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SDVX Exceed Gear stuck loading at StateFunctionIoBoardKfc


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Hello, I recently extracted an exceed gear dump and installed spicetools and the game gets stuck loading with the line "I:AppBootLoader: Enter: ApplicationBootLoader::ApplicationBootLoaderImpl::StateFuncIoBoardKfc


The game has found my nvidia gpu in my system so I can rule that out

The game gets stuck right there and closes after a few minutes


Any help would be appreciated



(game window:


Modifié par exaltedb
added what the game is showing (waiting for MAIN I/O)
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49 minutes ago, exaltedb said:

Any help would be appreciated


Did you assign all inputs in spicecfg ?

Go in the test / service menu and calibrate both analogue FX knobs and save it
If you can not read Japanese, use google translate on your phone, take a picture of screen and mark text to translate, it works better than live translations
Also it is a tate (portrait) mode game

You can rotate the screen in windows 10 to portrait or upside-down landscape by hitting CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow, Right Arrow or Down arrow.

Hit CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow and your Windows desktop should return to landscape mode.

If that does not work you can use Irotate

Modifié par Onkel
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21 minutes ago, Onkel said:

Did you assign all inputs in spicecfg ?

Go in the test / service menu and calibrate both analogue FX knobs and save it
If you can not read Japanese, use google translate on your phone, take a picture of screen and mark text to translate, it works better than live translations
Also it is a tate (portrait) mode game

You can rotate the screen in windows 10 to portrait or upside-down landscape by hitting CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow, Right Arrow or Down arrow.

Hit CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow and your Windows desktop should return to landscape mode.

If that does not work you can use Irotate

Problem is, I can't enter test mode while it is trying to load I/O. Everything is mapped input-wise

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