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ArcCabView + PinCabView : Display your arcade games just as you want!


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Using mame 248 with X-Men is all good, except if I put no frame and no crt, then it is if the neogeo 304 doesn't switch that game to fit, still get the black sides in-between game and bezel, as long as frame and crt on then hidden, but that is the frame covering those bars, am I not adjusted right in the ini by putting no arcade_crt and no arcade_frame, and putting just arcade_no crt removes both scanlines and frame 

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Il y a 6 heures, Ericg384 a dit :

Hello how would I go about fixing this to fill the middle of the screen help would be greatly appreciated.

Strange... it should be set correctly directly. try to reset this game using the reset shortcut of ArcCabView. And then add "-p" to game shortcut to force the portrait mode

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1 hour ago, Houb said:

I think "GameName" is only the process name not the full path, it should be set correctly using the launcher :)




When I use just the game name senxin_aleste_apm3.exe it keeps giving me the same error that why I tried the full path I just started using this application I’m sure I missed something.

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36 minutes ago, Houb said:

Strange... it should be set correctly directly. try to reset this game using the reset shortcut of ArcCabView. And then add "-p" to game shortcut to force the portrait mode

I tried this and still displays the same what should the ArcCabView.ini file look like for this game in portrait mode ? Thanks for the help.

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2 hours ago, Ericg384 said:

When I use just the game name senxin_aleste_apm3.exe it keeps giving me the same error that why I tried the full path I just started using this application I’m sure I missed something.

I seemed to have it working now the only thing is it’s running in the upper left corner how would I fix this


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Il y a 4 heures, Ericg384 a dit :

I seemed to have it working now the only thing is it’s running in the upper left corner how would I fix this


There is a shortcut put in the game directory and in the 'games" folder of arccabview too.

Check these shortcuts to know the command send to run it

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how do you make user bezel show with arcadecabview

i am trying to use with fightcade2, i have it attached to fbneo emulator and it works, i have arcadecabview preset bezel showing but can't change it to user bezel

i have added my bezel to Textures & UserTextures folders
i have tried my bezel named as GameName, GameTitle, WinName & UserPresets name
i have it in a folder with these names and bezel.png inside & just a png with these names & bezel.png with no folder


it just doesn't show ?

any help would be appreciated

and now it's working and i dunno what i've done to make it work lol

running the launcher alters the reshade ini to read the bezel from the correct location 👍

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Le 20/03/2023 à 22:58, Ericg384 a dit :

Why will it not find this exe ? How do you set a path ? 

Where can you find out how to set this up Properly???

Please try to run things as it should.

The path has to be sent to the launcher, that's nearly the only thing to do...

There is a readme, It's not that long, to use it correctly I think you have les than 10 lines to read (it takes nearly 10 to 20" of your time, so a lot less than the time taken to post these questions and screenshots)

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Man this software rocks, been using this on all my pc games that have pixel art. Only way to play, blockiness was never a thing back in the day, we need these CRT shaders!


I only have one issues with one or two games, have anyone tried Crimzon Clover Wolrd EXplosions? Seems to be having issues reading the exe as a second window comes and takes over. I think its confuses the process. Tried a few variation of options, but the launcher always comes with there was an issue please check ini.


I tried to edit manually the ini manually looking at some other successful installs, but no go. Anyone had any success?

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Il y a 11 heures, TheSaltTrader a dit :

Man this software rocks, been using this on all my pc games that have pixel art. Only way to play, blockiness was never a thing back in the day, we need these CRT shaders!


I only have one issues with one or two games, have anyone tried Crimzon Clover Wolrd EXplosions? Seems to be having issues reading the exe as a second window comes and takes over. I think its confuses the process. Tried a few variation of options, but the launcher always comes with there was an issue please check ini.


I tried to edit manually the ini manually looking at some other successful installs, but no go. Anyone had any success?


Hi, Glad you like it that much :)

For Crimzon Clover World Explosions I didn't find any issue :



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Bonjour, tout d'abord un enorme MERCI a Houb pour tout le travail fourni, ainsi que la gentillesse tout au long de cette thread.


ArcCabView est la pierre angulaire de ma Vertical Chewlix, c'est magique!


Seul probleme etant que je suis un noob avec les bats, j'ai le meme soucis que le gentleman au dessus de moi.


Pas moyen de lancer Senshin Aleste via Teknoparrot=

LauncherName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe
Command=--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized


J'ai aussi tente le GameName avec full path, meme resultat..


