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ArcCabView + PinCabView : Display your arcade games just as you want!


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Salut, j'avoue que j'ai pas franchement testé, mais t'es sur que le problème n'est pas présent avec les autres versions de MAME? encore une fois pour Progear c'est pas normal, le driver CPS2 n'est pas modifié du tout...

Si en fait c'est que pour les 2 jeux CV1000 ca peut etre que l'underclock du CPU, du coup remis à 200% ca devrait régler le probleme. Le "soucis" c'est que depuis MAME 0.229 l'overclock n'est plus sauvegardé, donc comme la plupart des jeux CV1000 demande un underclock à environ 50% pour avoir les ralentis à peu pres conformes à la PCB, je l'ai réglé comme ca d'office et ca evite donc d'avoir à le régler à chaque fois. L'inconvénient c'est que si ca pose probleme pour ces 2 jeux, ca veut dire que pour ceux-là il te faut le remonter un peu à chaque fois... la bonne solution ca serait de rester à MAME 0.228 et de sauvegarder le réglage qui va bien pour chaque jeu... Mais bon c'est un peu dommage aussi...

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Would it be possible to use ArcCabView to get Luigi's Mansion Arcade (TeknoParrot) working on monitors that don't support the game's resolution of 1920x1080?

Normally there isn't any way to run the game in lower resolutions without it being displayed incorrectly (or not running at all). Even if you edit the game's ini files.

Modifié par Reddix
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il y a une heure, sebetanne a dit :

Oui sur, j'ai justement repris une version vierge de mameui64 0.240 et tout fonctionne nickel c'est pour cela que ca me parait bizarre...

Je trouve ca ou le reglage underclock ??

Ok problème trouvé et j'ai fixé le truc :)

Merci de l'avoir signalé! Je vais updater avec une version qui va bien et un rendu encore meilleur! 😎

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il y a une heure, Reddix a dit :

Would it be possible to use ArcCabView to get Luigi's Mansion Arcade (TeknoParrot) working on monitors that don't support the game's resolution of 1920x1080?

Normally there isn't any way to run the game in lower resolutions without it being displayed incorrectly (or not running at all). Even if you edit the game's ini files.

I just tested, you can use our 64bits dll (renamed d2d1.dll) to force any resolution above 1920x1080 but you can't get the game running below (at least without a launcher...)


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On 2/16/2022 at 11:15 PM, Houb said:

  Here a nice new release:   

ArcCabView BGFX for MAME

And a custom MAMEUI build to work with! :)


ArcCabView BGFXChain For MAME
(MOD of CRTGeom-Deluxe BGFX Chain by cgwg)

- aperture mask code changed to match the grill and to look like our Reshade's Shader.
- support for 2x2 and 1x1 slot mask textures (auto switch)
- native frame display support (with and without curvature).
- screen reflection on frame added.
- frame size setting added (you can change the frame and resize)
- native overlay image support added
- curvature without CRT effect added
- better overscan support and offsets support added (so now you can resize and crop your games correctly :)
- many settings and details improved.

The pack contains:
- ArcCabView's BGFX Chain
- A custom MAMEUI build
- Some bezel examples
- Some chain settings examples
- Some pre-configured ini for a few games as examples

As this pack is already "set" please do a clean install!!!!
The folder "artwork\ArcCabView" is requiered to get ArcCabView's BGFX chains working.

The custom MAMEUI(64) 0.240  build included features:
- No-Nag when "skip info" is activated.
- CV1000 CPU 50% underclocked, blitter delay activated and set at 57%.
- Neogeo 304 pixels width games display fixed (but not when using softlist)
- Neogeo CPU oveclocked at 16MHz (should help some games to run better)
- samsh5pf, samsh5fe and xeno (Xeno-Crisis MVS/Genesis) support added
- ffightae (Final Fight 3 players hack version) added
- halway (Progear Hack) support added 
- PrimalRage2 patch applied (should be working)
- kovshp and kovshxas BGM fixed
- and a few other small changes...

Here what you need to set in mame's ini files (when not already done) :
artpath                   artwork

video                     bgfx

filter                    0
prescale                  1

bgfx_path                 bgfx
bgfx_backend              glsl
bgfx_screen_chains        ArcCabView

For me "bgfx_backend" set to "glsl" works really better than the others options. 
For information the d3d9 bgfx_backend is broken with this CRT shaders (don't use it).


Ready to use ArcCabView pack with the custom MAMEUI 0.240 included (do a clean install and use the full archive content) :


ArcCabView BGFX Shader only (to use with any recent MAME versions) :



Here how it looks :











Enjoy!! 😎


This work is amazing!!!!

