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Mike n Britteny

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Mike n Britteny last won the day on August 19 2023

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    Raspberry Pi

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  1. Thank you, enjoy! Perhaps, but there are only a small handful of the Enhanced games, not your typical, if your unhappy with ours, nothing says you need to keep the game, maybe reach out to Lizard King and see when he will make a game for you next in Enhanced ..I'd love to try one of your Singe games, what have you made? I'll give it a go. Thanks
  2. Released today links are above. hope you enjoy this interactive singe game.
  3. 2 Samples 367950456_6438161942934160_3489597729947948545_n.mp4 368933306_6282662425196282_6637359770468130983_n.mp4
  4. resolution is 1920x1080 resolution is 920x1080
  5. The Secret Of Nimh for Singe 2- "RELEASE DATE" is SEPTEMBER 13th - in honor of Don Bluth's birthday. Singe 2 version -https://mega.nz/file/8M9X1Y5R#gdGK-Mef9qfg4ScjvWv-Ii9HAtOeTA8V0V_gEvU0RGA Hypseus version -https://mega.nz/file/lQUFAJLA#hyAZvi-8spD8lsk40S-kH69zzh50dD5-_ityQZuTZuE This game will NOT contain arrows or an image of a button, but rather "flashing blinks" to indicate direction or action button. I hope you will enjoy the 57 minutes of gameplay.
  6. It would be nice to see a bezel pop up for this
  7. A fix is pushed for "game over" in a non-completed game situation. updated link to V2 for anyone grabbing the game. OR If you have already grabbed game, you can also just grab the .singe file and replace the file. sugarrush.singe
  8. Anyone interested in a Hypseus version you can grab it here https://dl.orangedox.com/6EMKKTRKS4kYcL14zr
  9. Sugar Rush _v2 The game is set up to "feel" arcade like. play the 4 levels to unlock the 5th...Sugar Rush! Hope you can enjoy this fan made game. Singe version of this game (NOW UPDATED) can be found here > https://mega.nz/file/QAlRHJSD#fihVRqyF1LmF7RvGEsrHCbgAV_mLe5MxxYUHTF82iZc Anyone interested in a Hypseus version you can grab it here as well! https://dl.orangedox.com/6EMKKTRKS4kYcL14zr
  10. you are welcome there was a nice fix to the freddy.singe file ill add it here to i recommend swapping it, also re added fixed zip its the final edits freddy.singe
  11. You can DL as 1 single zip in the Mega ...is that what your referring to?
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