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[Arcade PC] Chaos Code: New Sign Of Catastrophe

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Bonjours comment faire pour le faire demarrer

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Invité Clayone01

Okay So after working on it for a few hours i can say this!

The game.exe is looking inside iDmacDrv32.dll 

This dll is opening up a line of communication to the a hardware device In thsi fast its caled FAST IO
This is diffrent form jvs

The original ttx loader has a jvs emulator built in that what lets the games load, this is exactly that but it needs fast io 
emulator the game.exe itsself has had serveral things edited inside, it i am assuming its already had all of its networked 
functions removed so what we need is a fastio emulator and then the game would launch with out ttx loader

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Invité Clayone01

Also with the real hardware Taito type X2 we can't launch it?

Again Check my post lets go over how ttx games boot


Launch Game.exe

Game.exe Then ask hey where is my io

Game.exe connects to the io

IO the tells Game.exe what the control setup is going to be

Game then accepts the request and ask what are the dip settings

IO then tells the game,exe all the settings used and what resolution to play the game at

Game.exe loads and we get a game window


this is how the TTX_loader works, AND THIS IS ALSO HOW REAL HARDWARE WORKS

The TTX loader is emulating that Io device Called JVSEMU


Romhacks Famous source code


So do these games work on a stock TTX? NO A stock TTX docent come with FAST IO it comes with JVS


The second someone makes a FAST IO emulator the game will run and boot.

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Again Check my post lets go over how ttx games boot


Launch Game.exe

Game.exe Then ask hey where is my io

Game.exe connects to the io

IO the tells Game.exe what the control setup is going to be

Game then accepts the request and ask what are the dip settings

IO then tells the game,exe all the settings used and what resolution to play the game at

Game.exe loads and we get a game window


this is how the TTX_loader works, AND THIS IS ALSO HOW REAL HARDWARE WORKS

The TTX loader is emulating that Io device Called JVSEMU


Romhacks Famous source code


So do these games work on a stock TTX? NO A stock TTX docent come with FAST IO it comes with JVS


The second someone makes a FAST IO emulator the game will run and boot.






That someone could be Romhack.

Please Romhack come back. Where are you?

Modifié par jviegas
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Invité Clayone01

entonces tendremos que esperar a que romhack o alguien con esa habilidad cree un loader que desencripte ese game.exe? 

game exe is not encrypted 

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Invité Clayone01

Salut Bruce !


Après avoir vérifier, iDmacDrv32.dll ne semble pas être la cause du problème. En effet, elle est en tout point identique à iDmacDrv32.dll que blazblue CS2 qui est fonctionnel.


Pour game.exe, je rencontre des problèmes d'administration lié à une clé de sécurité. En effet, audière.dll et iDmacDrv32.dll se charge bien puis ça crash. Le jeu ne semble donc pas décrypter. J'ai tout de même activer le débugage via Visual studio, mais tout semble correcte (à par le language mui).


Une fois game.exe fonctionnel, le hack générique de Romhack devrait fonctionner par injection de sa DLL d'émulation JVS sans aucune manipulation.


Pour le moment, nous devrons attendre une version game.exe viable (comme ce fût pour KOFSS)



the idramc.dll inside blazblue didn't open a com port to fastio it opened one to jvs this game dose not work with jvs controls has nothing to do with the exe this games exe has been modifed by someone to remove network calls, however the game itself works and runs jvs emulaot romhack wrote wont work the game is looking for a block of data thats 4096 bytes where the buffer inside jvs is 1024 a fast Io emulator has to be made to send the "alive" sigal to the game when the game requset it on boot once it reads tha correct value in the 4096 block of memory the game will boot with no controls, until those controls are mapped out.



Tldr Blazblue Accepts JVS io This game dose not.

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has a jvs emulator built in that what lets the games load, this is exactly that but it needs fast io 
emulator the game
Speed Test Scrabble Word Finder Solitaire .exe itsself has had serveral things edited inside, it i am assuming its already had all of its networked 
functions removed so what we need is a fastio emulator and then the game would launch with out ttx loader

Modifié par mayjorblayke
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J'arrive enfin a mes fin avec tous mes jeux fonctionnel sauf celui la.


J'ai mis la version 2.11 et j'ai un souci bizarre avec les contrôles.


Dans le menu test aucun problème tout est bon pour le P1 et P2.


En jeu parcontre les directions du joy du P1 sont doublé sur le P2 mais pas l'inverse, le P2 est indépendant. Le reste des touches que j'ai assigné ne corresponde pas toute. C'est comme si il y avait déja des touches clavier assignées en dur dans le jeu et qui prennent le dessus sur ce que j'ai configuré avec Jconfig.


Je configure mes touches avec le clavier car je joue sur borne avec un JVSPAC


Est ce que vous avez aussi ce problème sur ce jeu en version 2.11?


J'ai dl a plusieurs endroit et c'est toujours pareil

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On 5/28/2021 at 11:35 PM, ZedoniusARG said:

Chaos Code -  New Sign of Catastrophe ingame english moves : SIDE16_9_TYPEX2.bin


put file inside \Content\data\AC\

This is very helpful. Being able to read and understand the movelists in english is very helpful to me. Kind of a nitpick but unfortunately replacing SIDE16_9_TYPEX2.bin doesn't change the move lists on the character select screen still being in japanese.


With the assistance of a friend I decompressed and repacked \Content\data\AC\Charskill_v200.bin. This is the file that contains the images of the character select screen move lists. Luckily, the steam version has a localized counterpart of this file so I was able to just do a quick transfer.


I've zipped up the localized Charskill_v200.bin & @ZedoniusARG SIDE16_9_TYPEX2.bin and put them up for download.


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En 23/8/2021 a las 20:33, montobot dijo:

This is very helpful. Being able to read and understand the movelists in english is very helpful to me. Kind of a nitpick but unfortunately replacing SIDE16_9_TYPEX2.bin doesn't change the move lists on the character select screen still being in japanese.


With the assistance of a friend I decompressed and repacked \Content\data\AC\Charskill_v200.bin. This is the file that contains the images of the character select screen move lists. Luckily, the steam version has a localized counterpart of this file so I was able to just do a quick transfer.


I've zipped up the localized Charskill_v200.bin & @ZedoniusARG SIDE16_9_TYPEX2.bin and put them up for download.


Who would be so kind as to provide these two files, thank you very much in advance.

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