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JustinCredible81 last won the day on March 30 2021

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  1. And I explained that I did not do that, look up a few posts that's your guy. I only told him I sent him an email. Edit: well i see now you didn't mean that for me, and I understand the confusion but it's better to quote the guy who actually did that not me.
  2. I don't know what's going on, but I don't remember making that post nor do I have a Youtube channel nor would I ever ask for money on this site or any site. I see that it looks like I posted that, but I was talking to the guy who made that Youtube channel grangler and he was supposed to email a link. All I said to him was email sent thanks. The rest of the post was supposed to be a quote. Edit: if you scroll up a few posts, you'll see that post came from grangler. I don't know why it doesn't look like I was quoting him I was asking for Blue Estate game at the time and said "email sent thanks" just wanted to clarify.
  3. If this gets playable on PC would we be able to use a lightgun?
  4. Well I can identify your problem easily, it only works on Nvidia. But I have Nvidia and it doesn't work. However my laptop has both so maybe the game is trying to use Intel instead of Nvidia. I have a feeling that's the issue. However in my Nvidia Control Panel I have Global set to Nvidia GPU so IDK maybe that isn't the reason.
  5. Is there anyone else like the few of us that the game won't work at all and have you had any luck figuring out how to get it to work?
  6. I guess someone will have to figure out why some of us can run it and some can't or we have to wait until it's added to Teknoparrot only two options.
  7. Sounds like it works out of the box for everyone but me my luck sucks.
  8. I have not seen that window open up since I downloaded your pack. No idea how to fix it though. The other person with the same issue (posted before your upload) never responded wonder if he ever got it working. Can you run your game and in the terminal do you get these errors [Linker] Can't find module libdl.so.2 [Linker] Can't find module libz.so.1 [Linker] Can't find module libc.so.6 [Linker] Can't find module libdl.so.2 [Linker] Can't find module libz.so.1 [Linker] Can't find module libc.so.6 [Linker] Can't find module libGLU.so.1 [Linker] Can't find module libCg.so [Linker] Can't find module libCgGL.so [Linker] Can't find module libX11.so.6 [Linker] Can't find module libcurl.so.4 [Linker] Can't find module libm.so.6 [Linker] Can't find module libgcc_s.so.1 [Linker] Can't find module libpthread.so.0 [Linker] Can't find module libc.so.6 [Linker] Can't find module libdl.so.2 [Linker] Doing relocation [Linker] Relocating WMN4r [Linker] Relocating libprotobuf.so.7 [Linker] Relocating libstdc++.so.6 [Linker] Relocating libssl.so.0.9.8 [Linker] Relocating libcrypto.so.0.9.8 [Linker] Relocating WMN4r [Linker] Relocating libprotobuf.so.7 [Linker] Relocating libstdc++.so.6 [Linker] Relocating libssl.so.0.9.8 [Linker] Relocating libcrypto.so.0.9.8 [Linker] Relocating WMN4r [Relocate][WMN4r] can't find symbol to import posix_fallocate64 [Relocate][WMN4r] relocation error [Relocate][WMN4r] can't find symbol to import XMoveResizeWindow [Relocate][WMN4r] relocation error [Relocate][WMN4r] can't find symbol to import XChangeProperty [Relocate][WMN4r] relocation error [Relocate][WMN4r] can't find symbol to import XInternAtom [Relocate][WMN4r] relocation error [Relocate][WMN4r] can't find symbol to import glXCopyContext [Relocate][WMN4r] relocation error [Relocate][WMN4r] can't find symbol to import glXDestroyContext [Relocate][WMN4r] relocation error
  9. I don't know why it's not working for me, I just double click start.bat and get this black screen and stuck there. Doesn't sound like there's much I can do to fix it I thought it was node but nope Node installed Nvidia GTX 1650 16 GB Ram Intel 5 9300 H Not an issue of not being able to run it.
  10. I reinstalled node and its still giving the same error. Guess I'll wait until Teknoparrot adds it or something.
  11. I wasn't denying that it worked just that it wasn't working for me. I had installed node just a few months ago but for some reason I have to install it again.
  12. I know I'll get blasted for this, but I don't know how to do that. He uploaded what was supposed to be a game already ready to play, and I also followed the .pdf on first post and it doesn't say anything about that. If you would just point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Also you say to delete everything in every folder? The tuturial says files are needed in certain folders. I'm about to just say forget it. Some of you get kind of aggressive with people that just ask for help. The poster above me seems to have had no issues getting it to work and they didn't say anything about doing what you said. You said "I hope you've done this" but I have no clue how to even do that. Edit: I tried deleting every file in every folder because that was your instructions, and it changed nothing. Just a blank black screen that says node mt4.js. Same as I got when the files were in the folders. Nothing changed. I did a search for "node" in the top right on this thread, and the first time the word node was mentioned was your post. The instructions are unclear and I can't find any instructions for what you're talking about.
  13. I know I was I just quoted the one with the problem, I created them it still doesn't work. I made mine look like this now, same error I'm willing to try it myself since this one isn't working but in the OP it's mega and as soon as I start downloading it it says I need premium. Any non Mega links?
  14. TYVM, but how do I start the game? I tried start.bat that didn't work. I get the same error, but I don't have some of the folders in save. Do I just create them? Mine looks like this. Do I just create the others or? I created them still didn't work. Looks like the person I quoted never got his issue solved either. Just my luck. I have a Nvidia GTX 1650.
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