Is is possible to decrease the curved effect in the mame version, can i adjust it? I did look into the ini files but i didn't see where I was able to adjust. I like the curve effect, i just wanted to try it a bit less curved.

What amazing work, not just the mame version, the dll version as well, it's incredible!

For any noob that is wondering about the mame bgfx install. Just copy all the folders into a fresh mame install and overwrite the files. I just tested on 240 and it worked perfectly, i didn't need to set anything after copying the files.

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Il y a 1 heure, arcadeforty a dit :


This work is amazing!!!!

Is is possible to decrease the curved effect in the mame version, can i adjust it? I did look into the ini files but i didn't see where I was able to adjust. I like the curve effect, i just wanted to try it a bit less curved.

What amazing work, not just the mame version, the dll version as well, it's incredible!

For any noob that is wondering about the mame bgfx install. Just copy all the folders into a fresh mame install and overwrite the files. I just tested on 240 and it worked perfectly, i didn't need to set anything after copying the files.

Thanks! You can change d and R in bgfx\effects\ArcCabView\arccabview.json ;) (you can open and edit with notepad)


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54 minutes ago, Houb said:

Thanks! You can change d and R in bgfx\effects\ArcCabView\arccabview.json ;) (you can open and edit with notepad)


Great! I see it. I'm actually used to it now. I don't think it was the curve after all that i wanted to remove, it's the bezel and how it sometimes cuts the text off on some games when the text goes all the way to the edge of the screen. It's not a big deal, just something i will try to refine. In SSF2T you can notice it, the player portrait on the side of the screen is missing the white line as it's behind the bezel and at the top the writing gets slightly cut off. I will run is side by side with my crt machine and try to compare.


I may need to make a flat screen crt bezel, curves in the corners only. I will experiment more now i know where to change these settings.


Thanks again for this, it's really amazing!!



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21 hours ago, Houb said:

I just tested, you can use our 64bits dll (renamed d2d1.dll) to force any resolution above 1920x1080 but you can't get the game running below (at least without a launcher...)


Thank you for testing and thanks for the hard work on ArcCabView. ❤️

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il y a 5 minutes, sebetanne a dit :

Salut. Quand penses tu mettre en ligne la nouvelle version ? ( en mode hyper impatient !!!) 😁

ben il y 2 jours il y a eu ça :

et c'est vrai que le mois de février est un peu court alors je pensais attendre et faire une 0.241 directement...

Mais bon je vais t'uploader un patch quand même ;)

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il y a 15 minutes, Houb a dit :

ben il y 2 jours il y a eu ça :

et c'est vrai que le mois de février est un peu court alors je pensais attendre et faire une 0.241 directement...

Mais bon je vais t'uploader un patch quand même ;)

Super . Merci !!! 😀

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il y a 13 minutes, sebetanne a dit :

Super . Merci !!! 😀

écrase tout avec ca et efface les anciens ini\mame.ini et ini\presets\mame.ini

normalement ca devrait aussi régler le probleme des ini de MAMEUI en passant.

tu me diras ce que tu penses de l'effet, j'ai changé pas mal de petits trucs...


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il y a 5 minutes, Houb a dit :

écrase tout avec ca et efface les anciens ini\mame.ini et ini\presets\mame.ini

normalement ca devrait aussi régler le probleme des ini de MAMEUI en passant.

tu me diras ce que tu penses de l'effet, j'ai changé pas mal de petits trucs...


Merci. Je teste ça dans l'apres midi.

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ArcCabView generic (ReShade shader) updated to 1.1 :)


- CRTGeom code updated with last cgwg's improvements
- Brightness and black dots render have been improved when using CRT effect
- Bloom effect improved to catch the screen dots and to look more realistic with CRT effect
- The alpha value of the overlay image is now exponential
- The frame image has been updated (the border sizes are smaller than before)
- A few minor fixes/changes


And ArcCabView BGFX chain for MAME has been updated to 1.1 too (chain and MAMEUI pack)


Enjoy :)

Modifié par Houb
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Thanks again! This is great. I think the smaller frame image is better. You could always leave the larger frame in the folder and just have it so people could rename if they wanted the marger bezel.


Is it possible to somehow manage the image so less of the image is cut off? I think the answer is no because the dark shading on the side of the bezel which creates part of the crt effect has to be there, but i just thought i would ask.


This picture is mame with and without effect. You can see some of ryu portrait is cut off (i keep feeling like i want to adjust my h size to see the image!).




