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Attract-Mode ?


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Hello all, Issei here. I'm new to the forums. I appreciate the acceptance, and hard work you folks put into the forums here. I had a question about attract-mode and creating databases on my Taito system. I'm not having a fair time with Attract-Mode generating the database. My question is, are their xml databases out there I could possibly import and use? Thank you for your time.

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2 hours ago, Issei_Taito said:

My question is, are their xml databases out there I could possibly import and use? Thank you for your time.

yes i use attract mode and it's fairly easy creating "romlist" and adding the info for games is what i think you are referring too but you can use hyperspin xml's to generate your game list and there is also a couple sites for mame games that gives you all the info regarding players,year,genre e.t.c but for games like taito type x just use hyperspin.xml for that system and point the directory to that file to generate it i hope this helps buddy

check out this link to better help you learn how it's done


i also found this info for you hopefully one works

Modifié par `kingston Ramsey
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