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bojo5150 last won the day on November 21 2023

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  1. Can someone please re-upload the mod please?
  2. How did you get past the title screen?
  3. Try resetting the game to default in the test menu. Essentially the game is attempting to access data in an array that does not exist. (Or you have read only files)
  4. I wouldn’t call it a “fix”. It’s always worked like the above for me and I never changed anything. My assumption is that you have a compatibility problem of sorts and/or your missing a codec, runtime, etc…
  5. What are the default keys like insert coin, test, & service?
  6. This game looks like it could be decent! @ducon2016, is decrypting the dll something you think is possible without the dongle?
  7. Its wonderful having back and active again Ducon! Thank you!
  8. Yes. It works fine on 1 PC(meaning fully playable but has no sound for me) Win 10, nvidia gpu I get the same errors as you on a laptop running win 10, intel gpu
  9. so am I. Map xinput and use x360ke to convert to dinput controls.
  10. You need to map the analog joystick as you need to select the payment type to proceed. Only works with xinput (at least for me)
  11. Enable write color buffers. It fixes collision / hit detection
  12. That translator works pretty well! Anyone know of one that works offline by chance?
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