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punkdark2000 last won the day on January 19 2022

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  1. It appeared for me too, just press Start and the game starts normally
  2. Is there any way to save progress?
  3. I also use the translator, when you copy directly it looks like this, copy it first to notepad and then copy it here, it will be in normal size
  4. It would be possible to create the icons of the last 3 games that were released (NFS Takedown, Drakons, Racoon Rampage)
  5. The same thing happened to me, I created a script and put a 4 second delay to open the demulshooter and then open the game. Resolved
  6. Does anyone know how to solve the sound bug in NFS?
  7. Is it possible to configure these 2 games to play with 2 players using Aimtrak? MARBELLA VICE + THE JUSTICERS
  8. In option "pad handler" select "multi"
  9. In The House of the Dead: Overkill, did anyone manage to get past this screen? I did the command for select (Left + Right click (or button 6 Select) but it doesn't work
  10. I followed your example, but the 2nd player moves the 1st player's crosshair. Inside the game he doesn't understand that he has 2 controls and only 1. I found my mistake, it's working perfectly, thank you.
  11. How did you configure the 2 player?
  12. Virus Man site bro. http://teknoparrot.link.free.fr/ https://uptobox.com/nwpp1y2xiebh
  13. Is it possible to play Sailoor Zombie with mouse or gun?
  14. Argon, the unofficial version you released on the demulshooter forum solved my problem.
  15. I'm having a problem that player1 can't reload the gun I'm using this version https://gofile.io/d/vI2VmA
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