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[Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader


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v1.5 - 2020/09/06


Download here: Pinball_Arcade_Loader_v1.5.7z (full source code is included as usual)



    2020/09/06 - 1.5 - Added option to hide table introduction text, and to change the numbers of players automatically

    2020/05/07 - 1.4 - Added option to load custom ball textures, and close the game by pressing Escape

    2020/05/06 - 1.3 - Added optional command line option to fix camera in place

    2020/05/05 - 1.2 - Minor fix for tables that recently stopped working

    2020/03/25 - 1.1 - Minor fix for tables throwing internal exceptions like ACDC and Star Trek

    2020/03/23 - 1.0 - First release tested with versions 1.61.10 to 1.71.25



    Pinball Arcade Loader is a simple loader to load and jump directly into the table you want to play instead of having to navigate the UI manually every time you launch it. It is similar to another project TPA Camera Mod but do things differently: it loads tables faster without ever displaying the underlying UI or UI navigation, and does not play sounds. However this loader does not allow you to edit camera settings yet. Also TPA Camera Mod only works with the latest version of Pinball Arcade, whereas this loader supports many different versions. And finally, this loader does not require tedious, hard to follow configuration files, just run the command line and you are done. If your version of Pinball Arcade does not work, just send me a private message.


    Sean Barret for stb_image.h (https://github.com/nothings/stb)


How to use:

    1. Right click PinballArcadeLoader.exe => Properties => Compatibility tab => Make sure "Run this program as administrator" is turned on
    2. Run in command line: PinballArcadeLoader.exe PathToYourExe NameOfYourTable
       Example: PinballArcadeLoader.exe "C:\Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG

    3. If you want the camera to be locked in place add FixCamera=4 or 5 or 6 at the end of the command line. Other numbers are at your own risk.

    4. If you want to use custom ball textures, make sure BallAlbedo.png and BallShiny.png are in the same folder as PinballArcadeLoader.exe and add CUSTOMBALL at the end of the command line

    5. If you do not want to see the table introduction text and jump right away into the attract mode add HIDETEXT to the end of the command line
    6. If you want to start the table with a number of players add PLAYERS=2 or PLAYERS=3 or PLAYERS=4 to the end of the command line


Example command line:

       PinballArcadeLoader.exe "YourPath\PinballArcade11.exe" GhostbustersStern FixCamera=5 CUSTOMBALL HIDETEXT Players=2


Greetings in Alphabetical order:

    Argon Le Fou



    The loader is provided as is, and we take no responsibility whatsoever for anything that would happen if you use it. If you have any issue or are not happy with a feature: either do not use the loader, or help us improving it by taking part in the coding effort and share it back with the community. The code and loader can be considered public domain, so do whatever you want with it as long as it is legal.


Edited by ducon2016
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Le 24/03/2020 à 17:24, Houb a dit :

tu peux déjà lancer n'importe quelle table avec PinballFX2/3 normalement

Il y a 2 heures, ducon2016 a dit :

J'ai mis a jour il y avait un petit bug sur deux tables ACDC et Star Trek qui lancaient une exception dans leur code et que je ne gerais pas bien.

Nickel !! merci !

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On 3/24/2020 at 4:59 AM, oroborus77 said:

Cela pourrait il s adapter à Pinball FX ?

Merci en tout cas !


Non ca ne marche que pour Pinball Arcade. Et effectivement tu as raison il y a un blemme avec Pinball FX 3, donc je vais poster dans un autre thread.

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Il y a 5 heures, ducon2016 a dit :


Non ca ne marche que pour Pinball Arcade. Et effectivement tu as raison il y a un blemme avec Pinball FX 3, donc je vais poster dans un autre thread.

C est déjà bien !   J ai un déjà un pack PFX3 ou l on peut lancé les tables sans passer par le launcher, mais je demandais ça au cas où, cela aurait permit de pouvoir lancer les tables PinballArcade et PinballFX avec un seul launcher.

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Un grand MERCI pour ce loader !!

Apparemment ça marche aussi avec la version Cabinet vu qu'il utilise DX11 également en utilisant:


    !!!! En tant qu'administrateur !!!
    D:\PINCAB\The Pinball Arcade>PinballArcadeLoader.exe "D:\PINCAB\The Pinball Arcade\PinballArcadeCabinet.exe" StarTrekTNG




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  • 1 month later...
Le 24/3/2020 à 07:46, ducon2016 a dit :

v1.1 - 2020/03/25


Download here: Pinball_Arcade_Loader_v1.1.7z (full source code is included as usual)



    2020/03/25 - 1.1 - Minor fix for tables throwing internal exceptions like ACDC and Star Trek

    2020/03/23 - 1.0 - First release tested with versions 1.61.10 to 1.71.25



    Pinball Arcade Loader is a simple loader to load and jump directly into the table you want to play instead of having to navigate the UI manually every time you launch it. It is similar to another project TPA Camera Mod but do things differently: it loads tables faster without ever displaying the underlying UI or UI navigation, and does not play sounds. However this loader does not allow you to edit camera settings yet. Also TPA Camera Mod only works with the latest version of Pinball Arcade, whereas this loader supports many different versions. And finally, this loader does not require tedious, hard to follow configuration files, just run the command line and you are done. If your version of Pinball Arcade does not work, just send me a private message.



