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[Arcade PC] Hypseus Singe - 2-Player Singe Gun Games


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1 hour ago, Cool Coyote said:

right so why wont any of the singe games work then?  


Some context here ?


Using what software and version, we have mentioned three different emulators thus far?


What are the the logs and errors saying ?


What is the debugging showing as detailed here: http://www.emuline.org/topic/2301-arcade-pc-hypseus-singe-daphnesinge-sdl2-windows-mac-linux/?page=4&tab=comments#comment-103200


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Sinden Borders now implemented:


Version: 2.6.2

hypseus singe vldp -sinden 5 g -framefile ...
-sinden <1-10> <color>     [ Enable software border for lightguns          ]
                           [ Color: (w)hite, (r)ed, (g)reen, (b)lue or (x) ]



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2 hours ago, Collector1 said:

can you create games on this port


Absolutely, in exactly the same way as you can create Singe 2 (LUA) games: https://www.lua.org/


The format for Hypseus follows the original format of Singe 1 LUA games, but in reality not very much has changed in the jump to Singe 2 API calls at this point. Singe 2 has advantages in other areas.


You can see the conversion LUA of recent Singe 2 games here: https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus_singetwo_data - Altered Carbon in particular.


This can be used as a template for anything you would wish to create.


Karis and Poiu etc have moved on to Singe 2 these days, but the game coding principles are the same.


Of course if you wanted to get hardcore, you could look to adapt some more ROMS within the Daphne element of Hypseus (C++), this is all open source gaming....


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  • 3 weeks later...

There it is road blaster at 2880x2160. I had to use ffmpeg to bring it back down to 29.97 fps since topaz was going to take more than 20 hours. Hopefully this works.



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On 05/08/2021 at 5:25 PM, Nit3H8wk said:

There it is road blaster at 2880x2160. I had to use ffmpeg to bring it back down to 29.97 fps since topaz was going to take more than 20 hours. Hopefully this works.




Wow these look gorgeous:


These are full resolution screenshots, although my monitor won't display the whole image, the F12 screenshot captures them perfectly.








Still some discrepancies in the frames and timings, but I guess only playing will tell....

mediainfo --Inform='Video;%FrameCount%' rb-orig.m2v
mediainfo --Inform='Video;%FrameCount%' rb.m2v

mediainfo --Inform='Video;%Duration%' rb-orig.m2v 
mediainfo --Inform='Video;%Duration%' rb.m2v 

Correct Frame Rate:
Frame rate                               : 29.970 (30000/1001) FPS


Run version 2.6.12 of Hypseus Singe with:

hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp/roadblaster/roadblaster.txt -fullscreen

OR if you prefer sharp bitmapping:

hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp/roadblaster/roadblaster.txt -fullscreen -nolinear_scale


Just rename your current rb.m2v and place this one in the same folder (.dat should automatically be recreated, but removing is also fine):

     215784 Aug  5 18:02  rb.dat
 5103914456 Aug  5 18:00  rb.m2v
   33437613 May  1  2016  rb.ogg
  705733047 May  1  2016  rb-orig.m2v
        808 May  1  2016 'road blaster.txt'
         12 Apr 30  2016  roadblaster.txt


Before anyone asks, there is no way this resolution will work on an overclocked Raspberry Pi 4. :) 


Windows Template for this 4K video: https://mega.nz/folder/t082hTgT#J9NiuIB9bl2pYSbj-jrjnQ



Edited by xxOToTOxx
Edit for sharp bitmapping
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I'm not great at Roadblaster, but a few play throughs and I didn't see any issues...


The last several minutes of video are blank filler with final test screens, so the 66 frame discrepancy will not be an issue.


Many, many thanks for this. I have been waiting for more up-scaled Daphne video besides the DL standards.


