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[Emu] RPCS3 (Arcade Fork) - Project OMED (System 357 / 369 / 359)

Message added by WildWolf,
I will be very strict on the request for dumps,it will be prohibited on this post.
The team doesn't want to be associated with this and just focus on the emulation part.

Those who want to defy this prohibition can ! but this will be at the risk of a heavy sanction and a deletion of the post.

This Topic is under moderation by moderator approval at this time.
Be positive, and benevolent on this post. We will not tolerate maliciousness towards this project. 

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Hi Everyone - Does your Demulshooter64 hook properly with Deadstorm Pirates? Mine seems to remain red and not switch green to say it's hooked. Dark Escape has no problem - switches green straight away. Demulshooter is running as admin and I have tried starting it before and after starting RPCS3. Doesn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas? BTW thanks for the brilliant work in this as well. 

  • Team
Il y a 19 heures, boxdgm a dit :

I have a 9600k and even overclocked to 4.9ghz on all cores and rpcs3 using the usual optimizations with 1/2/3 spu threads etc.. I cant get it running full speed. Works perfectly with no stuttering on my 10900k @ 5ghz so 6core 6thread cpu just isnt enough for it. 

true, with my i7 6700k CPU it works great here, 4 cores / 8 Threads and you are good


Il y a 19 heures, dowdy29 a dit :

Hi Everyone - Does your Demulshooter64 hook properly with Deadstorm Pirates? Mine seems to remain red and not switch green to say it's hooked. Dark Escape has no problem - switches green straight away. Demulshooter is running as admin and I have tried starting it before and after starting RPCS3. Doesn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas? BTW thanks for the brilliant work in this as well. 

yeah DS works very well with all lightgun games. You have important thing to respect when using DS :

- always delete the folder cache and config, then start the game and let it build new PPU cache files

- Never rename rpcs3-gun.exe

- Never modify the Game window title in rpcs3, if you have a doubt reset it ! here is what you need to have :


- When you exit a game, quit rpcs3 and quit demulshooter ! then restart the game you want

- Always start the game 1st, when loading, start DS. Because you can have a nice black screen when you start DS before the loading of the game...




2 hours ago, dowdy29 said:

Hi Everyone - Does your Demulshooter64 hook properly with Deadstorm Pirates? Mine seems to remain red and not switch green to say it's hooked. Dark Escape has no problem - switches green straight away. Demulshooter is running as admin and I have tried starting it before and after starting RPCS3. Doesn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas? BTW thanks for the brilliant work in this as well. 

The DSP game I found only had rpcs3.exe with it. Maybe because it was version 0.26. I renamed it to rpcs3-gun.exe and it hooked DS fine. Played several levels with two players and it worked fine. Was going to try it at some point with version 0.27 to see if it made much of difference. Maybe this weekend. 


HI Guys


Can you help please. On Dark Escape. My curser is always top left. It just moves around in the top left corner - i have unchecked the fixed to mouse box but still the same, tried different versions too.


Any ideas?

Posted (edited)

Icons and loading screen for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Unlimited


Here's the icon and loading screen for Tekken Tag Tournament 2


You can put it in dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000


Loading screen (name this to "PIC1.PNG" without apostrophes)



ICON (name this to "ICON0.png" without apostrophes) 




Here's the icon and loading screen for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited


You can put it in dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000 


Loading screen (name this to "PIC1.PNG" without apostrophes)



ICON (name this to "ICON0.png" without apostrophes) 



Here is a black version of the logo


Edited by darksabre9

bonjour à tous

je vous propose un fichier .ahk qui permet de jouer avec une wiimote sans utilisation des tocuhes du clavier pour lancer le P1 et tourner la roue pendant le jeu sur le jeu deadstorm pirates version arcade sur rpcs3 357 avec la bonne version de DS (merci angoulefou) pour le system 357.

