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Posted (edited)

cool....game works well with the sinden....3 for coins and trigger to start...


Edited by lords
5 hours ago, phasermaniac said:

Suprisingly good, didn't know this one

Can you play with two guns?

Also, do you know if it have some config file to change resolution, crosshairs etc?

sorry guys i don't have idea... 

just found the other day and that's all

Posted (edited)



pour jouer avec la souris voici les touches clavier d'origine : 1 = P1 2 = P2  3 = credit P1  4 = credit P2   F1 et F2 = quit game


pour jouer avec la wiimote voici un fichier à créer en .AHK puis à compiler (modifier vos chemins) :


remap sur la wiimote :


minus + = credit P1

up pad = lancement P1

gachette = tir

A = reload

minus - ou echap clavier = quit game



#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 500

SetWorkingDir YOUR DRIVE:\YOUR FOLDER\Mutant Zone\MutantZone.exe

Run, "MutantZone.exe"

;Left::2     ;launch P2
;Right::4     ;credit P2
up::1        ;launch P1 (P2 = 2)
return::3      ;credit P1

    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "ahk.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "MutantZone.exe" /F



Edited by nosoucy62

hi S.G.D !


thanks for this game !

do you know if programme "reshade" works for this game ?

when i launch it's not in fullscreen and the resolution is not HD....

thanks for your response

1 hour ago, nosoucy62 said:

hi S.G.D !


thanks for this game !

do you know if programme "reshade" works for this game ?

when i launch it's not in fullscreen and the resolution is not HD....

thanks for your response

hi my friend i didn't test but must work... 

i prefer if you like to go fullscreen Lossless Scaling

il y a 14 minutes, S.G.D a dit :

hi my friend i didn't test but must work... 

i prefer if you like to go fullscreen Lossless Scaling

i test with reshade + voodoo and with borderless scaling but the problem is the same.....

the fullscreen work only when i clik on top right "mutantzone.exe" program

if another person have a solution......

good playing!

6 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:

i test with reshade + voodoo and with borderless scaling but the problem is the same.....

the fullscreen work only when i clik on top right "mutantzone.exe" program

if another person have a solution......

good playing!

with Lossless Scaling?

  • 4 months later...

Revisiting this game.. I did have it go fullscreen ok with lossless scaling now I get an error.. but if I do click on the game it fills screen but the tracking is way off I assume do to the scale/resolution.

Anyone have a working solution for this game?

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