (specifically the trackball). On my laptop that I've been using the analog controls do not work well with a touchpad (basically the mouse never centers itself so the camera rotates non-stop) Last question for you, is there a way to exit the game using a key of choice? (like Escape). Spice seems to block AHK keys so I can't use it to force a close. Thanks again for everything!
  8. Thanks for your response and help with this! I followed the steps you outlined above but clearly, I'm doing something wrong... 1) Started with your AIO build 2) Added asphyxia core & the CCJ plugin 3) Overwrote dlls for the patch/unlock content 4) Overwrote the spice that was in your AIO with the latest build available and configured controls To start I double clicked on asphyxia-core-x64.exe, in which a website dashboard launched and a cmd prompt. The cmd screen shows "can't find" errors as shown in the screenshot below: Even with this I tried to launch CCJ using start.bat. Game launches just fine, no startup/test menu errors, etc... but the game haults with a "Line busy" message. Screenshot below: For reference, here are some screenshot of my folder structure setup. I assume something is in the incorrect place or labeled improperly? Thanks again for your help getting this game working!
  9. could be a windows 11 thing. In 10 I have no compatibility set but do launch as admin along with DS. Everything works great
  10. Nevermind, got it converted and working
  11. What ratio, frame rate, size, codec, etc... did you use to convert the video?
  12. Oh nice, worked great. Thank you! Is the English video preconverted to avi uploaded anywhere? I have the mp4 from archive, it loads but then errors out
  13. UPDATE: I was able to get both the P1 & P2 controls working and the Bezel to display. I do have a new issue that I can’t seem to figure out though… The game window has shrunk and doesn’t fit the width of the bezel. See screenshot attached. Any idea how to fix this?
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