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  1. say what?? that makes little or no sense
  2. i used the torrent link.. hope that helps
  3. works fine for me with me with TP use that path to the exe: TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping
  4. i really dont like raw thrills games they look and play like a ps1.. just saying
  5. are you using the dome fix? i found with the dome fix and @Trymado patch it stretched to 2560x1440 and covered the whole screen
  6. yes i was getting it even with the dome fix.. but i just re installed my monitor drivers and its working perfect now.. big thanks for your support
  7. the resolution i use is 2560x1440 and 8bit colour i get this on right side update: ive just re installed my monitor driver and the whole screen is now covered.. thanks very much!! im running 2560x1440 2k uhd and with the dome fix and this patch i have achieved full screen
  8. try shift - 1 or f11 hope that works
  9. i find the @spiderzsoft full screen worked for me but i have to keep pressing f11 to keep it full screen.. i also use the domefix hope that helps
  10. ok fair enough, but this thread is for starwars and therefor reading through it before asking already answered questions, is going to answer your questions..
  11. again, please ready this thread!! there are a couple of full screen patches posted.. please go back through this thread and read before posting already answered questions!!
  12. yeah it is annoying me too.. such a good game. if you press f2 you can see its rendered in 3d so i think until somebody skilled enough can make a full screen patch we are stuck
  13. no im using a 2560x1440 monitor the patch makes it go full screen but as soon as a misson starts or ends it reverts back to the windows size and i have to press f11 all the time..
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