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[Arcade PC] Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4 - (Dump + Decrypted)


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I'll post soon the NonDecrypted download file of WMMT4 (ES1 system).
A parallel team Cracked/Decrypted the game, but isn't ready to public download.

Blog: https://wangan3pcblog.wordpress.com/



( Include JVS,Dongle patch,game data, and update )


Mirror: https://mega.nz/file/9jQTFQCI#WY3kUk6EuzL7aN0g7VBtKsn2s_JHvH06I-LwY_rIyzc



Tutorial: Wangan Tutorial.pdf


Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4.jpg

Old Stuff:

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4 Update Files - 1.10.18 => https://8ch.net/1cc/res/4253.html


Crack + JVS: http://arcdmp.zapto.org/dumps/files/WMMT4_crack.zip


Edited by 7zxkv
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...

Still no luck on PC ?

For WMMT3: we need the original N2 machine. Unfortunately, it's impossible to play without a great engineer working to make a great changes.

For WMMT4: we need to wait a crack, but once again, it's hard.

The most properly and "right" situation to play WMMT on PC: wait the dump of WMMT5 with crack/script based on Windows 7.

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MT4 and 5 are harder to get it cracked because the game was connected to Wangan Terminal, which was a companion machine used to connect online to see the upcoming events and to customize their cars.

I agree. For MT4 it's hard, but I can a light in the end of tunnel, because Ex version of Wangan 5 is based on Win 7.

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I am sure it can be done sooner or later.


Never thought of ID6 Sega Ring could be played on PC , But today it is in front of us with help of masterminds.



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I am sure it can be done sooner or later.


Never thought of ID6 Sega Ring could be played on PC , But today it is in front of us with help of masterminds.

One day, of course. Any engineer with force of will for this and right data. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 02/03/2017 at 6:19 AM, Hinzoto said:

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4:
All you need is...
Linux 32-bit.
CPU: Intel (better than ES1).
GPU: Nvidia (better than GT7900)
Wait for a crack!



Any new updates on crack?

Edited by Arcade_mAniaC
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  • 2 weeks later...
Il y a 2 heures, Hinzoto a dit :

WMMT4 has been cracked and playable whithout save. Look at the first post.

ok if true show picture or movie ingame

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Le 28/12/2017 à 17:18, zRevengee a dit :

some guys in my discord server got it running , so it works

Yes it works probably but only on a 32-bit linux................

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Il y a 22 heures, Arcade_mAniaC a dit :

Can someone who got it running post a tutorial? or a link to tutorial?

here :

To set up WMMT4:
unpack all updates from 0109 to 1018 with replacing files
install all nessesary libs(ldd WMN4r)
copy lib/ld-linux.so.2 to /opt/arcade/i686/lib/ld-linux.so.2
install tty0tty
install vmware player or virtualbox
copy WMN4r,mt4hasp.so,wm4_hasp.bin to game root
copy Setting.lua to /save/setting00 and save/setting01
go to data\Device\DeviceSetting.lua and change     "/dev/ttyS2",        --Param.Serial.Port.Port2, to "/dev/tnt0"
install windows 7 x86 in vm
add serial device to vm, set it to /dev/tnt1
install .net framework 4.5.2 and copy JVS folder in vm
find com1 in device manager and set it to com 14, flow control-hardware
connect your controller to vm and start DumbJVSManager.exe
go to settings and choose your controller, save settings
go to remap joystick player 1 and set controls:
Start - test mode menu select
Button1-Button6 - manual gearbox
Service - service button
Test Switch - test button
Menu up, Menu down - test menu navigation
Menu left - race cancel button(for vs race)
Menu right - viev change button
Wheel axis
Gas axis
Brake axis(for g25 g27 set full axis and reverse axis)
save controls exit DumbJVSManager
run start.bat to start jvs emulator
dont forget to turn off sleep mode for both windows and linux
set proper resolution for game 1360x768
run game with LD_PRELOAD=./mt4hasp.so ./WMN4r
you should see that game tries connect to jvs, if u get jvs error after 1 or 2 minutes switch to other console ctrl-f6, ps -e, find game process, sudo kill "process name" and start game again
after sucsessful jvs connect hold test button and enter test menu(dont release button)
in test menu find wheel calibration menu and calibrate it
release test button

to unlock ghost battle mode go to data\MENU\Script\mode_select.txt and uncomment string: //stGameInfo,CARDHAVE,1,

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il y a 15 minutes, zRevengee a dit :

no, it' works even on 64bit linux , just you need to install 32bit libs and you can play

Good for people have linux

me i don't have it

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Ca fait plusieurs jours que j'ai très envie d'essayer, ayant tout ce qu'il faut pour, mais je n'arrive pas à me motiver pour me lancer car je sais que je vais tourner en rond sur certaines étapes pas assez claires du readme, en particulier :


unpack all updates from 0109 to 1018 with replacing files (là ce sera peut-être évident une fois sur ubuntu, mais en l'état je ne sais pas ce que sont ces fichiers unp, peut-être nativement gérés via un simple clic droit/décompresser, peut-être via l'appli unp qui extrait en trouvant le bon truc pour extraire...)
add serial device to vm, set it to /dev/tnt1 (ah je viens de percuter qu'en fait c'est juste au niveau de la config de la vm, pas de windows)
find com1 in device manager and set it to com 14, flow control-hardware (et là on retrouve surement le com1 qu'on a setté sur le step juste au dessus)


Pour "install all nessesary libs(ldd WMN4r)", il faut faire "ldd WMN4r" (dans le dossier de WMMT4) et installer toutes les libs que ça liste (via apt-get).