The other one that works is Cobra Command by LizardKing:


This is growing the collection nicely.... :very-good:

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Quick Windows tutorial install:

  1. Download Hypseus Singe https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe/tree/master/win32, and put the contents of the zip file into it's own directory. e.g. 'C:\Hypsesus Singe'
  2. Copy your existing Daphne ROM files (.zip) into the 'roms' sub-directory of Hypseus, exactly as you would in Daphne.
  3. Copy (or move) your video and framefiles into the sub-directory of Hypseus. This is up to you, but usually 'vldp' with a subdirectory of the game name:
C:\Hypseus Singe
+-- vldp
|    |
|    |-- roadblaster
|    |    |
|    |    |-- roadblaster.txt  (Frame file)
|    |    |-- rb.m2v
|    |    |-- rb.ogg
|    |    |-- rb.dat  (Don't copy .dat file from Daphne - it will be re-created)
+-- roms
     |-- roadblaster.zip (ROM file)


This will give you the ability to run Hypseus with the original ROM video.

  • Within C:\Hypseus Singe create a roadblaster.bat file with the following contents:
hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp/roadblaster/roadblaster.txt -nolinear_scale -fullscreen

  • Run the batch file and check it works.

(You can move other games in exactly the same way. Copy .bat file arguments from Daphne to the Hypseus .bat file you create.)


If all is good, let's put the 4K video in place.

  1. Within C:\Hypsuse Singe\vldp\roadblaster - rename rb.m2v to rb-orig.m2v
  2. Grab the 4K version of rb.m2v from https://mega.nz/file/18liQTiJ#526tBpn5iPLxoKgoadD84GsM6XjqIqcz9BXRJNnKCBM
  3. Place the 4K video as C:\Hypsuse Singe\vldp\roadblaste\rb.m2v replacing original file name and location.


You should not need to alter your bat file if running version 2.6.12, otherwise alter -x and -y to:

hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp/roadblaster/roadblaster.txt -nolinear_scale -x 2880 -y 2160 -fullscreen
  • And you are done. Run the bat file, you should see it recreate the .dat file and load 4K video.


You can download a zip file of the above install for Road Blaster 4K, which includes everything except the 4K rb.m2v which you will need to download separately from the Mega link above:


Windows Template for Road Blaster excluding 4K video: https://mega.nz/folder/t082hTgT#J9NiuIB9bl2pYSbj-jrjnQ


Footnote: There are other (optional) Hypseus arguments you can pass in the .bat file that did not exist in the original Daphne.

Check them out here: https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe#extended-arguments-and-keys

Edited by xxOToTOxx
Fixed Mega link
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15 hours ago, Scenix said:

@xxOToTOxx Many thanks, but the Mega m2v link reports an invalid decryption key! Could you please recheck?


Lol - sorry I have no idea where that link came from, I have changed it now, but it's the one above from @Nit3H8wk




Make sure you grab the latest Hypsues Singe (2.6.12) too, it will display 4k content, when available, by default now on these titles.


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Cobra command 1440x1080 M2V files from the MP4 provided by @LizardKing





Move/rename the existing .m2v files and replace with the HD versions. (See Road Blaster example above)


Windows Template, requiring only HD video from above:



Cobra Command (cobra, cobraab, cobram3, cobraconv):










Edited by xxOToTOxx
Add Windows template zip
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allright guys im running behind with the Singe stuff you guys put into work , whats the difference between Singe 2 & this project Hypseus .

Is it Possible to play Road Blaster with a wheel i believe the original cabinet had a steering wheel connected to it

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42 minutes ago, Moksi said:

allright guys im running behind with the Singe stuff you guys put into work , whats the difference between Singe 2 & this project Hypseus .

Is it Possible to play Road Blaster with a wheel i believe the original cabinet had a steering wheel connected to it


Hypseus is Daphne with modern SDL2 hardware acceleration - plus many added features, such as the ability to run all Daphne games with 4K video (when they become available).


Hypseus, like Daphne, runs the original arcade ROMS, so you get accurate arcade conversation gameplay (like MAME).