je tiens à remercier tout particuliérement ginzu dont je vous invite à regarder ses tutos sur youtube concernant les jeux de railshoot divers

j'ai pris plusieurs AHK disponible sur le forum (merci à ceux qui les ont mis à dispo) en les modifiant pour jouer de facon optimale

je tiens à préciser que je ne m'y connais pas spécialement en codage et que j'essaye de comprendre ce que les autres membres font avant de tester

il faudra changer les chemins de demulshooter et rpcs3......

maintenant voici ce que ca donne :

start = minus + sur wiimote

credit + Player 1 = touche A wiimote

wheel gauche + droite = touche pad wiimote gauche et droite

par contre une fois que vous lancez le jeu les touches A et minus + ajoutent des credits mais pour passer les cinématiques seule la touche minus + fonctionne, si quelqu'un arrive à modifier cela je suis preneur


#SingleInstance Force


run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk
run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"


WinWaitActive, ahk_class Qt5152QWindowIcon
; sleep 4 seconds
Sleep, 4000

send {WheelDown 70} 

send {WheelUp 70}

Send {RButton Down}
Send {MButton Down}
Send {LButton Down}
Sleep, 60
Send {LButton Up}
Send {MButton Up}
Send {RButton Up}

    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "DemulShooterX64.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "rpcs3-gun.exe" /F


il faut aussi modifier le gamepad dans rpcs3 357 pour que cela fonctionne comme sur la photo :


n'oubliez pas de sauvegarder

chez moi cela fonctionne parfaitement même si il faut parfois relancer le jeu 2 ou 3 fois.

merci à tous les contributeurs.

bon jeu !


Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, lords said:

bad dump or what you said....you are loading it with RPSC3.exe ?? that came with the game?

  Hide contents

RPCS3 0.0.27-local_build Alpha _ local_build _ local_build 5_18_2023 3_34_31 AM.png


 i am loading it with a separate rps3 version local build 0.0.27. no the game was obtained separately without the emulator.


Edited by naderkadd1981
Il y a 2 heures, nosoucy62 a dit :

bonjour à tous

je vous propose un fichier .ahk qui permet de jouer avec une wiimote sans utilisation des tocuhes du clavier pour lancer le P1 et tourner la roue pendant le jeu sur le jeu deadstorm pirates version arcade sur rpcs3 357 avec la bonne version de DS (merci angoulefou) pour le system 357.

je tiens à remercier tout particuliérement ginzu dont je vous invite à regarder ses tutos sur youtube concernant les jeux de railshoot divers

j'ai pris plusieurs AHK disponible sur le forum (merci à ceux qui les ont mis à dispo) en les modifiant pour jouer de facon optimale

je tiens à préciser que je ne m'y connais pas spécialement en codage et que j'essaye de comprendre ce que les autres membres font avant de tester

il faudra changer les chemins de demulshooter et rpcs3......

maintenant voici ce que ca donne :

start = minus + sur wiimote

credit + Player 1 = touche A wiimote

wheel gauche + droite = touche pad wiimote gauche et droite

par contre une fois que vous lancez le jeu les touches A et minus + ajoutent des credits mais pour passer les cinématiques seule la touche minus + fonctionne, si quelqu'un arrive à modifier cela je suis preneur


#SingleInstance Force


run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk
run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"


WinWaitActive, ahk_class Qt5152QWindowIcon
; sleep 4 seconds
Sleep, 4000

send {WheelDown 70} 

send {WheelUp 70}

Send {RButton Down}
Send {MButton Down}
Send {LButton Down}
Sleep, 60
Send {LButton Up}
Send {MButton Up}
Send {RButton Up}

    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "DemulShooterX64.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "rpcs3-gun.exe" /F


il faut aussi modifier le gamepad dans rpcs3 357 pour que cela fonctionne comme sur la photo :



n'oubliez pas de sauvegarder

chez moi cela fonctionne parfaitement même si il faut parfois relancer le jeu 2 ou 3 fois.

merci à tous les contributeurs.

bon jeu !


pour corriger ton probleme de lancer 2 3 fois le jeu

il faut lancer demulshooter apres que le jeu soit lancé

du coup remplace ça

run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk
run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"


par ça


run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"

Sleep, 20000 ( la ça depend de la config des gens plus ou moins )

run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk

Il y a 4 heures, nosoucy62 a dit :

il faut aussi modifier le gamepad dans rpcs3 357 pour que cela fonctionne comme sur la photo :



Bonjour, Nosoucy62,

de quelle photo parles-tu, stp ?