Est-ce qu'il y a un probleme avec le code ci-dessus? Merci au bon samaritain qui pourra m'aider :D.

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Hi, looking for help to launch Senshin Aleste through Teknparrot. Here is the script I use =

LauncherName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe
Command=--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized


Also tried with full path but same results.


Could manage to launch the game with a teknoparrot shortcut (--aleste.xml) but arccabview didn't react to it.


If anyone has an idea of what I am doing wrong, I would be grateful, cheers.

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1 hour ago, natadiem said:

Hi, looking for help to launch Senshin Aleste through Teknparrot. Here is the script I use =

LauncherName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe
Command=--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized


Also tried with full path but same results.


Could manage to launch the game with a teknoparrot shortcut (--aleste.xml) but arccabview didn't react to it.


If anyone has an idea of what I am doing wrong, I would be grateful, cheers.

Run ArcCabView as admin

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Thanks but still nothing.


Tried with full path, same the bat doesn't start Teknoparrot and Aleste.


GameName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Games\TeknoParrot\roms\Sensin Aleste\senxin_aleste_apm3.exe
LauncherName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe
Command=--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized

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Il y a 16 heures, natadiem a dit :

Thanks but still nothing.


Tried with full path, same the bat doesn't start Teknoparrot and Aleste.


GameName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Games\TeknoParrot\roms\Sensin Aleste\senxin_aleste_apm3.exe
LauncherName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe
Command=--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized


Sorry for the late answer.

Does it work without ArCabview ?

Try to make a shortcut for TeknoParrotUI.exe and put "--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized" at the end like that :


Because the game should be installed and able to run in TP before trying to use ArcCabView

Does it works?


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Thanks for your help Houb.


It works without Arcabview with teknoparrot shortcut (see attached).


Maybe my process is not correct:

1/ Click on the ArcCabView_Launcher.exe

2/ Select senxin_aleste_apm3.exe in game folder

3/ Select Teknoparrot shortcut targeting Aleste

=> Profit?


Above doesn't work, I got attached error message.



Screenshot 2023-05-04 160528.png

Screenshot 2023-05-04 161256.png

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Hi! Houb, could you make a tutorial on how to get the best results and find out the native resolution of a game? I often don't get it perfect, texts in the games gets a bit blurry as if the scanlines are not correctly aligned, but I have seen that you get super sharp results most of the time.


Maybe a video tutorial on how do setup a windows pixel game that doesn't get perfect with the default settings?

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Il y a 8 heures, natadiem a dit :

Thanks for your help Houb.


It works without Arcabview with teknoparrot shortcut (see attached).


Maybe my process is not correct:

1/ Click on the ArcCabView_Launcher.exe

2/ Select senxin_aleste_apm3.exe in game folder

3/ Select Teknoparrot shortcut targeting Aleste

=> Profit?


Above doesn't work, I got attached error message.

No the shortcut was just to test your TP install

Make a shortcut like shown and double clic on it. If the game doesn't run there something wrong in your TP settings.

If it works, then :

- Run ArcCabView_launcher.exe,

- Select senxin_aleste_apm3.exe in the game folder

- Select TeknoParrotUI.exe in your TP folder for the "launcher to use"

- Put --profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized in "command to send"

and it should work. but if the shortcut doesn't work, it won't work neither of course ;)




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Il y a 7 heures, spot a dit :

Hi! Houb, could you make a tutorial on how to get the best results and find out the native resolution of a game? I often don't get it perfect, texts in the games gets a bit blurry as if the scanlines are not correctly aligned, but I have seen that you get super sharp results most of the time.


Maybe a video tutorial on how do setup a windows pixel game that doesn't get perfect with the default settings?


For the CRT resolution there is no magic things... And the default setting (1/4 of your resolution I think) will be wrong 95% of the time...

The best way :

=> Ensure to get the game full sized in the frame using the tuto in the 2nd post of this thread

Don't use zooms to do it, you need to catch the true game area using "Game Video Resolution" if it's in top-Left area or using CenterLocked ratio if the game is loked to a 4/3 ratio for example.

Then when it's ok (the game is full sized in the frame)

=> Enable CRT effect, and change the "Texture Resolution" on Y, for low res games it can be something from 180, 224, 236, 240, 256, 270 (or something like that) for recent games you can try 360 too

The goal is to get the lines correct (you can check by enabling/disabling the CRT effect). if nothing works, keep the best value found and try to change the buffer offset (values from -3 to 3 for example)

Then when it's ok check "vertical scanline" if the game is pixel perfect it should be ok too because the default "Texture resolution" (set as 0) on the other axis is calculated according to the other one your set.