How to use:

    1. Right click PinballArcadeLoader.exe => Properties => Compatibility tab => Make sure "Run this program as administrator" is turned on
    2. Run in command line: PinballArcadeLoader.exe PathToYourExe NameOfYourTable
       Example: PinballArcadeLoader.exe "C:\Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG

happy wheels

Greetings in Alphabetical order:

    Argon Le Fou



    The loader is provided as is, and we take no responsibility whatsoever for anything that would happen if you use it. If you have any issue or are not happy with a feature: either do not use the loader, or help us improving it by taking part in the coding effort and share it back with the community. The code and loader can be considered public domain, so do whatever you want with it as long as it is legal.


Excellent boulot! :bravo:

Edited by jeanwest
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Updated 1.3 to add option to lock camera in place. Pinball arcade is really annoying to move the camera even when you tick the option to lock it.


PinballArcadeLoader.exe "C:\Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG FixCamera=5

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@ducon2016 Thank you for the loader it works great i use it to create bats for each game here is an example

PinballArcadeLoader.exe "D:\emulators\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG

Which loads the game StarTrekTNG Is there a way to add an exit that escape key could close game again thank you for another wonderful program.


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3 minutes ago, eathearty1 said:

@ducon2016 Thank you for the loader it works great i use it to create bats for each game here is an example

PinballArcadeLoader.exe "D:\emulators\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG

Which loads the game StarTrekTNG Is there a way to add an exit that escape key could close game again thank you for another wonderful program.



Sure I can add it in a future version.

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For anyone who may need it, I have uploaded  the batch files for all of the tables. Just extract to the Pinball Arcade folder and edit the batch file to your Pinball Arcade location. For example, my location was "D:\Emulators\Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade11.exe". I use PCLauncher to open the bat files. 



Edited by MarkstallioN
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AHK Kill Code:
Kills PA and PA in Cabinet mode 

#SingleInstance Force

KeyWait, Escape  ; Wait for user to physically release it.
if WinExist("Pinball Arcade DX11")
WinKill ; use the window found above

;Pinball Arcade DX11
;ahk_class GameWindowClass
;ahk_exe PinballArcade11.exe
;ahk_pid 18292


Edited by MadCoder
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Guest trouby

So i am very familiar with both pinball arcade (1-7)  and stern.  in stern all i do is press'alt enter' twice and it goes fullscreen. i havnt really had a problem,    but  with a camera?  there maybe something im missing. but unless theres an update i dont see the point in this.  

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6 hours ago, trouby said:

So i am very familiar with both pinball arcade (1-7)  and stern.  in stern all i do is press'alt enter' twice and it goes fullscreen. i havnt really had a problem,    but  with a camera?  there maybe something im missing. but unless theres an update i dont see the point in this.  


Play the game, and a table like Terminator 2 or STTNG. You will notice that the game changes camera very often: When you launch the ball, during the game, during action. I do not want that behavior on my machine, I want a fixed camera. So the option is for people who want a truly locked in place camera.

Edited by ducon2016
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13 hours ago, MadCoder said:

AHK Kill Code:
Kills PA and PA in Cabinet mode 

#SingleInstance Force

KeyWait, Escape  ; Wait for user to physically release it.
if WinExist("Pinball Arcade DX11")
WinKill ; use the window found above

;Pinball Arcade DX11
;ahk_class GameWindowClass
;ahk_exe PinballArcade11.exe
;ahk_pid 18292



You do not need this anymore. I added support for Esc closing the game in the loader.

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Guest trouby
8 hours ago, ducon2016 said:


Play the game, and a table like Terminator 2 or STTNG. You will notice that the game changes camera very often: When you launch the ball, during the game, during action. I do not want that behavior on my machine, I want a fixed camera. So the option is for people who want a truly locked in place camera.

ok i see.  il see after. i cant remember anything like that. hopefully u have it on the 2 high above .

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  • 1 month later...

I LOVE This, Thanks so much.

However i have a problem with my Pinball cabinet as it can only use PinballArcade with DirectX9.

Any chance you can modify the launcher to work with PinballArcade.exe (for DirectX9) also.


Thanks so much for the tool.

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4 hours ago, versuz said:

I LOVE This, Thanks so much.

However i have a problem with my Pinball cabinet as it can only use PinballArcade with DirectX9.

Any chance you can modify the launcher to work with PinballArcade.exe (for DirectX9) also.


Thanks so much for the tool.


No I cannot sorry, the internals of the DX9 version are too different.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for the great work!

just a question... is there any way to play multiple players by any chance?