I have both Deadstorm Pirates and Dark Escape hooking with demulshooter and GUN4IR. It tracks where i want to shoot..but the cursor is flickering and jumping around all over the place on both games, so its not always hitting the targets im aiming at and shooting. Any suggestions?

  • Team
il y a 47 minutes, jimmyuk86 a dit :

I have both Deadstorm Pirates and Dark Escape hooking with demulshooter and GUN4IR. It tracks where i want to shoot..but the cursor is flickering and jumping around all over the place on both games, so its not always hitting the targets im aiming at and shooting. Any suggestions?

like I said before :

You have important thing to respect when using DS :

- always delete the folder cache and config, then start the game and let it build new PPU cache files

- Never rename rpcs3-gun.exe

- Never modify the Game window title in rpcs3, if you have a doubt reset it ! here is what you need to have :


- When you exit a game, quit rpcs3 and quit demulshooter ! then restart the game you want

- Always start the game 1st, when loading, start DS. Because you can have a nice black screen when you start DS before the loading of the game...


Let me know is this works, I will have other alternative to understand and solve the problem...


la voici VGer

gamepad rpcs3 357 wiimote.png


Il y a 5 heures, nosoucy62 a dit :

bonjour à tous

je vous propose un fichier .ahk qui permet de jouer avec une wiimote sans utilisation des tocuhes du clavier pour lancer le P1 et tourner la roue pendant le jeu sur le jeu deadstorm pirates version arcade sur rpcs3 357 avec la bonne version de DS (merci angoulefou) pour le system 357.

je tiens à remercier tout particuliérement ginzu dont je vous invite à regarder ses tutos sur youtube concernant les jeux de railshoot divers

j'ai pris plusieurs AHK disponible sur le forum (merci à ceux qui les ont mis à dispo) en les modifiant pour jouer de facon optimale

je tiens à préciser que je ne m'y connais pas spécialement en codage et que j'essaye de comprendre ce que les autres membres font avant de tester

il faudra changer les chemins de demulshooter et rpcs3......

maintenant voici ce que ca donne :

start = minus + sur wiimote

credit + Player 1 = touche A wiimote

wheel gauche + droite = touche pad wiimote gauche et droite

par contre une fois que vous lancez le jeu les touches A et minus + ajoutent des credits mais pour passer les cinématiques seule la touche minus + fonctionne, si quelqu'un arrive à modifier cela je suis preneur


#SingleInstance Force


run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk
run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"


WinWaitActive, ahk_class Qt5152QWindowIcon
; sleep 4 seconds
Sleep, 4000

send {WheelDown 70} 

send {WheelUp 70}

Send {RButton Down}
Send {MButton Down}
Send {LButton Down}
Sleep, 60
Send {LButton Up}
Send {MButton Up}
Send {RButton Up}

    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "DemulShooterX64.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "rpcs3-gun.exe" /F


il faut aussi modifier le gamepad dans rpcs3 357 pour que cela fonctionne comme sur la photo :



n'oubliez pas de sauvegarder

chez moi cela fonctionne parfaitement même si il faut parfois relancer le jeu 2 ou 3 fois.

merci à tous les contributeurs.

bon jeu !



pour corriger ton probleme de lancer 2 3 fois le jeu

il faut lancer demulshooter apres que le jeu soit lancé

du coup remplace ça

run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk
run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"


par ça


run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"

Sleep, 20000 ( la ça depend de la config des gens plus ou moins )

run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk





merci bandicoot

il y a 38 minutes, WildWolf a dit :

like I said before :

You have important thing to respect when using DS :

- always delete the folder cache and config, then start the game and let it build new PPU cache files

- Never rename rpcs3-gun.exe

- Never modify the Game window title in rpcs3, if you have a doubt reset it ! here is what you need to have :


- When you exit a game, quit rpcs3 and quit demulshooter ! then restart the game you want

- Always start the game 1st, when loading, start DS. Because you can have a nice black screen when you start DS before the loading of the game...


