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[Arcade PC] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Terminal 6 Cracked (2010 Jap) (Konami)

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Posted (edited)

Original message:


Hi everyone, I've found a dump of this arcade, but this can't run with any of the .exe inside of it.

Here's a pic of Boot-Up:






Dump (no cracked):




Dump (Cracked): post #2 by Mohkerz

Warning: It's old dump (in japaneese language) but it's fully functionnal.

 => For a more recent dump than that of Mokherz (and English language) check *this thread*


Edited by 7zxkv
Cracked by Mohkerz (post #2)
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Terminal by [KONAMI]

---= Cracked by MOHKERZ =---





    Hi everybody! Happy new year, bonne année à tous!


Here is a new arcade game released, once again, in a playable state. 


Game is in japanese, so it may not be fully enjoyable to everybody, but maybe someone will dump a US version, or an updated version.... let's hope...


Dump includes hacked exe and dlls, a Locale emulator, DxWnd settings, and a launcher taking care of path, cursors and other commands and settings to make the game portable & one-click.


So, to run the game, just extract the archive anywhere and run the LAUNCHER exe "AS ADMIN" (if not some patches may fail).
Note that there is 2 launchers atm, one for full widescreen and one for fullscreen but with 4:3 aspect ratio preserved.

Game has been tested and working pretty good under Win7 x64.


So have fun with this one, here is the download link: "DOWNLOAD" (extract with 7zip, password is "MOHKERZ" without quotes).


This next link is a first minutes gameplay video i recorded:

YUGIOH Arcade Gameplay DEMO


As you can see in this screenshot, SERVICE MENU is working, settings are saved, and Google Translate on phone is very helpful ;)




1 = COIN
2 = ??? button
5 = TEST button
6 = SERVICE button
MOUSE = cursor
LEFT-CLICK = touch

CARD DISPENSER: this cab can dispense some yugioh cards, your computer can't... anyway the device is emulated to fool the game.
                Don't play to much with it, as it is simply bypassed.
                There is a FREEPLAY setting in SERVICE MENU that allows to fully disable it in-game.
CARD SCANNER:    Yugioh Duel Terminal cards embed QRcodes and can be scanned by being placed face down on the cab front panel center.
                Here some patches, made the thing work with my laptop webcam. Have some fun with yours.
                There is a SERVICE MENU test screen that helps with that.
REAL-IO buttons:This cab has some buttons like SERVICE, TEST and COIN.
                There is also a big ACTION button that is the main control button, and is mapped to SPACE.
                Note: there is another button i did not found useful atm, but i mapped it to key 2.
TOUCH PANEL:    This cab uses a touch screen, and that was the real "fun" here. Screen isn't even multi touch.
                So i mapped the mouse to fully replace the touch screen, and left-click is the touch event.
                    Small bug:
                Sometimes, input seems to be OFF, but everything comes back to normal quickly... need to debug more...
NETWORK:        This might work if you intend to link computers, but i did not tried or fixed anything here.

  Please note that files are modified and will not properly work on a REAL Yugioh Duel Terminal cabinet.


Special thanks to: 
-DUCON:very-good: for his knowledge and his friendship.
-Manson for the logo design ;)
-the person that dumped and uploaded the files... come again...
-xupefei for his Locale emulator.
-ghotik for DxWnd.
-and some more that shared code ,advices & kindness...






Others dumps:


Check here:


Edited by 7zxkv
new link

Oh snap! I was wondering if this was gonna get cracked and be playable a few days ago. Thanks a bunch Mohkerz! Can't wait to try this out! 



ty mohkerz :)  thank you very much 


no inputs are workking for me -  win10 os - 

wireless or wired input keyboard controls work 

all the screen does is black  blink 

the mouse yugi icon appears and can wave around but no input or space start non responding. 


5 hours ago, Mohkerz said:

download link is now available!

Thank you Mhkerz for your dedicated work on arcade games and happy new year too.


On my PC (win 7 64bits with no D: drive) your loader produces an error by searching something in D:...

I don't know what to do to give this working.

Posted (edited)

About controls, try adding some dinput or dinput8 dll in contents/exe directory. 


About  d drive:

What is the exact error message ? 

Just run launcher as admin... Or

Install the win7 package that give subst support to the os... Its included from longtime in updates... 

Edited by Mohkerz



Cheers buddy




Konami Duel Terminal


Could be these specs??

