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Unable To Connect Nintendo Switch Lite To My TV!


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3 hours ago, AllanHernandez said:

Nintendo Switch Lite

Trolling ?

Yes you are !

Short answer ........ NO

Otherwise, try try again !!

Long answer ....... YES you can !

And GTFO if you please ?

Thank you !

Modifié par Onkel
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3 hours ago, AllanHernandez said:

Hello, everyone. How are you? This is my first post in this forum. After several attempts, I am unable to connect my Nintendo Switch Lite to my TV. Although, I am not an expert on this matter. Can anyone provide any suggestions, that, how to connect both of them? Any help will be appreciated.

lol if u ever watched a switch video ud know that couldnt be done because of the way the hardware is inside vs the normal i havent tried the converter with my lite but it looks like good idea i guess i have both so i havent tried the video onkel posted.

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23 hours ago, AllanHernandez said:

Hello, everyone. How are you? This is my first post in this forum. After several attempts, I am unable to connect my Nintendo Switch Lite to my TV. Although, I am not an expert on this matter. Can anyone provide any suggestions, that, how to connect both of them? Any help will be appreciated.

Hello. I am not an expert in this matter. I think the above video is the best process to dock Nintendo switch lite. Even after that if you have any problem, you can follow the link also. Hopefully, it will help you also. Best of luck.

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2 hours ago, Percymorgan09 said:


Expert troll ?

So obvious !

You are nothing but a retarded jester !

Go annoy somewhere else, better yet , go play with yourself, like you usually do !



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