Let me know is this works, I will have other alternative to understand and solve the problem...

I have tried this..i deleted the cache and config folders, let it build new PPU cache files and then re-added the PPU patch files in demulshooter and restarted the game, but no luck. It shoots and tracks the guns aiming, either with 1 or 2 guns, but the aiming is still jittery and jumpy. I find it worse on the main menu.

42 minutes ago, jimmyuk86 said:

I have both Deadstorm Pirates and Dark Escape hooking with demulshooter and GUN4IR. It tracks where i want to shoot..but the cursor is flickering and jumping around all over the place on both games, so its not always hitting the targets im aiming at and shooting. Any suggestions?

In RPCS3, there is a check mark to center mouse when full screen. Can give you erratic movements. Make sure it isn’t checked. I had to do this on both downloads I found as it was checked. 

  • Team
il y a 6 minutes, jimmyuk86 a dit :

I have tried this..i deleted the cache and config folders, let it build new PPU cache files and then re-added the PPU patch files in demulshooter and restarted the game, but no luck. It shoots and tracks the guns aiming, either with 1 or 2 guns, but the aiming is still jittery and jumpy. I find it worse on the main menu.

As c0nv1ck said : untick this one :


and tell us if is is ok...

Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, c0nv1ck said:

In RPCS3, there is a check mark to center mouse when full screen. Can give you erratic movements. Make sure it isn’t checked. I had to do this on both downloads I found as it was checked. 


27 minutes ago, WildWolf said:

As c0nv1ck said : untick this one :


That definately helped on the main menu screen! Thanks c0nv1ck! Thank you WildWolf also. And the jittering and jumping seems to have gone 👍 But the cursor target still shows as double when aiming on screen and both flicker. Using the mouse works perfect. Its just when using GUN4IR.

Edited by jimmyuk86
17 hours ago, c0nv1ck said:

The DSP game I found only had rpcs3.exe with it. Maybe because it was version 0.26. I renamed it to rpcs3-gun.exe and it hooked DS fine. Played several levels with two players and it worked fine. Was going to try it at some point with version 0.27 to see if it made much of difference. Maybe this weekend. 

Thanks for that - I must have the same version. I renamed the RPCS3 file and now it hooks DS.

Il y a 2 heures, nosoucy62 a dit :

la voici VGer...



Merci beaucoup


Can the sensor error be removed on Dark Escape, apologies, if this has been answered before I did look through the topic but unfortunately did not find an answer. Thanks.

  • Team
il y a 38 minutes, GingerJazz a dit :

Can the sensor error be removed on Dark Escape, apologies, if this has been answered before I did look through the topic but unfortunately did not find an answer. Thanks.

Yes, you have a patcher inside Demulshooter archive, you can choose with this patcher, to have no crosshair or an option to remove the red sensor error message. Tick what you want. (Posted page 3)



8 hours ago, jimmyuk86 said:


That definately helped on the main menu screen! Thanks c0nv1ck! Thank you WildWolf also. And the jittering and jumping seems to have gone 👍 But the cursor target still shows as double when aiming on screen and both flicker. Using the mouse works perfect. Its just when using GUN4IR.

DS should fix the double aiming. Pull up DS GUI. There’s a section where you can select gun. Scroll down and you will see a system 357 setting. Select that and patch for your specific game. Should resolve the double aiming. No need to calibrate in game after that. Can also change button configuration if you want. 

