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DarkVoid666 last won the day on September 5 2022

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  1. Excellent, that was quick, thx a lot 🙂
  2. Anyone can re-up the correct PT2 files for tp, thanx in advance!
  3. i see, looks a bit complicated, i think you could simplify that. First of all, you don't actually need Daphne and can start everything just with Hypseus. I don't use Daphne at all, cause Hypseus supports all Daphne games and the Singe/2 games after encoding to m2v. In the hypseus folder you have the vldp folder for Daphne games, a Singe folder for Singe games, rom folder, bezel folder, basically everything under one roof. And i'm pretty sure, instead of pointing to the hypseus.exe with this command C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus\hypseus.exe, you could point to the bat, i.e. C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus\daphne_roadblaster.bat. The windows-batch-files are availabe for downloading in the hypseus repo on github and the bat files should be placed in the hypseus folder. Then you would just have to edit the arguments in the bat files for specific purposes. The Roadblaster bat file looks like this for example hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp\roadblaster\roadblaster.txt -fullscreen -nolinear_scale -bezel roadblaster.png -gamepad As you can see you don't have to point to the rom folder in the hypseus folder, hypseus is automatically using the correct rom. With this argument in the command line roadblaster vldp, i'm telling hypseus, that it is a daphne game and it uses the according rom then. Then i just need to point also to the framefile with this argument in the command line -framefile vldp\roadblaster\roadblaster.txt. And those arguments are for settings to load the game -fullscreen -nolinear_scale -bezel roadblaster.png -gamepad, using a gamepad, bezels etc. And for starting Singe games the command line in the bat file looks like this hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\F13\F13.txt -script singe\F13\F13.singe -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -gamepad -set_overlay full So you could start all games via the according bat file with hypseus, no need for Daphne and those long command lines C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus\hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile C:\RetroBat\roms\daphne\roadblaster.daphne\roadblaster.txt -useoverlaysb 2 -homedir C:\RetroBat\roms\daphne -x 1920 -y 1080 -fullscreen -opengl -fastboot -force_aspect_ratio I hope Retrobat is similar to Launchbox and you can start the games via bat and not just by pointing to the exe, it is much simpler, give it a try, if you have any questions just ask. 😉
  4. Erm, i'm confused now. You don't use bat files to start the games with hypseus, how do you start the games with Retrobat or in gerneral?
  5. This has nothing to do with Retrobat, mp4 isn't supported by Hypseus in general only m2v's/ogg's, just like Daphne. I'm using Launchbox and starting the games via a bat file. Doesn't Retrobat allow games to be started via bat files?
  6. Yes the files are correct for Hypseus + Daphne. If that is the txt of your framefile, then you need to change it to 0 timegal.m2v You are using m2v videofiles for Hypseus + Daphne not mp4.
  7. Thanx, but i found the problem. Weirdly when i start DE4D in fullscreen the crosshair goes haywire. But when i start it windowed and let Borderless Gaming making it fullscreen the aiming is fine, strange. This is not the case with Deadstorm Pirates which is working in fullscreen, so i dunno why it behaves differently with DE4D. In Sailor Zombie the controls for the gun don't work at all for some reason, so maybe Demulshooter is necessary for that. Or is it working for you?
  8. Thanx will try that. Not so sure if that will do it, it is a bit of a hassle to get it working properly with the Sinden Gun. I followed this tutorial on youtube and got it working, i couldn't explain to you, what to do, glad i got it working that way. 🙂
  9. No, not sure if Demulshooter is working with rpcs3. I have Time Crisis 4 and Deadstorm Pirates for PS3 working with my Sinden Gun without Demulshooter. So i'm guessing DE4d and DSS should also work without Demulshooter. Since you can choose the Sinden Camera in the RPSC3 option for those games. There is even a specific RPSC3 gun exe, but so far i couldn't get it to work properly. The crosshair is not behaving as it should. But i'm not a tech wizard and have no clue so far why it doesn't work. Therefore i can't help you with your system error, sorry, it is loading fine for me as it is. Can you please link me to that working version?
  10. Well, the game is loading for me, couldn't get my Sinden Gun to work properly for now though. But i'm guessing that is just some settings problem, not sure. If someone got it to work with the Sinden Gun. please let me know, thx.
  11. Can you point me to them? Cause i can't find them on VM's site Ah ok, haven't tried it yet. Will do and get back to you.
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