SLD2 has full joystick support, and Hypseus Singe has massively improved joystick configuration over Daphne which used SDL1.

So if your steering wheel is available to SDL2 joystick API, then it will work: https://wiki.libsdl.org/CategoryGameController and https://generalarcade.com/gamepadtool/


Hypseus Singe also has, as the name implies, Singe support. Again taking advantage of many improved features and SDL2 controls.

So again to give a comparison, it is pimped up Daphne Singe+ ...kinda.


All Singe games are fan created conversions of games, so are not arcade accurate, but offer differing levels of interpretation on the games. 


Hypseus Singe is based on the Singe 1 engine (with enhancements). Which means it can play certain ported Singe 2 games: https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus_singe_data


Some games designed specifically for Singe 2 will not run on Hypseus Singe and will offer extended features by a new engine implementation.


Hypseus Singe is used on a growing number of RetroPie type implementations, but is available for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and some Android platforms.



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Thanks for the info am excited to test it , especially the support for other controllers , is was hoping some one could fix the astron belt inverted y controls in the game in Daphne up=down and vice versa

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4 hours ago, Moksi said:

Thanks for the info am excited to test it , especially the support for other controllers , is was hoping some one could fix the astron belt inverted y controls in the game in Daphne up=down and vice versa


Yes you can reverse joystick axis in Hypseus Singe :)


It's not the easiest thing to document, but I have done my best. Read here: https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe/blob/master/doc/flightkey.ini


Specify an alternate config file to hypseus with the -keymapfile  argument. That way you don't need to keep altering the config file, and can make specific config per game.



hypseus.exe astron vldp -keymapfile flightkey.ini -framefile vldp\astron\astron.txt


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Great work im gonna test this for sure , one other thing i had trouble with is the accuracy with the older Daphne Singe ALG , i made a blank crosshair so that you cannot see the annoying cursor with these games but the accuracy was way off and also test menu didnt save i believe it crashed when i exit the test menu 


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2 hours ago, Moksi said:

Great work im gonna test this for sure , one other thing i had trouble with is the accuracy with the older Daphne Singe ALG , i made a blank crosshair so that you cannot see the annoying cursor with these games but the accuracy was way off and also test menu didnt save i believe it crashed when i exit the test menu 



Accuracy - what version of Hypseus are you running ? I just tested via remote desktop to ensure mouse alignment, and it was spot on in version 2.6.12.  Earlier versions could have some issues.


Also, ensure you checkout this repo, for sprite alignment improvements (although optional):   https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus_singe_data


Test Menu, you mean Service Screen ? Pressing  9 ?


Can you show the error from the command prompt when this fails ? 

Or the latest logfile in the logs sub folder...



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2 hours ago, xxOToTOxx said:


Accuracy - what version of Hypseus are you running ? I just tested via remote desktop to ensure mouse alignment, and it was spot on in version 2.6.12.  Earlier versions could have some issues.


Also, ensure you checkout this repo, for sprite alignment improvements (although optional):   https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus_singe_data


Test Menu, you mean Service Screen ? Pressing  9 ?


Can you show the error from the command prompt when this fails ? 

Or the latest logfile in the logs sub folder...



No not with Hypseus, i mean an older Daphne singe 1.0 version

i havent used the Hypseus version yet ,  but if the accuracy has improved over the old Daphne singe version thats awesome without crosshair.

With the older singe i tried to disable the crosshair in ALG but then after i exit it crashed

Im gonna  test Hypseus  very soon 

because the accuracy (without crosshair) with the old singe i found dissapointing



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40 minutes ago, Moksi said:

No not with Hypseus, i mean an older Daphne singe 1.0 version

i havent used the Hypseus version yet ,  but if the accuracy has improved over the old Daphne singe version thats awesome without crosshair.

With the older singe i tried to disable the crosshair in ALG but then after i exit it crashed

Im gonna  test Hypseus  very soon 

because the accuracy (without crosshair) with the old singe i found dissapointing




Oh ok,


It will be interesting to see your findings there....