On 5/16/2023 at 11:10 PM, c0nv1ck said:

I have an i5 9600kf overclocked to 4.2 ghz. I get slow downs with DE4D. Played DSP for a bit and it seemed to run well. May be looking at a CPU upgrade in the future. 

also had some issues getting Sinden calibration going. Couldn’t get things to clear out with cache dumping. If aim is off you can still calibrate in test menu with demulshooter active.

Also I found the emulator package I was using had the box for centering the mouse when full screen checked. Took me a bit to realize and uncheck that little bugger. 

You should try enabling SPU loop detection and setting preferred SPU threads to 4, helped a ton on my my 9600k @ 4.9ghz and now its running great. 

Il y a 11 heures, VGer a dit :


Merci beaucoup

si cela ne fonctionne pas sur d'autres jeux 357 dis-le moi.......en fait j'ai installé ma wiimote dans un gun namco et j'ai mappé certaines touches (pas toutes fautes de place pour les boutons) comme la gachette, le bouton A, les 2 minus (+ et -) et la touche droite du pad sur 1 gun.

sur un autre gun j'ai réussi à mapper en plus le pad haut et gauche afin de jouer par exemple a deadstorm pirates pour la wheel.....projet wiimote to gun chez ginzu par exemple.

si tu veux des photos pour que je te montre ce que j'ai fais n'hésites pas ! peut-être qu'un de ces jours je ferais un tuto sur le site.....LOL

bon we

Posted (edited)

I also had to change the frame limit to 30fps on Sailor Zombie (Native speed) as the game runs fast in 60fps, but actually is a bit more fun to play sped up! Thanks for the disabling the mouse lock option, my Wii Mote works good now!

Edited by Shin Endymion

Help please, In Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited why am I getting only black outfits, how to choose between original and other outfits

  • Team
il y a 53 minutes, MyGames a dit :

Help please, In Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited why am I getting only black outfits, how to choose between original and other outfits

banapass online feature I suppose, I think you can't have them offline for the moment.

On 5/14/2023 at 9:09 AM, THE RETURN OF HBP said:

Just wondering if there are any 3D glasses that will work at home on a regular flat screen tv so one can play Dark Escape in true 3D?? Didn't know if it's possible or not. I tried the old fashion paper ones with the red and blue tinted lenses and it did nothing. 

If anyone cares about this...I went to the movies last night and snagged a pair of the Real D 3D glasses they have and tried it later when I got home. Unfortunately it did not work either. I'm guessing the monitor must be special for this game. Perhaps they are using a 3D monitor.

  • Team
il y a 5 minutes, THE RETURN OF HBP a dit :

If anyone cares about this...I went to the movies last night and snagged a pair of the Real D 3D glasses they have and tried it later when I got home. Unfortunately it did not work either. I'm guessing the monitor must be special for this game. Perhaps they are using a 3D monitor.

Yes you need a specific 3D monitor with specific 3D glasses, plz read the post we talked about this a few posts above.

I think there is something to try with Reshade and dpeth3D shader, because I succeeded to have a depth  effects without any 3D activation from the game... but it needs some research about this...

21 minutes ago, WildWolf said:

Yes you need a specific 3D monitor with specific 3D glasses, plz read the post we talked about this a few posts above.

I think there is something to try with Reshade and dpeth3D shader, because I succeeded to have a depth  effects without any 3D activation from the game... but it needs some research about this...

I am not familiar with this Reshade and depth3d shader you are referring to. Is this something in the options of the emulator I can mess with or is this a separate program?

Il y a 2 heures, THE RETURN OF HBP a dit :

If anyone cares about this...I went to the movies last night and snagged a pair of the Real D 3D glasses they have and tried it later when I got home. Unfortunately it did not work either. I'm guessing the monitor must be special for this game. Perhaps they are using a 3D monitor.