I wonder if it might be possible to create a bezel with the same effect like the Atomiswave SD flat cabinet, it's basically square with small rounder corners. I'm not sure if this would break the crt effect without the curve though.







Anyways, it's not a big deal, and it's not me being critical. I love this project, it's amazing! Everyone should try this.





Modifié par arcadeforty
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46 minutes ago, Houb said:

in fact you have more than the frame image to update if you want to change the frame.

You have to edit "frame_size" and "ReflectionFallOff" in the preset (or in ReShade UI)


For your problem in can be resolved by increasing the "cornersmooth" value :)


Using the latest mameui package, if i edit the value for


        { "name": "cornersmooth",        "type": "vec4", "values": [ 75.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] },


Changing this has no effect.


It's ok though because i found the bgfx chains and it has the different settings for no bezel, no curve etc. This will be enough, if  i set to no curve chain and then make my own bezel file it is same result.

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Il y a 5 heures, Houb a dit :

écrase tout avec ca et efface les anciens ini\mame.ini et ini\presets\mame.ini

normalement ca devrait aussi régler le probleme des ini de MAMEUI en passant.

tu me diras ce que tu penses de l'effet, j'ai changé pas mal de petits trucs...


Alors un GRAND, GRAND, GRAND Merci !!! Ca marche nickel ! C'est juste parfait pour moi. Je redecouvre les jeux d'Arcade !!

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il y a 41 minutes, arcadeforty a dit :

Using the latest mameui package, if i edit the value for


        { "name": "cornersmooth",        "type": "vec4", "values": [ 75.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] },


Changing this has no effect.


It's ok though because i found the bgfx chains and it has the different settings for no bezel, no curve etc. This will be enough, if  i set to no curve chain and then make my own bezel file it is same result.

It should work...

- at defauft 75.0 :



- at 175.0 :


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Thank you for creating ArcCabView BGFX for MAME.  I very much like the effect except the frame cutting off text which I will play with size to compensate.


For a vertical only cab (screen physically rotated 90 degrees) are there any settings I should change in any of the ini's?


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24 minutes ago, Houb said:

It should work...

- at defauft 75.0 :



- at 175.0 :



I just tried it again, it must have been my error. It is now working for me. I think maybe 125 is a nicer default value, it still has the effect of the crt, but 75 maybe cuts off a bit too much of the image. 75 is maybe more of areally old 80s vintage tube vibe.


One more question I can't work out, when i select the no curv chain, it has the border around the image. I tried to find the setting in the json but i can't work out which setting will take away this border? It's not the frame.png, Is it possible to stretch the image right to the top and bottom without this small border?




Thankyou very much for your help! I really appreciate it!

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il y a 9 minutes, fwlr a dit :

Thank you for creating ArcCabView BGFX for MAME.  I very much like the effect except the frame cutting off text which I will play with size to compensate.

For a vertical only cab (screen physically rotated 90 degrees) are there any settings I should change in any of the ini's?

I will check, but it should be very easy to change. what about your window display orientation? you are still in landscape or in portrait mode?


il y a 12 minutes, arcadeforty a dit :


I just tried it again, it must have been my error. It is now working for me. I think maybe 125 is a nicer default value, it still has the effect of the crt, but 75 maybe cuts off a bit too much of the image. 75 is maybe more of areally old 80s vintage tube vibe.


One more question I can't work out, when i select the no curv chain, it has the border around the image. I tried to find the setting in the json but i can't work out which setting will take away this border? It's not the frame.png, Is it possible to stretch the image right to the top and bottom without this small border?




Thankyou very much for your help! I really appreciate it!


the frame.png is displayed, it's just cut when curvature is disabled.

If you want the frame to be disabled just set frame_size to 0.0;0.0

you also have a Flat setting, but in fact just copy bgfx\chains\arccabview.json and create a new setting by just changing the default values as you want (all the ArcCabView_xxxx.json in chains are mostly examples, you can do your own ones and set them as you want by changing the default values of each setting) The slider values of the chains are not saved but you can play with them using the chains available and when you find a good slider setting matching your need just edit the .json or create a new one using these values as default :)

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10 minutes ago, Houb said:

I will check, but it should be very easy to change. what about your window display orientation? you are still in landscape or in portrait mode?

I believe the front ends I'm looking at like launchbox/bigbox or pinup popper expect landscape mode when setting up but can run a vertical theme.  Both mention changing mame rotate to 0 instead of 1

I wasn't sure if that causes the effects from your settings to look off because of the rotation done in mame.

