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Curru last won the day on June 18 2023

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    Neo geo

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  1. Is the error from the node? try adding this in tsconfig.proto.json inside compileroptions. "skipLibCheck": true, the tutorial is incomplete, you have to create a database with postgresql and import the tables with prisma... yarn prisma generate yarn prisma migrate deploy and edit the .env file with your connection data... to import the tables to your database postgresql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE my example: postgresql://postgres:123456@localhost:5432/WMMT6R
  2. I already managed to do it, so thank you
  3. Here is the link in case you want to become the server to play 6R.... https://github.com/shiroikitsu8/Bayshore_6r_legacy I just tried it and it works perfectly....
  4. Hello, if you want to make your own wmmt 6 server, here you will find how to do it... https://github.com/ProjectAsakura/Bayshore/wiki/Setup-guide I made mine....
  5. 6RR Loader.... https://archive.org/details/wangan-arcade-loader-0.7
  6. Don't worry, it usually happens... you can play it on the HKG Reborn server as long as the event is activated... not long ago they held the one in Singapore
  7. https://discord.gg/bombergirl
  8. According to what I read in the discord in problems, change the region of your pc to Japan and pass the test
  9. Yes, yesterday I installed the game and I had to do it twice, the first time it gave me an error, so I changed everything to the Japanese region on the PC until the time zone to Japan and it was installed correctly, yes, the installation is very slow, you can watch a movie quietly while you wait, yes, I think that around 10:00 p.m. it enters maintenance time and you know how to wait to play... but the wait has its reward, I like the game, it's fun, playing vs online has its rewards depending on the event, let's see if I get the underwear for my bombergirl😂😂😂😂
  10. hello if you want to play the pc version, in this discord you will find how to do it https://discord.gg/bombergirl
  11. you can still play it online... https://youtu.be/-WRCLEC23CI here is the invitation to the discord in case anyone wants to play it online too.. https://discord.gg/hkgwmmt6r
  12. hi i found this video tutorial for this game. https://youtu.be/TW9yonnTxDQ
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