Just buy the original glasses that costs 86$ and hope that your gpu and monitor support it, then maybe just maybe you’d be able to play dark escape 3d 

  • Team
il y a une heure, Mike669 a dit :

Just buy the original glasses that costs 86$ and hope that your 

gpu and monitor support it

then maybe just maybe you’d be able to play dark escape 3d 

it is not sure at all lol, why ? because majority of 3D glasses needs a specific 3D monitor... look  mine, my 3D glasses is only compatible with a very few 3DTV Toshiba models... so buy the official Namco glasses with my Toshiba 3DTV is a bet I don't want to play lol. Don't be an idiot... We don't have any information about that.

But yes you obviously need the official Namco 3D glasses...  The information we need willl be to know the exact 3D monitor model from the arcade cab.


Il y a 2 heures, WildWolf a dit :

Yes you need a specific 3D monitor with specific 3D glasses, plz read the post we talked about this a few posts above.

I think there is something to try with Reshade and dpeth3D shader, because I succeeded to have a depth  effects without any 3D activation from the game... but it needs some research about this...

I am not familiar with this Reshade and depth3d shader you are referring to. Is this something in the options of the emulator I can mess with or is this a separate program?


---> no reshade is a seperate program


I don't remember, but 1 guy succeeded to play it in 3D... I will create a google document and a special topic to ask to people it the game works in 3D or not with their 3DTV, we can maybe find something interesting later...


Anyone might know why pirates has black screen right after seeing compiling ppu modules at the bottom left corner?

This happens when starting game with this AHK.. however starting game straight from the emulator loads as it should. The other 2 gun games load fine via AHK...

Is there a setting in the emulator or maybe something in the AHK that can fix this?

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Process, Exist, Lightgun.exe
If (!ErrorLevel = 0) {
sleep, 1000
Run, D:\Gun Build\Tools\Sinden Lightgun V2.01 beta\Lightgun.exe 

sleep, 1000

Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition\_Demulshooter\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=rpcs3 -rom=deadstorm

sleep, 2000

Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition\rpcs3-gun.exe --no-gui "D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition\dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"

sleep, 2000

send {WheelDown 13}

send {WheelUp 13}

Run,taskkill /im "rpcs3-gun.exe" /F



  • Team
il y a 40 minutes, drewjbs a dit :

Anyone might know why pirates has black screen right after seeing compiling ppu modules at the bottom left corner?

This happens when starting game with this AHK.. however starting game straight from the emulator loads as it should. The other 2 gun games load fine via AHK...

Is there a setting in the emulator or maybe something in the AHK that can fix this?


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Process, Exist, Lightgun.exe
If (!ErrorLevel = 0) {
sleep, 1000
Run, D:\Gun Build\Tools\Sinden Lightgun V2.01 beta\Lightgun.exe 

sleep, 1000

Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition\_Demulshooter\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=rpcs3 -rom=deadstorm

sleep, 2000

Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition\rpcs3-gun.exe --no-gui "D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition\dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN"

sleep, 2000

send {WheelDown 13}

send {WheelUp 13}

Run,taskkill /im "rpcs3-gun.exe" /F


the problem  with users is you can't read this topic, and I did recommand to read red rules when using DS, but you don't want to read it.... put your glasses now and look the last rules :

You have important thing to respect when using DS :

- always delete the folder cache and config, then start the game and let it build new PPU cache files

- Never rename rpcs3-gun.exe

- Never modify the Game window title in rpcs3, if you have a doubt reset it ! here is what you need to have :


- When you exit a game, quit rpcs3 and quit demulshooter ! then restart the game you want

- Always start the game 1st, when loading, start DS. Because you can have a nice black screen when you start DS before the loading of the game...


I dont understand much about 3d tech. But can i assume if enabling 3d in dark escape causes the image to be duplicated like i see 2 crosshairs for example -  then buying the namco glasses wont make a difference as my monitor is not 3d? 

  • Team
il y a 13 minutes, antoniopt69 a dit :

I dont understand much about 3d tech. But can i assume if enabling 3d in dark escape causes the image to be duplicated like i see 2 crosshairs for example -  then buying the namco glasses wont make a difference as my monitor is not 3d? 

You need a 3DTV or 3D monitor + 3D glasses to play in 3D

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