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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone on here got one of these or tried one? I've had my eye on the project for a while but i want to hear from somebody who has used on. It looks really promising though. 


I just watched now. They give it a good review. Theres a new batch for order on his site that ship in November. Think im gonna pop on the £80 model

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Team
Posted (edited)

A t on des témoignages et des avis sur ce matériel ?



Car il m'intéresse beaucoup, étant donné que tu n'a pas besoin d'une stupide barre wireless pour le faire fonctionner. En terme de précision ca l'air beaucoup mieux qu'un aimtrak que j'ai eu pendant un moment mais je n'étais pas satisfait de sa qualité, et de la précision moyenne du produit. Je pense que avec l'arrivée de Scarlet Dawn je vais me laisser tenter par ce petit bijou :)


Bon j'ai craqué, acheté à l'instant , Set de 2 lightgun (Blue+Red) avec recoil + fdp = 330e

Plus qu'à attendre Mars pour le recevoir car ils ont pas mal de commandes, ca tombe bien je ne voulais pas être PATRON sur Teknoparrot je pense que d'ici le mois de Mars Scarlet Dawn sera accessible à tout le monde :)



Je ferai un petit topo du produit quand je l'aurai reçu.


Edited by WildWolf
1 hour ago, WildWolf said:

Do we have testimonials and opinions on this material?



Because I'm very interested in it, since you don't need a stupid wireless bar to make it work. In terms of accuracy it looks much better than an aimtrak I had for a while but I was not satisfied with its quality, and the average accuracy of the product. I think that with the arrival of Scarlet Dawn I will let myself be tempted by this little gem :)


Well I cracked, bought just now, Set of 2 lightgun (Blue + Red) with recoil + fdp = 330e

More than waiting for Mars to receive it because they have a lot of orders, it's good I did not want to be BOSS on Teknoparrot I think that by the month of March Scarlet Dawn will be accessible to everyone :)



I will make a small topo of the product when I have received it.




Although this may be a bit late for you, have you looked into GUN4IR?

I had originally bought a set of Sindens but I disliked the idea of having to have extra software and a border running (x2 if you want to play 2 player) so I canceled and went with GUN4IR. As well as being super accurate, you can put the system into whatever gun you like and you can set up ahk scripts to set the recoil and mode on a per game basis. I have built 5 guns already (2 x Guncon 45, 2 x Top Shot Elite, 1 x Guncon 2) and I am in the process of buying some original Time Crisis Arcade guns.

Look it up on YouTube - you won't be disappointed.


  • Team
Posted (edited)
il y a 17 minutes, oddeye45 a dit :



Although this may be a bit late for you, have you looked into GUN4IR?

I had originally bought a set of Sindens but I disliked the idea of having to have extra software and a border running (x2 if you want to play 2 player) so I canceled and went with GUN4IR. As well as being super accurate, you can put the system into whatever gun you like and you can set up ahk scripts to set the recoil and mode on a per game basis. I have built 5 guns already (2 x Guncon 45, 2 x Top Shot Elite, 1 x Guncon 2) and I am in the process of buying some original Time Crisis Arcade guns.

Look it up on YouTube - you won't be disappointed.


Yes already seen, but In don't want any Led or wireless shit anymore, prefer 1000x times to have extra software + border running

Edited by WildWolf
  • 1 month later...

For those who use two Sinden Lightguns (simultaneously), do you observe any recoil issues on one of the guns if both are operational? The second one seems to have the recoil strengths/kick weaken in automatic recoil mode.
It might be a power supply issue over USB on my motherboard, but wanted to check if anyone else has the same issue

  • 3 months later...
Guest POPO69

Hi, does this gun allow uninterrupted force feedback? because the aimtrack stops from time to time. I would like to know before investing.

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