Hardware : Toshiba FAB-e965 Industrial PC
CPU : 2,13Ghz
GPU : ATI Radeon 2600 XT
Mainboard : Toshiba TEM100


4 hours ago, Mohkerz said:

About controls, try adding some dinput or dinput8 dll in contents/exe directory. 


About  d drive:

What is the exact error message ? 

Just run launcher as admin... Or

Install the win7 package that give subst support to the os... Its included from longtime in updates... 

No Mouse No Cursor working here on win 10.

I also created a drive to test D:\JD6

But no dice no controls to play any advice greatly appreciated.

4 hours ago, Mohkerz said:

About controls, try adding some dinput or dinput8 dll in contents/exe directory. 


About  d drive:

What is the exact error message ? 

Just run launcher as admin... Or

Install the win7 package that give subst support to the os... Its included from longtime in updates... 

Here is a print screen with the error message.5c2fd9a9c58a4_Errormessage.jpg.88e798be9dd19386fa67daddf2252eca.jpg

Normally, my win 7 is updated with the lastest win update. This win 7 package have to be installed independently of the microscoft automatic updates ?

Thank you for your help.


I also got that same D: drive error when I tried to run the game on my Windows 10 PC but the game actually ran when I tried it on my older Windows 8.1 laptop but I also have no mouse input on there too.

Staying patient for any help or fixes. Still, thanks again for making this possible. :)


4 hours ago, Mohkerz said:

Thanks for the screenshot,  is everything OK during init ? 

My init has a red error on the mouse input so I guess not all the paths are right somewhere but I have tried different paths.

Cheers hope we will fix this somehow

Posted (edited)
Il y a 18 heures, Manson976 a dit :



Cheers buddy




Konami Duel Terminal


Could be these specs??

Hardware : Toshiba FAB-e965 Industrial PC
CPU : 2,13Ghz
GPU : ATI Radeon 2600 XT
Mainboard : Toshiba TEM100


Motherboard: AOpen IT855GME-LX (BIOS: Award-Phoenix BIOS v6.00PG)
CPU: Intel Celeron M (1.50GHz) (either Celeron M 340 or 370, unknown)
GPU: ATI RV360-based GPU (equivalent to Radeon 9600)
RAM: 1 GB DDR333
OS: Windows XP Embedded (SP2?)

Edited by 7zxkv
18 hours ago, scooby said:

Here is a print screen with the error message.5c2fd9a9c58a4_Errormessage.jpg.88e798be9dd19386fa67daddf2252eca.jpg

Normally, my win 7 is updated with the lastest win update. This win 7 package have to be installed independently of the microscoft automatic updates ?

Thank you for your help.

I can confirm that the game doesn't work on Win 10. I get the same error message as "scooby". :(

1 hour ago, arcade_power said:

I can confirm that the game doesn't work on Win 10. I get the same error message as "scooby". :(

Works here on win 10 just no mouse inputs....

Have you run it as Admin?

5 minutes ago, Manson976 said:

Works here on win 10 just no mouse inputs....

Have you run it as Admin?

Yes, I ran the EXE file as admin, with no luck. The game starts loading up followed by the error screen.

Posted (edited)

Ok, so this game require some settings to run, let's try without making game portable, as it seems to break things on different systems.

You will need to place game files in a specific path, and add the new simple launcher, or run the exe by yourself...


This game have some path sensitive files required, especially main folder on d drive.

This game creates and writes settings (nvram, coins, network, etc...) on another drive (E:, F:, or G:) in a CONF directory on root.

So if you have none or if there exist one already, settings might not be saved...


So, main folder need to be on D:\ drive,precisely in a "JD6" directory, so copy-paste files from the cracked archive from the first post like this:



Now, for compatibility reasons and testing with your own settings, go to D:\JD6\contents\exe folder and remove some files here (just cut them and paste them somewhere else atm).

There are 5 files you need to remove : d3d9.dll, d3dx9_28.dll, dbghelp.dll, dxwnd.dll and dxwnd.dxw.


Now, you're ready for testing again. (Note that depending on screen resolution, game might be forced to window now or mouse offsets might be wrong... let's fix that later...)


You now have 2 ways to run the game: (PLEASE REMEMBER TO RUN EXE AS ADMIN!!!)

FISRT, in D:/JD6 directory copy the new launcher exe version 6_TEST from this post and just run it...... 

