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[Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode


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Pinball FX 3 par defaut ne permet pas l'appel en ligne de commande.


1. Patcher l'exe (teste seulement avec la volume 5 de plaza)

Offset: 003379EA
Original: 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00
Patch: B8 05 00 00 00 90 90

Offset: 003388FA
Original: 8B 87 BC 00 00 00
Patch: 31 C0 90 90 90 90

2. Lancer l'exe patche, cliquer l'icone en forme de flipper sur la premiere ligne d'icones a droite




3. Rentrer n'importe quel nombre et activer. Le jeu va se bloquer avec un son en boucle. Ca veut dire que ca a marche! Fermez le programme a la main.


C'est fini, apres ca vous pouvez appeller PBFX3 en ligne de commande. Par example ceci lance la table Citadel.pxp: "Pinball FX3.exe" -offline -class -table_Citadel


Edited by Fox
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Hello!  Could you please clarify how to patch the exe?  I assume you're referring to "Pinball FX3.exe" that's contained in the main director for FX3.  I'm just not sure how to edit/patch the exe as you describe above. Thank you!

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Guest petje
1 hour ago, mobi211 said:

Hello!  Could you please clarify how to patch the exe?  I assume you're referring to "Pinball FX3.exe" that's contained in the main director for FX3.  I'm just not sure how to edit/patch the exe as you describe above. Thank you!

It is fairly easy


Download this



Open the .exe he is talking about (Pinball FX3.exe)

Press Ctrl+G that is the search function.


As a example he says


Offset: 003379EA
Original: 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00
Patch: B8 05 00 00 00 90 90

Offset: 003388FA
Original: 8B 87 BC 00 00 00
Patch: 31 C0 90 90 90 90

In the search field (Ctrl+G) enter 003379EA and press OK

On that line you see 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 replace it with B8 05 00 00 00 90 90


Press Ctrl+G again and do the same at the correct offset 003388FA

On that line you see 8B 87 BC 00 00 00 replace it with 31 C0 90 90 90 90


Save the file and follow the next step in the above posted instructions

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  • 3 weeks later...


i have  plaza-pinball.fx3.williams.pinball.volume.5. but when i open the .exe in the hex editor i do not have the Offset: 003379EA or  Offset: 003388FA can someone please explain what im doing wrong 




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2 hours ago, Kossed said:


i have  plaza-pinball.fx3.williams.pinball.volume.5. but when i open the .exe in the hex editor i do not have the Offset: 003379EA or  Offset: 003388FA can someone please explain what im doing wrong 




Make sure you edit "Pinball FX3.exe" not setup.exe

Edited by ducon2016
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Hey guys,

I was super exited to see this post and get it running, but I have the same issue as kossed - the offset data in this tutorial can't be found in the Pinball FX3.exe (cracked from plaza volume#5).  When I search for Offset: 003379EA and 003388FA I find instead: 003379E0 (with the correct original HEX values 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 but the patch has 14 digits, and this one found has 12 ?) and 003388F0  (with the correct original values 8B 87 BC 00 00 00 and correct number of digits).


I have tried replacing the HEX with the patch digits with no luck (well like I said, I have only 12 digits in the hex, and the patch contains 14...but hey...I tried!).

Any help would be AMAZING!

je parle aussi francais si c'est plus facile pour la personne de m'aider!



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well for the latest update with the plaza version .. this is what i been using


use the patched exe (backup up the original one)

than copy the unlocker file to  C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\442120 ... since u r using plaza so  will use the codex version ...


than all u need to do is start game and activate the cabinet mode with any number and it will ask u to link account click yes and now it should be working when u exit and go back just unlink account and u r good to go.

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5 hours ago, RICKBRANCH said:

Hey guys,

I was super exited to see this post and get it running, but I have the same issue as kossed - the offset data in this tutorial can't be found in the Pinball FX3.exe (cracked from plaza volume#5).  When I search for Offset: 003379EA and 003388FA I find instead: 003379E0 (with the correct original HEX values 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 but the patch has 14 digits, and this one found has 12 ?) and 003388F0  (with the correct original values 8B 87 BC 00 00 00 and correct number of digits).