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Il 8/8/2021 Alle 01:34, xxOToTOxx ha scritto:

Installazione rapida del tutorial di Windows:

  1. Scarica Hypseus Singe https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe/tree/master/win32 e inserisci il contenuto del file zip nella sua directory. ad es. 'C:\Hypsesus Singe'
  2. Copia i tuoi file ROM Daphne esistenti (.zip) nella sottodirectory "roms" di Hypseus, esattamente come faresti in Daphne.
  3. Copia (o sposta) i tuoi video e framefile nella sottodirectory di Hypseus. Questo dipende da te, ma di solito 'vldp' con una sottodirectory del nome del gioco:

|    |
|    |    |
|    |    |-- rb.ogg
     |-- roadblaster.zip (ROM file)


Questo ti darà la possibilità di eseguire Hypseus con il video ROM originale.

  • All'interno di C:\Hypseus Singe creare un file roadblaster.bat con i seguenti contenuti:

  • Esegui il file batch e verifica che funzioni.

( Puoi spostare altri giochi esattamente allo stesso modo. Copia gli argomenti del file .bat da Daphne al file Hypseus .bat che crei. )


Se tutto va bene, mettiamo a posto il video 4K.

  1. All'interno di C:\Hypsuse Singe\vldp\roadblaster - rinomina rb.m2v in rb-orig.m2v
  2. Prendi la versione 4K di rb.m2v da  https://mega.nz/file/18liQTiJ#526tBpn5iPLxoKgoadD84GsM6XjqIqcz9BXRJNnKCBM
  3. Posiziona il video 4K come C:\Hypsuse Singe\vldp\roadblaste\rb.m2v sostituendo il nome e la posizione del file originale.


Non dovresti aver bisogno di modificare il tuo file bat se stai usando la versione 2.6.12 , altrimenti cambia -x e -y in:

  • E hai finito. Esegui il file bat, dovresti vederlo ricreare il file .dat e caricare il video 4K.


Nota a piè di pagina: ci sono altri argomenti Hypseus ( facoltativi ) che puoi passare che non esistevano nella Daphne originale da aggiungere al file .bat.

Dai un'occhiata qui:  https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe#extended-arguments-and-keys



could make a complete zip file where you put in all the files and folders you just described ??

Except the rb.m2v file, I will download separately.

thank you

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On 18/08/2021 at 6:38 PM, snupello said:



could make a complete zip file where you put in all the files and folders you just described ??

Except the rb.m2v file, I will download separately.

thank you


Will call these "Windows Templates" from now on:


Road Blaster:



Cobra Command:



Thayer's Quest:

 https://mega.nz/folder/t082hTgT#J9NiuIB9bl2pYSbj-jrjnQ (Requires tq1.m2v & tq2.m2v from LizardKing's download)



Edited by xxOToTOxx
Added AXIS reversal to Cobra Command
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17 ore fa, xxOToTOxx ha scritto:


D'ora in poi chiamerà questi " modelli Windows ":


Blaster stradale:



Comando Cobra:




17 ore fa, xxOToTOxx ha scritto:


D'ora in poi chiamerà questi " modelli Windows ":


Blaster stradale:



Comando Cobra:



wow tks, fantastic :-)

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On 19/08/2021 at 1:51 PM, snupello said:

Thayer's Quest 4k for Hypseus where is ?


That was @LizardKing's work not mine:




However, that was for Original Daphne, not Hypseus Singe. This is one of the few games the original Daphne supported in HD.


But here is the Hypseus Singe Windows Template for Thayers Quest - just requires the two M2V files (tq1.m2v & tq2.m2v) from LizardKing's download:




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2 minuti fa, xxOToTOxx ha scritto:


Quello era @Re Lucertolail lavoro non è mio:




Tuttavia, era per Daphne originale, non per Hypseus Singe. Questo è uno dei pochi giochi che Daphne originale supportava in HD.


