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The Troop Hallway Horror(Flash LIlight Game) One-Click Start

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Posted (edited)

hi miao8yu5

please accept to share link google with my account this time


Edited by nosoucy62
if you are interested in this game it is only usable with flashpoint installer.
you have to download it from this emulator then use a small program to make a shortcut to launch it automatically.
I can do a tutorial if needed
5 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:
if you are interested in this game it is only usable with flashpoint installer.
you have to download it from this emulator then use a small program to make a shortcut to launch it automatically.
I can do a tutorial if needed

that program is the launchbox plugin ?


use with launchbox with ahk file of course

15 hours ago, S.G.D said:

can i upload my version here miao8yu5 ?
我可以在这里上传我的版本吗 miao8yu5 ?

Just do it.

I don't understand why I can't set up an unrestricted sharing link on Google Drive.

This extracted version runs directly on my computer without needing to launch Flashpoint.

Please also provide feedback on the test results.


19 minutes ago, miao8yu5 said:

Just do it.

I don't understand why I can't set up an unrestricted sharing link on Google Drive.

This extracted version runs directly on my computer without needing to launch Flashpoint.

Please also provide feedback on the test results.


well my copy of the game is not working with out internet but with that program nosoucy62 use i found the other day you can make for all games shortcuts and play the game without to load flashpoint... but you need to have flashpoint on that pc and to be download the game you like to make the shortcut

have look here https://flashpointarchive.org/datahub/Extended_FAQ#GameShortcut and here https://github.com/oblivioncth/CLIFp  make sure the version of flashpoin you have matching with the clifp tool


Download flashpoint open and search for the game download the game and you are good to go, Guys better to use flashpoint because in time we make know here what games look and can be play like rail shooters

take look and on how to make games shortcuts and life is for GAMERS🙃

Posted (edited)




Edited by nosoucy62

a nice looking shooter game and close to House of The Dead series in flashpoint is...

Deadly City Survival

take a look 




7 hours ago, S.G.D said:

a nice looking shooter game and close to House of The Dead series in flashpoint is...

Deadly City Survival

take a look 




Nice game!

Posted (edited)

at night i will give you another game stay tuned

Edited by S.G.D
Posted (edited)

Next game to search in flashpoint is...


i can call the game through shortcut, the question is can we have in full screen using ahk script? 



Edited by S.G.D
Posted (edited)

for fullscreen in AHK make a line with this code :


send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Enter Up}{Alt Up}


i tested it now but the game doesn't accept fullscreen......

Edited by nosoucy62

can you upload your ahk script

Posted (edited)
Il y a 16 heures, S.G.D a dit :

can you upload your ahk script



SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

Run, C:\YOUR FOLDER\Flashpoint\CLIFp.exe play -i 52c1db56-53d8-46ce-b0ce-f0428f00f388
send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Enter Up}{Alt Up}  ;for fullscreen mode
sleep 500

Process, Close, AutoHotkey.exe
Run,taskkill /im "AutoHotkey.exe" /F
Process, Close, CLIFp.exe
Run,taskkill /im "CLIFp.exe" /F
Process, Close, flashplayer_32_sa.exe
Run,taskkill /im "flashplayer_32_sa.exe" /F

Launch Justifier.ahk

Edited by nosoucy62
hace 17 horas, S.G.D dijo:

Next game to search in flashpoint is...


i can call the game through shortcut, the question is can we have in full screen using ahk script? 



I made an standalone Justified version that works on 1080p and fullscreen. You can download it on:




The two first screens are not fullscreen, but the game runs on fullscreen. (If you want to change the language of the game -there are a few words and sentences, the game is very short-, you need to change the file localization.txt in Justified\Legacy\htdocs\i.cdn.turner.com\tntla\images\portal\fixed\space\games\justified\game\es\tools\data)



39 minutes ago, Satanicainc said:

I made an standalone Justified version that works on 1080p and fullscreen. You can download it on:




The two first screens are not fullscreen, but the game runs on fullscreen. (If you want to change the language of the game -there are a few words and sentences, the game is very short-, you need to change the file localization.txt in Justified\Legacy\htdocs\i.cdn.turner.com\tntla\images\portal\fixed\space\games\justified\game\es\tools\data)



thanks alot my friend good work

5 hours ago, nosoucy62 said:

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

Run, C:\YOUR FOLDER\Flashpoint\CLIFp.exe play -i 52c1db56-53d8-46ce-b0ce-f0428f00f388
send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Enter Up}{Alt Up}  ;for fullscreen mode
sleep 500

Process, Close, AutoHotkey.exe
Run,taskkill /im "AutoHotkey.exe" /F
Process, Close, CLIFp.exe
Run,taskkill /im "CLIFp.exe" /F
Process, Close, flashplayer_32_sa.exe
Run,taskkill /im "flashplayer_32_sa.exe" /F

Launch Justifier.ahk 465 B · 3 downloads

thanks bro


nice thanks


i have 1 and 2 i upload later guys


Posted (edited)

sorry don't launch after title....loading......loading......

Sans titre.jpg

Edited by nosoucy62
Posted (edited)

sorry...same problem for 2 games

look screenshoot

it's possible to see your AHK files for the 2 games ?



Edited by nosoucy62
27 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:

sorry...same problem for 2 games

look screenshoot

it's possible to see your AHK files for the 2 games ?



for me they run ok i give a look tomorrow

more flashpoint games tomorrow, i don look your list i have already clean the ones are good to be play long time a go from the whole flashpoint, in time i let you know for those

Posted (edited)

hi !

AHK to launch toons crisis 1 or 2 (after make a shortcut of course) with flashpoint installer in fullscreen.

i play lightgun game with a wiimote+mayflash and i change the activated duck with spacebar by enter/return (minus + on wiimote) :


SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

Run, CLIFp.exe play -i cfe2989a-d730-a38a-2120-f3fba28da8c8 (change by ee0d149f-2c5d-0db1-ea6c-4f7d1f23d744 to launch toons crisis 2 ID)
sleep 5000  ; Attendre un petit moment pour s'assurer que la fenêtre est au premier plan
send ^f
return::space ;modified to activate duck with enter (wiimote +) and not spacebar

Process, Close, AutoHotkey.exe
Run,taskkill /im "AutoHotkey.exe" /F
Process, Close, flashplayer_32_sa.exe
Run,taskkill /im "flashplayer_32_sa.exe" /F

Edited by nosoucy62

thanks my friend


it's complicated the flash games other are run easy other need to be flashpoint installed in your pc to work

at this topic is better if we make know what titles is good and download thru flashpoint

next you make shortcut and We helped each other on how to call game and full screen from inside AHK

this is the best way with less issues ithink

Posted (edited)
you are right SGD !
the best method is to install flashpoint and make a shortcut

i make 2 logo

Toon Crisis 2.png

Toon Crisis.png

Edited by nosoucy62

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