If it's not, try to find the correct value too (if the game is sized 4:3 most likely it won't be 640x224...), again if nothing works, keep the best value found and try to change the buffer offset

When it's ok disable the vertical scanline if not needed and it should be good :)

There are some other things like "round" values to help to catch perfectly the resolution according to the ratio


So it's far to be magic and I fear there isn't any quick or auto solution because this native resolution can be really everything... ;)


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Le 02/05/2023 à 15:44, natadiem a dit :

Hi, looking for help to launch Senshin Aleste through Teknparrot. Here is the script I use =

LauncherName=D:\Tate LaunchBox\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe
Command=--profile=Aleste.xml --startMinimized


Also tried with full path but same results.


Could manage to launch the game with a teknoparrot shortcut (--aleste.xml) but arccabview didn't react to it.


If anyone has an idea of what I am doing wrong, I would be grateful, cheers.


Ok I just tested and TP is too slow to launch the game...

Try to update ArcCabView.ini in the game folder with "GameWinWait=50" and then it works :



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il y a une heure, Houb a dit :

Ok I just tested and TP is too slow to launch the game...

Try to update ArcCabView.ini in the game folder with "GameWinWait=50" and then it works :

Et pour les jeux Lindbergh comment ça se passe étant donné qu'il n'y a pas de .exe pour le "GameName"?

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Il y a 2 heures, Safur a dit :

Et pour les jeux Lindbergh comment ça se passe étant donné qu'il n'y a pas de .exe pour le "GameName"?

Like that :


The Teknoparrot "FullHD hack" doesn't work correctly for this game (only VGA 480p and HD 768p mode work correctly), loading is really slow, you will get the very same reshade's settings for all your BudgieLoader games... But ArcCabView works, the launcher just needs "window mode" to launch the games (without TP crashes at launch, but in fact you don't need the launcher to run the games) :)


I have to put an "emulator" config to the launcher in order to be able to send different game names to the same exe. That way the launcher would be able to change the preset and the arts according to the game launched.

I will try to put that in next update :)


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On 5/6/2023 at 3:19 AM, Houb said:


Ok I just tested and TP is too slow to launch the game...

Try to update ArcCabView.ini in the game folder with "GameWinWait=50" and then it works :




It worked! Games looks so much better with the scanlines! Thanks for your time and the noobproof tuto Houb!

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Hello.  I tried using the launcher with two different games: Raiden IV Overkill and also Celeste.  I tried running it with both the game running and not running, but I receive the same error (please see the attached) each time after it asks me to wait for 40 seconds.  I have noticed that if I try this with a game running, the ArcCabView launcher will actually close the game on me!  It then comes up with the same error as before.  What can I do to get this running?


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16 hours ago, snokijum said:

Hello.  I tried using the launcher with two different games: Raiden IV Overkill and also Celeste.  I tried running it with both the game running and not running, but I receive the same error (please see the attached) each time after it asks me to wait for 40 seconds.  I have noticed that if I try this with a game running, the ArcCabView launcher will actually close the game on me!  It then comes up with the same error as before.  What can I do to get this running?


Nevermind.  I figured it out.  I was forgetting to put the Steam game ID number in for the 3rd step.

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Le 05/05/2023 à 21:19, Houb a dit :


Ok I just tested and TP is too slow to launch the game...

Try to update ArcCabView.ini in the game folder with "GameWinWait=50" and then it works :

J'ai fais comme expliqué et ça ne marche pas. J'ai essayé sur le jeu Friction.

Le jeu se lance sans reshade appliqué puis se ferme et j'ai cette erreur:



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Il y a 8 heures, Safur a dit :

J'ai fais comme expliqué et ça ne marche pas. J'ai essayé sur le jeu Friction.

Le jeu se lance sans reshade appliqué puis se ferme et j'ai cette erreur:



C'est une blague?

Je viens de me faire chier à tester ce jeu et il marche du premier coup sans vraiment rien de spécial!

Franchement fais un effort stp... 🙄


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Je ne vois pas où j'ai pu faire une erreur...



EDIT: finalement j'ai pris l'ancienne version (ArcCabView_1.1a_generic) et ça fonctionne. J'ai tout de même mis le jeu en 1080p pour que ça puisse marcher.

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