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Is this possible to make dark like this


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2 minutes ago, joe555 said:

That's how it shows on my phone when I'm signed out 

I thought there’s a way to change it permanently when I’m signed in

also saw you write about a dislike button 

why bother? just ignore posts you find useless i do it all the time

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2 minutes ago, A FRIEND said:

I thought there’s a way to change it permanently when I’m signed in

also saw you write about a dislike button 

why bother? just ignore posts you find useless i do it all the time

You can change it at the bottom but not to a dark theme which makes it less bright and a lot easier on the eyes and easier to read, but with a dislike button people could use that instead of posting they don't like 


Modifié par joe555
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29 minutes ago, joe555 said:

You can change it at the bottom but not to a dark theme which makes it less bright and a lot easier on the eyes and easier to read, but with a dislike button people could use that instead of posting they don't like 

Never saw someone post I don’t like 

people can disagree or think differently or ignore completely  

heck I don’t see even the like button as a necessity

a different perspective

Modifié par A FRIEND
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  • 3 semaines après...

For anyone that wants to make a symlink to be able to have a game on a different drive that won't normally let it play from, create a symlink my example with initial d zero, since it doesn't allow E drive


Open CMD prompt and type

mklink /J C:\InitialDStagezero E:\InitialDStageZero

So has to be J for junction other wise won't work , basically it's a short cut, I do the same with very 2, or people with issues with rawthrill game could do , if your going to have spaces in your name then it needs to be in-between " "

Modifié par joe555
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21 hours ago, joe555 said:

For anyone that wants to make a symlink to be able to have a game on a different drive that won't normally let it play from, create a symlink my example with initial d zero, since it doesn't allow E drive


Open CMD prompt and type

mklink /J C:\InitialDStagezero E:\InitialDStageZero

So has to be J for junction other wise won't work , basically it's a short cut, I do the same with very 2, or people with issues with rawthrill game could do 


Just out of curiosity, why the hard link vs a symbolic link?


I next to never use junction points for things I do.



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