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hummer extreme edition rev D


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2 hours ago, Distance said:

help emuline community my hdd died and I don't have the recovery discs someone will have an image of the game


here arr Arcade HUMMER EXTREME EDITION RIDE Game! - YouTube

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Invité petje
9 hours ago, Distance said:

do you know if this .bin file can be the installer for the hummer extreme edition game


I doubt it will work to recover or prepare a new harddisk for your cabinet

What you need is a .chd file, it is binary copy of a original hard disk, maybe you can find it in MAME releases, not one 100% sure, good luck with that


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  • 2 ans après...
1 hour ago, jules said:


I have a problem with hummer extreme on teknoparrot the game is very hard I stay 20 th position when I see the video of the arcade the game is more easy, any solution? thx :))

your game is probaly running to fast, it's probaly running 60, needs 30, forgot were but a config file can be changed from 60 to 30, think was something like Data folder and a kernal nut file


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