I have tried replacing the HEX with the patch digits with no luck (well like I said, I have only 12 digits in the hex, and the patch contains 14...but hey...I tried!).

Any help would be AMAZING!

je parle aussi francais si c'est plus facile pour la personne de m'aider!




Can you share your .exe somewhere? There is something weird going on.

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15 hours ago, ducon2016 said:


Can you share your .exe somewhere? There is something weird going on.


sure! this is PLAZA f3x.exe file I had and was that your instructions did not work for this: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jVo3OJK-itsb_E7fDayszohWRMnzoXPZ?usp=sharing


I will keep the link active for 24hrs or until you reply to this thread that you got it.

Let me know if you need something else.


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On 4/24/2020 at 4:12 PM, Kossed said:


i have  plaza-pinball.fx3.williams.pinball.volume.5. but when i open the .exe in the hex editor i do not have the Offset: 003379EA or  Offset: 003388FA can someone please explain what im doing wrong 


4 hours ago, RICKBRANCH said:


sure! this is PLAZA f3x.exe file I had and was that your instructions did not work for this: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jVo3OJK-itsb_E7fDayszohWRMnzoXPZ?usp=sharing


I will keep the link active for 24hrs or until you reply to this thread that you got it.

Let me know if you need something else.



I got it thanks. It is the exact same file as mine, and my instructions work perfectly. Just follow the steps @petje posted.



Edited by ducon2016
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26 minutes ago, ducon2016 said:


I got it thanks. It is the exact same file as mine, and my instructions work perfectly. Just follow the steps @petje posted.



Thanks ducon2016.

I though that I had to respect the number of hex per line. Your image with the code highlighted in yellow is pretty clear. :)  I am certain it will help someone else that will read this post.


For those who want it working with pinup menu, here is the scripts what I used to successfully get it running offline:


Launch script:
cd /d "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"
start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME]
START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 5 1 5 "Pinball FX3.exe"
cd /d "[DIREMU]"
START "" "Pinball FX3.exe" -applaunch -offline -table_[GAMENAME]


Close script:
 rem taskkill /f /im "dmdext.exe"



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For anyone who may need it, I have uploaded the fixed Pinbal FX3.exe (vol.5) and the batch files for all of the tables. Just extract to the Pinball FX3 folder. I use PCLauncher to open the bat files. 




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On 5/6/2020 at 10:43 PM, MarkstallioN said:

For anyone who may need it, I have uploaded the fixed Pinbal FX3.exe (vol.5) and the batch files for all of the tables. Just extract to the Pinball FX3 folder. I use PCLauncher to open the bat files. 





can you explain the use of bat files and fixed exe.  i mean what changes we will get?


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On 5/10/2020 at 4:46 AM, chiragj81 said:


can you explain the use of bat files and fixed exe.  i mean what changes we will get?


You copy the files to your Pinball FX3 installation folder. The fixed exe file replaces the games original exe. The batch files can be used through RocketLauncher with the PCLauncher emulator to launch each individual table.

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22 hours ago, MarkstallioN said:

You copy the files to your Pinball FX3 installation folder. The fixed exe file replaces the games original exe. The batch files can be used through RocketLauncher with the PCLauncher emulator to launch each individual table.

I've downloaded and have it running, only issue it doesn't boot into the table. How do I fix that? 

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On 5/13/2020 at 10:01 AM, bucksoverfame said:

I've downloaded and have it running, only issue it doesn't boot into the table. How do I fix that? 

That's odd. I'm not sure why that would happen. You copied everything from the zip file to your Pinball FX3 installation folder? From there, each batch file launches it individual table. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...



Vous n’auriez pas une version plus récente de ce patch, c’est à dire qui fonctionnerait avec la version fx3 vol 6 ?

