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Posted (edited)

Bonjour à toutes et tous,


je viens de trouver ce "petit" jeu style railshooter qui se nomme bumer 2 en abandonware, il date de 2006 sorti sur windows uniquement par 1C company

titre original : Бумер-2

c'est un jeu russe qui date mais qui fonctionne bien avec la souris/wiimote/sinden

je l'ai installé et tout est ok......

cela ressemble au homebrew motion game hypseus daphne et aux jeux officiels tels que crime patrol et autres.....

taille 2.97go aprés installation

malheureusement tres peu d'images et d'articles sur ce jeu en russe mais parfaitement jouable

pour amateur de railshooter


il y a pleins d'autres titres dispo :



lien du site directement uniquement :








Edited by nosoucy62
erreur du titre du jeu
35 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:

Hello all,


I just found this "little" railshooter style game called burner 2 in abandonware, it dates from 2006 released on windows only by 1C company

titre original : Boomer-2

It's a Russian game that's dated but works well with mouse/wiimote/sinden

I installed it and everything is ok......

this looks like the homebrew motion game hypseus daphne and official games such as crime patrol and others.....

size 2.97gb after installation

unfortunately very few images and articles on this game in Russian but perfectly playable

for railshooter enthusiast


there are plenty of other titles available :



direct site link only :






you are a great help indeed . am just interested in win games  which are the missing ones

il y a 3 minutes, Omar2 a dit :

you are a great help indeed . am just interested in win games  which are the missing ones

thank you

another game : power of destruction

How to play Power of Destruction Windows

If the game doesn't work - rename pod.exe in codsp.exe,
also launch the game in compatibility mode with Windows XP.
If you get error after the launch of the game or you cannot hear in-game sound
find OpenAL32.dll and put that dll in game folder (next to exe-file)


  • The title was changed to BUMER 2 railshooter action game

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