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jcstahl1 last won the day on December 5

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  1. It's unlikely any of the namco 2x6 stuff will run decently, if at all on Android. these games struggle even with a fairly decently spec'd PC.
  2. Game is still broken. You can play the entire game without firing a single shot and all the enemies will be dead. some of them even spawn onscreen already dead. also crashes if you try to select anything in test menu.
  3. Waiting to make sure it works correctly before I re-upload it, just in case it needs any more files/fixes. Currently goes to black screen & crashes on latest updates.
  4. yes, it's been said that all the TP Christmas "gifts" would be for subscribers, and games getting unlocked from subscription would resume after the new year.
  5. in the 3.0.2 folder, delete the entire BepInEx folder. copy that same folder from your 2.0.6 folder, into the 3.0.2 folder and it should work. not at PC to test, and not using the same dump as mostly everyone else is from Vman's site as it's full of junk files from another launcher.
  6. delete the game from TPUI game library, and re-add it again & redo all your controls and it should work perfectly.
  7. open regedit at the highlighted location, right click on the highlighted registry file and delete it. after that start your game and everything should be working.
  8. Don't waste your time and energy. It's pointless. Best case scenario is he gets banned here again, and he shows up a few hours later with a new alt account. He does it contstantly everywhere. There's a reason he gets banned in most discord servers.
  9. yeah connor, share your information with the community since you're such a valued member of it.
  10. I've knows about this for months. I've been playing this version with TP since it was supported, and with demulshooter before that. There's lots of other settings that can be changed as well. You just "coincidentally" found it the same day I mentioned knowing of it's existence in 1cc. Hmmm..... Go away RRZ. Everyone sees through your bullshit, and there's a reason you keep getting banned from everywhere. I've wasted enought time on you. Share with the community, contribute to it in even some small way, or just sit down and shut up.
  11. Having being a person that has played the game in the arcade, yes. On an original arcade machine, there is no level select untill you complete the first level. Even then, it only unlocks level 2. After completing level 2, it then unlocks level 3.
  12. If you have version 3.0.2 and want all levels to show up to start with and your game currently makes you complete level one before unlocking level 3 you need to do this: In your game folder, go into the \config\ folder. Find the config_game_run_type.txt file. Edit your file to look like the following: LEVEL = 1 GAME_LEVEL = 1 GAME_LEVEL_COUNT = 4 GAME_LEVEL_TO_LOAD_LEVEL_1 = 1 GAME_LEVEL_TO_LOAD_LEVEL_2 = 3 GAME_LEVEL_TO_LOAD_LEVEL_3 = 5 GAME_LEVEL_TO_LOAD_LEVEL_4 = 6 GAME_LEVEL_TO_LOAD_LEVEL_5 = 5 GAME_LEVEL_TO_LOAD_LEVEL_6 = 1 PASSED_GAME_LEVEL_LIST = 4 //ONLY_PLAY_MOVIE_TIMES = YES PLAY_MOVIE_TIMES = 1 //PLAY_MOVIE_ORDER = FROM_LAST RUN_FIRST_LEVEL_NO_SELECT = NO MUST_PASS_LEVEL_4 = NO Rename/backup original file and save/overwrite the file with the new settings.
  13. Actually, there are multiple versions of this dump going around. Both have configuration files that have been edited. One dump allows the third level to appears after completeing only one level and the other dump allow all levels to be selectable from the start. On a real machine, you must complete both of the original levels to access the third. So with that said, no one is wrong in this situation so quit arguing about it. Conor, you're the one who brought up this dump existing and working with TP, so why don't you reupload and share it for the community? Instead of just trying to flex on emuline for some weird internet clout.
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