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[Arcade PC] Mars Sortie (Windows Based PC)


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Invité PowerKopter69
2 hours ago, arcade_power said:

Just tried to launch the game with "Shooter.exe" and it gives me a Chinese error message then nothing happens. Does not work.


exe is encrypted so obviously it wont work

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Invité petje
24 minutes ago, PowerKopter69 said:


exe is encrypted so obviously it wont work

Encrypted ?

More like packed ?


According to Google translate, it says 

Super Dog not found

Probably means security dongle not found


Modifié par petje
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  • 1 an après...

This is another Unity based game with the file structure IE: Shooter/Shooter_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll


File names, types and general structure are similar to Wild Western Shootout.


I know other members here have had luck removing Dongle checks by modifying Assembly-CSharp.dll


Let's wait and see if anyone has any luck with that.


Modifié par TeknoNecro
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10 hours ago, TeknoNecro said:

This is another Unity based game with the file structure IE: Shooter/Shooter_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll


File names, types and general structure are similar to Wild Western Shootout.


I know other members here have had luck removing Dongle checks by modifying Assembly-CSharp.dll


Let's wait and see if anyone has any luck with that.



It is unity but the exe is packed, so until someone post a decrypted exe its basically useless.

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