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40 minutes ago, Houb said:

I will check, but it should be very easy to change. what about your window display orientation? you are still in landscape or in portrait mode?



the frame.png is displayed, it's just cut when curvature is disabled.

If you want the frame to be disabled just set frame_size to 0.0;0.0

you also have a Flat setting, but in fact just copy bgfx\chains\arccabview.json and create a new setting by just changing the default values as you want (all the ArcCabView_xxxx.json in chains are mostly examples, you can do your own ones and set them as you want by changing the default values of each setting) The slider values of the chains are not saved but you can play with them using the chains available and when you find a good slider setting matching your need just edit the .json or create a new one using these values as default :)


Excellent, I understand.

I never did learn to use crtgeomod, but now i can understand how it all works. 🍺🍰


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il y a 48 minutes, fwlr a dit :

I believe the front ends I'm looking at like launchbox/bigbox or pinup popper expect landscape mode when setting up but can run a vertical theme.  Both mention changing mame rotate to 0 instead of 1

I wasn't sure if that causes the effects from your settings to look off because of the rotation done in mame.

So not sure I understood but I think you are still in landscape mode and your screen is rotated 90CCW.

So remove the neogeo/progear/ddonpach/darius/darius2d artworks examples I put in artwork folder and extract this in your ArcCabView MAME install (a clean install) and everything should work for a cabinet in portrait mode like that :)

Modifié par Houb
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1 hour ago, Houb said:

So not sure I understood but I think you are still in landscape mode and your screen is rotated 90CCW.

So remove the neogeo/progear/ddonpach/darius/darius2d artworks examples I put in artwork folder and extract this in your ArcCabView MAME install (a clean install) and everything should work for a cabinet in portrait mode like that :)

Thank you very much for your time.  Appreciate the help.

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30 minutes ago, Houb said:

ArcCabView_MAMEUI64_0.241 is available :)

(Nearly just updated, a few very small changes, the bgfx chain only was updated too)


Ready to use ArcCabView pack with the custom MAMEUI 0.241 included (do a clean install and use the full archive content) :


ArcCabView BGFX Shader only (to use with any recent MAME versions) :



Is this a  newer version of BGFX shader? Newer than 1.1?

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8 minutes ago, Houb said:


very very small changes it's v1.10001 😄

the halation looks a little better than before and cornersmooth has been increased from 75 to 90.




You should add update number always to make it easy for people to stay up to date :)


Ever since i find this mod, i have been playing many of my old games again, it's like a new world for retro for me. I am tricked to think i am watching a crt sometimes! I did notice that v 1.1 requires more power to run than 1.0b. I had 1.0b on an older pc, and it was running fine, then i upgraded to 1.1 and some games now don't run smooth. It's fine, this is not my main pc, but 1,1 does require more power.

I also find that sometimes a game will not go all the way to the edge of the screen, what would be the solution to fix these games? It only happens on a few games, for example this tekken 1 game has black bar at the top only.



Modifié par arcadeforty
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and what about using the ArcCabView_tekken ;) they are already set with overscans and offsets to match the screen 😎

(same for most other "ArcCabView_romname" chains)


for the performances they are faster/better chains (1.0 was set to faster, 1.1 is better by default but yes it can be slow) just overwrite with faster chains and it will most likely resolve your performances issues :)

Modifié par Houb
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12 minutes ago, Houb said:

and what about using the ArcCabView_tekken ;) they are already set with overscans and offsets to match the screen 😎

(same for most other "ArcCabView_romname" chains)


for the performances they are faster/better chains (1.0 was set to faster, 1.1 is better by default but yes it can be slow) just overwrite with faster chains and it will most likely resolve your performances issues :)



Thankyou, i didn't see these!!

I can see the overscan and offset setting now in case i need to set in future. There were some neo geo games that had this same problem as well.


Sorry for my noob questions, but i understand now. Thanks for your help.




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il y a 13 minutes, arcadeforty a dit :

There were some neo geo games that had this same problem as well.



That's why there is a Neo304 (for 304 pixels width Neogeo games).

But in fact if you were using the build I share the neogeo resolution is already fixed by default for all these games.

Also if you were using the full packs most of these games are already set to use the good chain in the ini\presets\xxxxx.ini (all the tekken games for example and also soulcalibur, tmnt2, ddragon,...)



PS: Offcourse I can't set all the games (they are examples) but it's easy, when you have such screen problems, play ingame with the overscan/offsets sliders of the bgfx chain, remember the values and create a new chain with them to use with this game :)

Modifié par Houb
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