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lezzi87 last won the day on August 21 2024

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  1. The game instantly closes for me when i try to run with shell.exe, the folders and files are in C, windows firewall disabled, this i what i get in dk2win32.log: DllMain Remapping C:\ to C:\ MH_CreateHookApiEx L"kernel32.dll" CreateFileA Succeeded Did i do something wrong? This is the game.ini: [cabinet] type=STANDARD [Window] Fullscreen=0 Width=1080 Height=1920 PositionX=0 PositionY=0 [Graphics] RestartAttempts=5 Adapter=0 Refresh=60 [Game] AssetDir=C:\Sega\pvz\assets width=1080 height=1920 [System] Version=1.0.0 [Sound] Enabled=1 Primary=1 Volume=100 [Variables] Directory=C:\Sega\shell\variables HiScoreName1=users\hiscores.dat HiScoreName2=users\users.dat RefillDelay=10 [Debug] ForceTicket=1 UseMouseController=1 NoVerify=1 SecurityDisabled=1 [Network] Active=1 Domain=127.0.0 BaseAddr=1 Port=18888 MasterTimeout=15000 ClientTimeout=15000 [Location] #force_background=1 #force_environment=10 #force_lighting=1 #force_weather=1
  2. In this game to go fast (and win) you need to spam the accelerator button (handlebar accelerator on the cabinet), the only issue is that it produces a super loud sound, while the game in general is quite, this can't be fix in test menu generic volume settings, is there a way to lower it?
  3. In what folder this game save progress?
  4. No one can gave this to you, you have to create it yourself with your own account and password. Search the pinned message in incredible-tecnology section of teknoparrot discord, there is a guide that explain how to do it.
  5. First link in the OP works great for me.
  6. Check the video above, this is how it is in the og arcade game, there is no real concept of player 1 and 2, as soon you that insert medals you can shoot with both guns. Same in freeplay games. As hiding the mouse cursor you need do it yourself, or use an extarnal software for now.
  7. Type on their Discord, maybe the forgot to remove the restriction.
  8. EmuDisk\Chihiro
  9. Yes, with the Female character everything works properly now beside test mode. Male character, the enemies still suicide.
  10. It works only standalone for me now, for TP still crashes.
  11. I have managed to run the 3.02, but the game doesn't show the map, it just start from the ice level. Is that correct or did i do something wrong?
  12. If it is the Gofile one, that link is dead, we need a new upload.
  13. How do you put the game in full screen?
  14. 1st: I have Win 10. 2nd: I tried, still get the same error message. 3rd: I did it, still get the same error message. 4th: Tried native and still get the same error message. 5ve : Nothing changed
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