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About meru_golang

  • Birthday March 3

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  1. please send logs.
  2. Update! 1.40 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D4Ircu2qdQFGpyuG15o6P3saPUHlB7sd/view?usp=sharing
  3. Ongeki 1.39 FullPack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bgONt9moYYLFV34rbV9DLwMhI2YU5S9Y/view?usp=sharing
  4. VPN is required to use "aime.msm.moe" It is also required when running chunithm. And you shouldn't use Google Translate. Using DeepL translation will translate it into the sentence you want. Please add my Discord if you need support in Japanese. Discord: ui49
  5. As you are accessing from Japan, please utilize a VPN to acquire an overseas IP address.
  6. 日本からはアクセス出来ないのでVPNを使用して海外からアクセスしてください。
  7. I tried downloading LDJ-003-2022103100 as per the available documentation, but TDJ is not functioning. I have applied all the necessary patches and steps, but it still doesn't work. Do you know how to resolve this issue?log.txt
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