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[Arcade PC] Steel Chronicle Victroopers (Konami)


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Steel Chronicle Victroopers Ver3.9 (KGG-2016062901)




1. This is a touchscreen game, but SpiceTools also allows you to use your mouse if required. Game menu and some in-game actions will need to be clicked/pressed on screen.
2. There's no publicly known server supporting this yet, but the local server in SpiceTools (-ea) will allow you to boot into game mode and to play local matching and some default missions.



1. Copy spice.exe and spicecfg.exe from latest SpiceTools into contents
2. Create spice.bat with local server enabled (example contents: spice -ea)
2. Configure inputs with spicecfg.exe (Xbox360 style controllers works well)
3. When it prompts, go into service menu
4. Calibrate touch and analogs (it will guide you what to do), then set the clock
5. Enter game mode, insert some credits, touch the title screen and enjoy!



newsgroup only: STELCHRON.nzb



Modifié par 7zxkv
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Is this game online / versus playable ?

As far as i know, one can only play the first level against bots ?



2. There's no publicly known server supporting this yet, but the local server in SpiceTools (-ea)

will allow you to boot into game mode and to play local matching and some default missions.


Somebody got a working .bat file ? (spice -ea does not work for me)

I get a error trying to load the game.


F:signal: end
I:rawinput: disposing devices
M:dxhook: SetWindowLongW hook hit
M:dxhook: SetWindowLongW hook hit


Anyone got some good information on how to get games to run with spicetools, dependencies, .xml files to edit ?


With the latest SpiceTools I get a load of other errors, with the same parameters in the .bat file.




Modifié par linglang
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6 hours ago, spiderzsoft said:

i think we need working nvram files :gene:

Which are included in the /dev/nvram folder ?


No difference if Java is installed.

2 hours ago, emulor said:

Try install Java

Modifié par linglang
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5 hours ago, rdan_85 said:

Uncheck read only attribute from game folder.



Now the game "runs" !!! 


I can choose a character, briefing mission, but when the actual game loads, it crashes. (Running at 1360 x 768, that could be the problem.:P)

Running with GL, setting 1@1360x768 on Windows size tab.


There's no publicly known server supporting this yet, but the local server in SpiceTools (-ea)

will allow you to boot into game mode and to play local matching and some default missions.


Modifié par linglang
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im in just follow calibration settings on game go to test mode and fix >> << settings then it boots ./ 


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How can one load spice.exe with GL 337, with the -ea parameter, or how can one start a .bat file with GL 337 ?


4 hours ago, linglang said:

There's no publicly known server supporting this yet, but the local server in SpiceTools (-ea)

will allow you to boot into game mode and to play local matching and some default missions.


No idea how to load spice.exe with the -ea parameter while using GameLoader All RH.

Is this the solution ?



With these settings I see this and GL stops.


What parameters in what files need to be edited, because there is no ea3-config.xml in the Steel Chronicle Victroopers folder.


When I add <services __type="str">http://localhost:8080/</services> to eamuse-config.xml and start eaLocalserver, GL tries to boot but crashes.

Modifié par linglang
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49 minutes ago, jonathanhooper said:

im in just follow calibration settings on game go to test mode and fix >> << settings then it boots ./ 


Yes runs really well but after the first level is complete after killing all the bugs and doing the upgrades the games drops out loading the 2nd level, does anyone find this happens too

Modifié par fire10
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12 hours ago, linglang said:


You have the same error I have, no operator text (above on screen) @18:27

Are we missing a Japanese font ?

oh yea could be missing text files missing not loading ? ! 

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I guess this is my first post here, thought I have made another one somewhere else... oh well.


Thanks to everyone who made this game playable, my little contribution is bypassing the need to create a batch file (.bat) to run the game using Spice Tools. Since EA Server Tool can be loaded using a program arguement, there isn't any need to create a batch file instead you can use a program shortcut instead. Create a program Shortcut by right clicking Spice.exe and then adding -ea to the end of the Target: section, make sure you press space after the end of the directory listing.




If there's interest for it, I can edit a short video setting the game up with Spice Tools... Haven't really looked at RH Loader yet.

Modifié par athrun1234
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17 hours ago, rdan_85 said:

It works by changing the system locale to Japanese in Region and Language - Administrative.

Well hot damn, that sure made the game playable beyond the tutorial and restored the missing Japanese text.

I can confirm the game works via a Japanese system locale or using Locale Emulator and using a modified application profile but you may experience occasional freezes or crashes.Thanks for sharing with us Harry and everyone involved.

If this doesn't work for anyone else, I apologize but keep on trying! ~Inari. 



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i made a autohotkey (ahk) script to launch victrooper with the locale emulator and close with escape-key.



run, "C:\Tools\Locale Emulator\LEProc.exe" -run "D:\Steel Chronicle VicTroopers Ver. 3.9\contents\spice.exe"

    WinKill, Graphics



you only have to change the locale emulator path & victroopers path to your path.


sorry for my bad english ;-)

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