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Dance Dance Revolution Package MAME 0.243


Messages recommandés

Unlike most games in MAME, System 573 games, which is the arcade board Konami uses for their Dance Dance Revolution games (among others), needs to be setup and installed before playing. A very tedious process of messing with 'Dip Switches', 'Slot Devices,' and Security Cartridge Data. 


The following games are pre-installed in this MAME (0.243) package.



Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix 
Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix - Ver. Korea 
Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix Plus 
Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix
Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Plus 
Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Plus Solo 
Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
Dance Dance Revolution Kids
Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix
Dance Dance Revolution USA
Dancing Stage - Internet Ranking
DDR MAX - Dance Dance Revolution 6th Mix
DDR Max 2 - Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix

MAME database considers these games 'not working' due to sync issues, yet this fork of MAME has attempted to offset these sync issues through years of patching, testing and manipulation of the software. Some games are now working properly that didn't work before, such as DDR Solo Bass Mix. 😃


If you want to add your your own System 573/ Bemani games to this fork of MAME; follow the instructions in the 'mame_compile_bemani' file, in the parent folder, and replace the roms you are using with roms from the pr9137.rar file to addresses security cartridge issues.

This link will only be active for 30 days if that. Make sure you fork or backup to Nyaa or something like that. 




Modifié par Serpent
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