I do not know about coding at all.(sorry I really wish I understood it enough to even make a bat file)(51 years old and never really learned it)

I am not sure if you have ever seen Terry Red PinballFX3 loader.(here is the Link)(https://github.com/joyrider3774/PinballX_Launcher_app)

He aloo made one for Zacarrai PInballI(here is the link to it)(https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/21736-zaccaria-direct-launch-for-pbx/page/8/?tab=comments#comment-194346)

Would there be any possible way to make it to where you can chose an option of 1-4 players and it would somehow use the bat file with a fixed camera and then start the game accordingly?

I know there are many people that would be very happy if this is possible.

Can  multiple players be selected with this loader?

It would be greatly appreciated.


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9 hours ago, vpxpinball said:

Thank you for the great work!

just a question... is there any way to play multiple players by any chance?

I do not know about coding at all.(sorry I really wish I understood it enough to even make a bat file)(51 years old and never really learned it)

I am not sure if you have ever seen Terry Red PinballFX3 loader.(here is the Link)(https://github.com/joyrider3774/PinballX_Launcher_app)

He aloo made one for Zacarrai PInballI(here is the link to it)(https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/21736-zaccaria-direct-launch-for-pbx/page/8/?tab=comments#comment-194346)

Would there be any possible way to make it to where you can chose an option of 1-4 players and it would somehow use the bat file with a fixed camera and then start the game accordingly?

I know there are many people that would be very happy if this is possible.

Can  multiple players be selected with this loader?

It would be greatly appreciated.



You can select the number of players when you are inside the table with Pinball Arcade, it is different from Pinball FX3 where you need to pick the numbers of players BEFORE you enter the table. Pinball Arcade does not have this problem, so not sure how what you want would work? Can you explain a little more? I am open to it.

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I did not know that how is this done. I am in the process of using an old pinball that I came across and want to build a virtual pinball. 

I am using PinallY, I could use Pinball X if is easier.

I have my tables working with pinballFX3 with the loader, but that is the only one.

I am just trying to get everything working and thought this would be the easiest way for me, to get it working.

It would be nice to have an interface that lets you chose the number of players and a way to change the static view inside the ini file which would make it possible for people that who  do not 

understand how to get things to work easily, since I was able to get PinballFX3 working this way. 

I am just looking for the least technical way to get things working .

Thanks for response, I really do appreciate it.


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im have a weird issue which maybe you can help. I have unzipped pinball arcade loader and did all as instructed. When i launch a table (using launchbox), its begins to load that specific table but i only hear the sound, the screen stay black. Also my pointer changes to the pinballArcade designated pointer, so its seems something gets stuck and doesnt get me to the actual table. im using pinballArcade dx11 vs 1.16


also note that pinball arcade works fine if i launch the .exe directly, only when i use pinball arcade launcher do i get the black screen

Edited by fizz66
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The way i got each game to load was to create a bat for each game.  Open up a text editor Type  "D:\emulators\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe" ACDC FixCamera=4 and save as in this instance ACDC (Stern).bat.  D is the drive that its on, Emulators is folder where pinball arcade is,  PinballArcade11.exe is the loader all this must be inside " and after that name of Table space and the camera mode.  Do this for each game and add to Launchbox as game and dont use an emulator as you dont need one.  Each game will load by bat to table.

Edited by eathearty1
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I have tried my folder is not write protected, and pinballarcadeloader is ok for administrator, but, I get this message, 'Could not load exe',
I write
PinballArcadeLoader.exe "D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\The Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade.exe" StarTrekTNG
Thank you
Edited by cvtof
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Hello again Ducon2016 I reached out to terry Red and it seems that he is willing to make the inetrface of the launcher where the number of persons can be selected. Here is what he said,

Dont know it it possible but if you are willing thank you in advance.. Thanks again !

My launchers only work as an in between launcher to pass commandline parameters to another program with multiple options. Pinballarcade nor that new launcher has any option to specificy the amount of players in commandline parameters so it's not possible and it makes no sense to use my inbetween launcher then except if you want options to specify the ballskin as it seems that "new" launcher has options for that but not selecting amount of players. Pinballfx3 has the options on its own, with zaccaria pinball it was possible to change the configuration file behorehand with pinball arcade neither possibilities are there so not possible sorry.

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3 hours ago, vpxpinball said:

Hello again Ducon2016 I reached out to terry Red and it seems that he is willing to make the inetrface of the launcher where the number of persons can be selected. Here is what he said,

Dont know it it possible but if you are willing thank you in advance.. Thanks again !

My launchers only work as an in between launcher to pass commandline parameters to another program with multiple options. Pinballarcade nor that new launcher has any option to specificy the amount of players in commandline parameters so it's not possible and it makes no sense to use my inbetween launcher then except if you want options to specify the ballskin as it seems that "new" launcher has options for that but not selecting amount of players. Pinballfx3 has the options on its own, with zaccaria pinball it was possible to change the configuration file behorehand with pinball arcade neither possibilities are there so not possible sorry.


I just do not understand why you cannot select the number of players AFTER the table is loaded.

Pinball FX3: Select the table, select the number of player, then load the table. Clearly in this case you need this in the launcher

Pinball Arcade: Select the table, then load the table, then select number of players. In this case I do not get what is the benefit of picking the players in command line. Can you explain?


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