Ou bien je suis preneur, si vous pouviez expliquer la démarche consistant à  rechercher les bits (le bout de code) à remplacer et par quoi les remplacer (il faut passer par un desassembleur ?)
merci :)

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Bonjour et Merci beaucoup ducon2016
Patch opérationnel avec le PFX3 volume 5 de plaza.
J'ai essayé ce même patch avec le volume 6 (+update 20/10); malheureusement ça ne fonctionne pas. Pas d'activation du mode cabinet.
Un espoir de patcher le nouveau .exe (volume 6) et d'obtenir les offsets à modifier ?
Thanks ! Protégez-vous bien.

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20 hours ago, nonozor said:


Vous n’auriez pas une version plus récente de ce patch, c’est à dire qui fonctionnerait avec la version fx3 vol 6 ?

Ou bien je suis preneur, si vous pouviez expliquer la démarche consistant à  rechercher les bits (le bout de code) à remplacer et par quoi les remplacer (il faut passer par un desassembleur ?)
merci :)


20 hours ago, sylabre said:

Bonjour et Merci beaucoup ducon2016
Patch opérationnel avec le PFX3 volume 5 de plaza.
J'ai essayé ce même patch avec le volume 6 (+update 20/10); malheureusement ça ne fonctionne pas. Pas d'activation du mode cabinet.
Un espoir de patcher le nouveau .exe (volume 6) et d'obtenir les offsets à modifier ?
Thanks ! Protégez-vous bien.


Je n'ai pas encore vu le volume 6 sur mes sources habituelles. Des que je le trouve je peux essayer.

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On 11/11/2020 at 2:25 AM, nonozor said:


Vous n’auriez pas une version plus récente de ce patch, c’est à dire qui fonctionnerait avec la version fx3 vol 6 ?

Ou bien je suis preneur, si vous pouviez expliquer la démarche consistant à  rechercher les bits (le bout de code) à remplacer et par quoi les remplacer (il faut passer par un desassembleur ?)
merci :)


On 11/11/2020 at 2:34 AM, sylabre said:

Bonjour et Merci beaucoup ducon2016
Patch opérationnel avec le PFX3 volume 5 de plaza.
J'ai essayé ce même patch avec le volume 6 (+update 20/10); malheureusement ça ne fonctionne pas. Pas d'activation du mode cabinet.
Un espoir de patcher le nouveau .exe (volume 6) et d'obtenir les offsets à modifier ?
Thanks ! Protégez-vous bien.




0. Faites une copie de sauvegarde de l'exe

1. Cherchez 45 F4 64 A3 00 00 00 00 8B F1 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 8D 9E F8 02 00 00 83 F8 07 0F 87 13 02 00 00 FF 24 dans l'exe et remplacez 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 par B8 05 00 00 00 90 90

2. Cherchez 45 F4 64 A3 00 00 00 00 8B F9 8B 87 BC 00 00 00 83 F8 1F 0F 8F A7 03 00 00 0F 84 57 02 00 00 83 dans l'exe et remplacez 8B 87 BC 00 00 00 et remplacez par 31 C0 90 90 90 90


J'ai pas teste mais ca devrait marcher

Edited by ducon2016
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3 hours ago, eathearty1 said:

@ducon2016 Tried the above but HxD says it cant find 45 F4 64 A3 00 00 00 00 8B F1 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 8D 9E F8 02 00 00 83 F8 07 0F 87 13 02 00 00 FF 24

If you get the vol5 plaza release just enter 12345 into the unlock then reload the game and it will be unlocked!


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6 hours ago, eathearty1 said:

@ducon2016 Tried the above but HxD says it cant find 45 F4 64 A3 00 00 00 00 8B F1 0F BE 86 F8 02 00 00 8D 9E F8 02 00 00 83 F8 07 0F 87 13 02 00 00 FF 24


This is only for Update 29 exe / Volume 6. What are you trying this on? Also make sure when you search you switch to the "Hex-Values" tab, not "Text-String"

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