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Invité petje

First page of TeknoParrot (TP) thread ?

Use 7zip, twice, first to extract the .bin from the packed file.

When you got the rambo .bin file extract again with 7z to get the folders and files

The file you need to set in TP is <your rambo game folder>/disk0/elf/ramboD.elf

This is for all lindbergh games.


What is your monitor resolution ?

When you change the game resolution aiming will be off, i think 1360 (or 1366) x768 is the original resolution


No need to tick XInput

Right mouse click is start game

If not on freeplay (test / service menu), tick freeplay in settings above

Modifié par petje
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Partager sur d’autres sites work im changing a 1up arcade machine into a real arcade machine with  a cpu and a 24" tv monitor a light gun with launchbox as my games setup for my man cave. COVID-19 look like it going to be around longer then people think.mame wii ps2 dreamcast games or on it now TP game look better then the other system.

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  • 4 semaines après...
Invité petje
2 hours ago, tackcity09 said:

So I can get Rambo running, however, just a gray picture for cut scenes and it's a white screen with the aiming showing only?  Anybody else have this problem and know of a fix?

Dual / type GPU ? 

Laptop ?

If two GPU prioritize dedicated GPU

Most games do not run on Intel IGPU

Tried correct shader fix ?


Shaders fix: Rambo_NVIDIA_Shaderfix.rar


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Le 04/06/2020 à 20:20, petje a dit :

Dual / type GPU ? 

Laptop ?

If two GPU prioritize dedicated GPU

Most games do not run on Intel IGPU

Tried correct shader fix ?


Shaders fix: Rambo_NVIDIA_Shaderfix.rar


 Thank you for the AMD fix, now I can see the opening live FMV, but when the actual game starts I first get a black screen, and then col. trautman and rambo in slightly messed up polygons and nothing else. There's music but barely any sound effect and they don't move, and the rest of the screen is black. Any idea?

PS: my gpu is amd.

Modifié par vince16
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On 6/5/2020 at 2:20 AM, petje said:

Dual / type GPU ? 

Laptop ?

If two GPU prioritize dedicated GPU

Most games do not run on Intel IGPU

Tried correct shader fix ?


Shaders fix: Rambo_NVIDIA_Shaderfix.rar


hai, both shaderfix is dead link..can i get both again..merci don!!

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  • 2 semaines après...
En 4/6/2020 a las 14:20, petje dijo:

Dual / type GPU ? 

Laptop ?

If two GPU prioritize dedicated GPU

Most games do not run on Intel IGPU

Tried correct shader fix ?


Shaders fix: Rambo_NVIDIA_Shaderfix.rar


Please you can upload again the amd fix?

Modifié par shadowmaster011
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hace 5 horas, petje dijo:

No need, it is integrated into TeknoParrot

I have problems with the Rambo game, everything in 3d looks blank, I already tried with the amdfix in the options menu, activated or deactivated it's the same, that's why I had asked you for the amdfix to download it. Mi pc its a dektop amd ryzen 5 5600x with rx 6500 vga,and  windows 10 with last update.


Modifié par shadowmaster011
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14 minutes ago, shadowmaster011 said:

I have problems with the Rambo game, everything in 3d looks blank, I already tried with the amdfix in the options menu, activated or deactivated it's the same, that's why I had asked you for the amdfix to download it. Mi pc its a dektop amd ryzen 5 5600x with rx 6500 vga,and  windows 10 with last update.



Rambo_AMD_Shaderfix.7z this is one your looking for im assuming. its from trymado a long time ago i have em all 

Modifié par RetrnArcGamer35
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