Posso creare un modello Windows per Thayer's Quest per Hypseus Singe se c'è bisogno/voglio.. ?


yes of couse...tks

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On 19/08/2021 at 5:17 PM, snupello said:

yes of couse...tks


Here is the Hypseus Singe Windows Template for Thayers Quest - just requires the two M2V files (tq1.m2v & tq2.m2v) from LizardKing's download:





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1 hour ago, snupello said:

tks a lot !!!

..but download di LizardKing where is




I think, you only need the "Link V6 to V7 Update Zip" - It has been some time since I downloaded.....





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16 ore fa, xxOToTOxx ha scritto:


Best !!! 

what are the Buttons for Coin and Start ??

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11 hours ago, snupello said:


Best !!! 

what are the Buttons for Coin and Start ??


Look in the 'hypinput.ini' file in the same folder - it is the replacement for 'dapinput.ini'

KEY_UP = SDLK_UP 0 0 -002
KEY_COIN1 = SDLK_5 0 0
KEY_COIN2 = SDLK_6 0 0


Note: Cobra Command uses a different config file called 'flightkey.ini' (below) - This reverses the UP/DOWN button and joystick axis.

KEY_UP = SDLK_DOWN 0 0 +002
KEY_DOWN = SDLK_UP 0 0 -002

Thayer's Quest has it's own keyboard layout:




Joystick buttons:


You will need to add Joystick button config yourself, as every joystick is different.


This will be the third (3rd) number, currently '0', on the button entries.

Further details are in the link to the config above.


Example: Joystick button 1 on your first joystick, assigned to KEY_START1 would look like this:

KEY_START1 = SDLK_1 0 002

Since 0 is reserved for special meaning, joystick button 0 is identified as 1. Button 1 is identified as 2, and so on - Read here again if this doesn't make sense.


This tool, might help in figuring out joystick button/axis numbers in SDL2 within Windows:  https://generalarcade.com/gamepadtool/

This on-line tool might also be useful: https://gamepad-tester.com/


But remember to add +1 to the button number in 'hypinput.ini'.


This is a config style inherited from Daphne.....




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hypseus-singe v2.6.14

This release adds absolute (EV_ABS) mouse input support to Singe.

This allows DolphinBar/WiiMote, and other lightguns, to observe resolutions correctly.


DolphinBar works out of the box in Mode 1 or 2


Sinden gun works out of the box, see button configuration discussion on GitHub


Enable in Singe arguments with -manymouse


New .bat files are provided in the repo zip file with ManyMouse activated.



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On 15/08/2021 at 6:45 PM, Moksi said:

No not with Hypseus, i mean an older Daphne singe 1.0 version

i havent used the Hypseus version yet ,  but if the accuracy has improved over the old Daphne singe version thats awesome without crosshair.

With the older singe i tried to disable the crosshair in ALG but then after i exit it crashed

Im gonna  test Hypseus  very soon 

because the accuracy (without crosshair) with the old singe i found dissapointing







According to a user in the GitHub repo, lightgun accuracy is spot on using the Sinden - DolphinBar also confirmed using the -manymouse argument:






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17 minutes ago, xxOToTOxx said:





According to a user in the GitHub repo, lightgun accuracy is spot on using the Sinden - DolphinBar also confirmed using the -manymouse argument:







Allright i have an aimtrak , maybe in the future ill get a jaybee , i dont like the border around my games unfortunately

im going to hookup my aimtrak again soon 


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5 minutes ago, Moksi said:


Allright i have an aimtrak , maybe in the future ill get a jaybee , i dont like the border around my games unfortunately

im going to hookup my aimtrak again soon 





If aimtrack registers as a 'Mouse' input, it should just now work.


'Absolute' mouse device input has been added, different to how a normal 'Relative' mouse sends input. 


This is required for accurate cursor placement for lightguns and other touch devices.


This was never present in the original Singe, and has to be activated with the '-manymouse' argument in Hypseus Singe.



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