This launcher just handle some hotkeys to close game and others things, and mainly run the game with Locale emu for japanese, and the main exe (yugiame.exe) with -noerr argument.


OR, You can too launch exe by yourself by issuing a bat command like this: D:\JD6\contents\exe\yugiame.exe -noerr

This command will run the game with all hooks enabled to play this game on standard computer, except the Locale emulator taking care of japanese.

Now that you can run the exe by yourself, let's find your own way to handle Locale...


Here is new test launcher download link: TEST_FIX (password is MOHKERZ )

I included some dll for you to try to get inputs working. Just copy paste them to try in the D:\JD6\contents\exe\ folder and rename the old one....

Let me know how it works for you and if inputs are working or not, I'm currently working on dll patch for you to test.... see ya!

Edited by Mohkerz


bonsoir tout le monde, j ai pri la premiere version


je lai installer dans le repertoire c:\jd6   apres jai cree un folder que jai nommer  D_  que je l ai a jouter a l interieur du folder c:\jd6   et  j ai mis exe en adminitrateur comme tout nous a de le faire  a marche parfaitement   avec window 10  merci a toute ton equipe

Posted (edited)

OK, I did not fully understand last answer, but for you, original release patches and inputs are working even on Win10?.... nice!

I worked on some dll patch, but to help users i have to know if they have inputs problems (only offsets?) or d3d problems.... lemme kno.

Edited by Mohkerz
On 1/8/2019 at 8:13 AM, Mohkerz said:

If you need more help about yugioh ask in the right topic... 

Your issue might be due to your existent settings or devices on com port... 


Well I tried your latest test fix and also made a d drive, you can see that the cursor is working but the mouse is underneath the app so it's not clicking the options etc.

Cheers Mohkerz


Posted (edited)

OK that is with launcher isnt it ? 

Did you try by launching exe by yourself ? 

Did you try the 2 dll i posted to see results ? 

This can be really easy to fix... 

Edited by Mohkerz
Posted (edited)

I tried all exes and both dll's they did the same thing nothing but what I have noticed as its going through all the checks it says camera MOUSE touch panel MOUSE this seems like a confliction somewhere?

Edited by Manson976
Posted (edited)

If mouse then its OK even red... 

Try using DXWND, and check some input things related to mouse like keeping focus etc... I know this problem. 

I can send you a screenshot of options that fix that behavior, but that needs dxwnd atm. 

Edited by Mohkerz
Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, Mohkerz said:

If mouse then its OK even red... 

Try using DXWND, and check some input things related to mouse like keeping focus etc... I know this problem. 

I can send you a screenshot of options that fix that behavior, but that needs dxwnd atm. 

Correct Mouse Position

Keep Cursor Within Window

Position Message

All check NOPE no input here

Edited by Manson976

OK here are the screeshots of options in DxWnd that made the game playable on another computer with the same mouse cursor problem:

(You need to activate expert mode to have all options working).

(You have to let dxwnd main program window open for it be effective).


image.png.d1f6116e73641e776c8912029b4331a9-min.png.0dcbc38384e7a1254799791537d8c10d.png image.png.848f08bf36b0bdcfbcad5cabcd2ba344-min.png.c402720f86a7e4b910a1fb56e653f2e0.png image.png.c0dbdf893eee929ea163be6b9f7d1069-min.png.df409e7db697e93e73a663c19f7dd5c0.png


image.png.7428174c56940b84195476593f01233a-min.png.94e70ecefb167b09da355586702c7a1a.png image.png.1388e98805a87995f64cf980a7a30756-min.png.8d56a0730c986edbc153bde8fad27f25.png image.png.a9dc2b7551af2ae7e8986e6a385dd11e-min.png.1ae9980ff39477d6b160b8a017f15034.png



  • 2 weeks later...

No it didn't work for me with the same settings so I kinda gave up been busy with work so I'm at a loss what to do next just busy fixing other games playing catch up lol

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The game runs fine when I open as administrator, but the mouse isn't working for me either. The cursor moves but doesn't register when I click. During inti Touch Screen is MOUSE and Camera is MOUSE. The command keys and space bar work.


I also tried using DxWnd and making it like the screenshots you posted. When I try to run the game with DxWnd it just freezes immediately.

Thank you for any help you give!

Edited by Blaze Accelerator 1

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