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ForceFeedback O.P Ghost


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i'm using autoit to monitor memory addresses give guns 1 and 2 i found an address for each gun that adds 1 to each fired bullet so my code performs the action of pressing the capslock and numlock keys


the code is this:

$arma1 = 0
$arma2 = 0
$ctt = 0
$ctt1 = 0
While 1
$PID = ProcessExists("gs2.exe")

$hOpen = _MemoryOpen($PID)

$Address = "0x02A5DC24"
$Address2 = "0x02A5DC28"

$Read = _MemoryRead($Address,$hOpen, "int")
$Read1 = _MemoryRead($Address2,$hOpen, "int")
if $Read > $arma1 Then
$ctt = $ctt + 1
if $ctt = 1 Then
If $ctt = 2 Then

   if $ctt >= 2 Then
    $ctt = 0
$arma1 = $Read


  if $Read1 > $arma2 Then
$ctt1 = $ctt1 + 1
if $ctt1 = 1 Then
If $ctt1 = 2 Then
 if $ctt1 >= 2 Then
    $ctt1 = 0
$arma2 = $Read1

ConsoleWrite($ctt )

sleep (16)



would have to find the joystick rumble api and insert it in the code


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7 hours ago, Coding said:



if you can help the community by adding 

the rest of nxl2 games to tp it’ll be awesome 

if you like have a look at my post on the subject on page 969 on tp thread

TIA for any help

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