Pour "run game with LD_PRELOAD=./mt4hasp.so ./WMN4r", à priori il faut simplement setter la variable d'environnement en jouant une fois la commande "LD_PRELOAD=./mt4hasp.so ./WMN4r", et ensuite lancer le jeu en lançant WMM4r depuis le dossier WMMT4. Il faut peut-être mettre les chemins absolus plutôt que relatifs et il faudra le refaire à chaque lancement d'ubuntu si on ne sette pas la variable de manière permanente, mais rien de bloquant ici.


[EDIT] En fait en écrivant ce message je me suis débloqué sur la plupart des points, je devrais donc pouvoir me lancer.

Edited by pinkimo2
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zRevengee, do you have any advice to reduce skipped/lost inputs? Even with an i5 2500K@4.2GHz with virtualbox cores affinity defined to 4 cores (sudo taskset -pc 0,1,2,3 xxxx) and its priority set to 19 (sudo renice 19 -p xxxx) and the very minimum running on both OS, a lot of inputs are lost. Sometimes it's almost good (if I push many times the view button almost all actually change the view), sometimes 3/4 of them are lost, and there is some big lags (left or right locked for 1 or 2 secs after I've released the stick for example).

I've also tried to increase DumpJVSCmd priority but it makes things worse.

Could VMWare Player give better results? Any other hint?


Do you have perfect inputs (no lag, no loss) on any computer? If so, with which CPU?



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Japanese, but there is nothing complicated, a quick look to the english official site shows the few things to know:

- How upgrades work: http://wanganmaxi-official.com/wanganmaxi4/en/system/td/index.php

- What are those golden things appearing from time to time (basically just hit the throttle to pass those screens): http://wanganmaxi-official.com/wanganmaxi4/en/system/level/degree.php

- The screen with a red and blue choice ask if you accept challengers, just hit the throttle.


And for the test mode, the WMMT3 english doc helps a lot: http://www.bandainamco-am.co.uk/files/38

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Il 6/1/2018 Alle 10:52, pinkimo2 ha scritto:

zRevengee, do you have any advice to reduce skipped/lost inputs? Even with an i5 2500K@4.2GHz with virtualbox cores affinity defined to 4 cores (sudo taskset -pc 0,1,2,3 xxxx) and its priority set to 19 (sudo renice 19 -p xxxx) and the very minimum running on both OS, a lot of inputs are lost. Sometimes it's almost good (if I push many times the view button almost all actually change the view), sometimes 3/4 of them are lost, and there is some big lags (left or right locked for 1 or 2 secs after I've released the stick for example).

I've also tried to increase DumpJVSCmd priority but it makes things worse.

Could VMWare Player give better results? Any other hint?


Do you have perfect inputs (no lag, no loss) on any computer? If so, with which CPU?



The issues of input lags are because you're using virtualbox instead of vmware

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il y a une heure, carnyzzle a dit :

All I've done so far is unpack the updates, the instructions in the readme aren't clear enough for things like installing libs


For the libs, at least if you use Ubuntu 16.04:

- Download the missing libs which have no good version from apt (I've made this archive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z8rReop7KOl6M5ivsXAT1HnjrFtBdpfA/view

- Extract them and copy them in /usr/lib/

- Install them: sudo ldconfig -n -v /usr/lib


- If you're on Ubuntu 32 bits: sudo apt-get install libcg libcggl

- If you're on Ubuntu 64 bits:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libcg:i386 libcggl:i386 libcurl3:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386 libasound2-plugins:i386


You can check if there is some other missing libs with "ldd WMMT4r". It should be ok, but if there is any missing lib, to find them, you can install apt-file (sudo apt install apt-file, then sudo apt-file update), search for the missing lib (apt-file search whateverlib.so.0.9.5), and install the 32 bit version of the most relevant package found (by adding :i386 like above on Ubuntu 64 bits).


You'll also have to install NVidia drivers to be able to launch the game: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-install-latest-nvidia-drivers-in-linux


As you'll see with my next message, I really don't have more time right now to make a more complete doc, I've already spent way more time than I had on that, but this step is probably the most complicated (unless you've bad luck like me...).

Edited by pinkimo2
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