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Lesteph25 last won the day on December 14 2021

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About Lesteph25

  • Birthday 02/20/1981

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    Cabinet Home made : beatmania IIDX, DDR, Sound voltex, Jubeat, racing cab
    Real cab : new astro city
    arcade pad : pop'n music, touchpad 22" for reflec beat, keyboard midi mod for Nostalgia

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  1. Thank you, but I prefer to wait for a version with save data
  2. thank you very much for this quick response. I tested other plugins, but without success. Does anyone have a link to the correct plugin to share please ? (maybe it doesn't exist yet)
  3. Hello, from version 2024121000, i can no longer launch the game. After the PIN code, i get the error message : 'unable to connect to server' a problèm with Asphyxia or IIDX plugin ? Thancks in advance
  4. 91 pages for me but somes songs missing (listed but no sound) 7 or 8 songs i think
  5. thanks for the jacket tip it's perfect now
  6. Hello, i have a problem with pinky crush 2024100900 These songs are missing : Dreamship Eleanor DROPS Flower of jugement Elysiumh Fermi paradox Kotonoha Lowercase Lifetime Pop Eden Bring the fire Rave syndrome they must be missing in the data, because if I launch one, I have an error message "SOUND DATA CREATE ERROR" my PK data from here (page 58) you don't have this problem ? EDIT : is OK with a fress copy af data
  7. Patch dll with 120hz is not for use TDJ version is for 120hz in LDJ version of IIDX Hello - Uninstall your GPU drivers with the software: DDU (driver display uninstaller) - Reinstall your drivers up to date
  8. Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I don't know if this is what you wanted to tell me, but I just solved this problem: in space2x > patches : I checked "force BIO2 in valyrie mode" ! the lights work again ouuuuufff
  9. the most recent version that works with the lights is 2024082700 the management of the button lights works, but not the managed RGB SW28 LEDs that I have on my wings and my controller anyone uses SW28 managed LEDs ? does this work for you ? thank you
  10. since update 2024110500, the lights no longer work (RGB SW28) someone to help please
  11. yes, you need : - RGB strip led WS2811 - arduino card (i have a arduino leonardo) - code for arduino : https://github.com/mon/Arduino-HID-Lighting my IIDX homemade https://streamable.com/yjulw7
  12. I do, it really works very well. I will try to find my code for you. is it an arduino leonardo ? my file il for managed WS28 LED strip (for arduino leonardo) RGB_252_led.ino
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