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Posted (edited)

I am happy to announce that the Chicago Gaming Company's Nicktoons Racing Arcade game is cracked and ready to play but i do need someone smart enough to get ppjoy, GlovePie and other xbox controller Inputs working in order to launch the game or otherwise it will give you an error about dinput.cpp for two error codes. One will say No Controllers IN START -> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL -> GAMING OPTIONS or Cannot Find 4 axes and 4 buttons Joystick for the game but for now here is all the files!





use megadownloader 1.7.

or https://mega.nz/file/R84ixKAQ#VwFw70yDjTThgc2iYP7Ib9NsNXtuKpuDFus1r6tCjE4

or Nicktoons Nitro


I can't confirm that its fully working yet because I'm stuck on controller input errors

It seems complicated but someday somebody can get it to work!


The RAR Password is: NICKTOONS


- Copy the Files to Program Files x86 folder

- Then launch toonsDX7_nocoin_nodongle.exe

- If you want to change resolution settings and other options run launch.mfc





Edited by 7zxkv
Posted (edited)

Just to let you know this is already working. It was released quite a few years ago. Getting the controls working was a right pain though. I'll see if I still have it on my pc for you. Fingers crossed for the Raw thrills version

Edited by fire10
Posted (edited)


c'est une grosse embrouille pour le configurer.



PPJoy: http://ppjoy.en.malavida.com/
GlovePie: http://glovepie.org/
Virtual Serial Port or Com0Com: http://com0com.sourceforge.net/


Install Virtual Serial Port or Com0Com and create a virtual COM1.


Install PPjoy. You may need to turn Test Mode on windows 8 so you can install and run unsigned drivers.


Once installed, Create 4 Axis and map to 4 Analogs:
Axis 1: X Axis: Analog 0
Axis 2: Y Axis: Analog 1
Axis 3: Rudder: Analog 2
Axis 4: Throttle: Analog 3


Creat 0 POV Hats,


Create 4 Buttons and map to 4 digitals:
Button 1: Digital 0
Button 2: Digital 1
Button 3: Digital 2
Button 4: Digital 3


Make sure Control Panel's joystick settings shows that PPjoy is the ONLY controller "plugged in".


Open GlovePie, in the script area copy and past this code without the quotes:


PPJoy1.Analog0 = Xinput1.LeftStickX
PPJoy1.Analog1 = Xinput1.RightTrigger
PPJoy1.Analog2 = Xinput1.LeftTrigger
PPjoy1.Digital3 = Xinput1.A
PPjoy1.Digital0 = Xinput1.B
PPjoy1.Digital2 = Xinput1.X
PPjoy1.Digital1 = Xinput1.Y


if Xinput.RightShoulder = true
PPJoy1.Analog3 = true


if Xinput.LeftShoulder = true
PPjoy.Analog3 = false


Plug in your 360 Controller then hit RUN.


Go back to Control Panel's Joystick settings and make sure PPJoy Properties is receiving the xbox controllers commands.


Copy toonsDX7_nocoin_nodongle.exe to 
\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NickToons Racing\


Set toonsDX7_nocoin_nodongle to Compatibility Mode XP SP3, and check Run As Admin.


Run toonsDX7_nocoin_nodongle.exe!


The game should boot up really fast.


Here are the controls:
Left Analog Stick: Steering
Right Trigger: Accel
Left Trigger: Brake
Right Bumper: FWD
Left Bumper REV
A: Boost
B: Item
X: Jump
Y: Horn
F1: Service/Settings


Once in game hit F1 to bring up the service menu, you then need to calibrate the controls. FWD/REV is considered 1 analog but is mapped to 2 buttons.


After you calibrate you should be solid! 


To exit the game hit F1 and click the Windows button.


Edited by andric31
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well Windows XP works better than Windows Crap 8 because working with Windows 8, and 10 the controls aren't registered correctly even when ppjoy and glovepie is configured correctly so screw modern windows for this game use the OG XP


Edited by Athlonazu385
  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
Guest POPO69

Does anyone know how to play 2 players network? 

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